
Sharing session across domain

Currently we are facing a problem with sharing a same session across subdomains. we are using Jboss server. Users access the site corresponding to their locale say en_US that has unique domain name. A cookie is created corresponding to the domain. Users are allowed to go to other locales that have different domain name. The problem is...

Storing page code on a JSP session

I have an options menu, over a jsp page, on which users explore items, that have sub-items, that have sub-sub-items and so on. Items are collapsable, so the user can see the hierarchy of the items he want. The menu is expanded manipulating the css using javascript and jquery. This menu is shown on all the pages of the application, and,...

PHP Session variable is set, but PHP doesn't see it. Very strange.

Okay, maybe this is because I've been coding for over 24 hours and my eyes are glazing over, but I'm stumped here. Why does this happen: <?php session_start(); $tmp = "index"; echo "A: " . $_SESSION['page_loaded']['index']; // returns 1 echo "B: " . $_SESSION['page_loaded'][$tmp]; // is set, but is empty ?> I feel like I'm missing s...

Extending Session Timeout in PHP

I want to up the time my users will stay logged into my site without getting automatically logged out after a period of inactivity. I'm tracking the logged in status using PHP sessions. Was having trouble tracking down a definitive source for how to do this. Any ideas? EDIT: OH! One more thing is, I want to control this from my .htacc...

how to send user ID across differnet application in ASP.Net?

Hello everyone, I have two web applications all are developed by ASP.Net. Now I want to provide a feature which enables the user to click from one URL in application site (one virtual directory of IIS) A to the other URL in application site B (another virtual directory of IIS). I have two ideas to implement them, but both of them have ...

What could cause Session Cookies to disappear mid-session?

I have a web application which uses a session cookie to keep users logged on. When they log on, the system generates a GUID which it associates with the User record in the database. The GUID which is then stored in a cookie so it can be then read on each page load and checked against the database entry. The code to set the cookie is qui...

is there a way to know how much RAM a session use?

I got in a session a class with type-safe variable; int, string, dataset, etc is there a way to find out how much memory is used by that session? thanks ...

Keeping same session with different user-agents

Is there a way to use the same session on different user-agents. I have a flash app that is generating a new session id on posting data to myHandler.ashx ( same happens on aspx ). Am i missing a trick here? ...

How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes?

I need to keep a session alive for 30 minutes and then kill it. ...

Tips on signed cookies instead of sessions

I'm considering ditching PHP's $_SESSION (i.e. the server-side session handling, to add some language-agnostic flavor) and using signed cookies instead, since I've heard so much good about them (Flickr uses them, so they ought to be good enough for me too). I understand the basic context of the technique: Use cookies freely to pass key-...

Accessing browser cookies from Flex

I'm building a Flex widget for a private vBulletin site, and the Flex widget needs to access an XML file on the vBulletin server in order to display data. For security reasons, the XML URL will need to have the value in the bbsessionhash cookie passed along in the URL request from Flex. The Flex widget will be embedded in the private ar...

Is my understanding of PHP sessions correct?

I've been interested in how sessions work internally, but I have little knowledge of C (and am unsure where to look in the PHP source for this). This is what I understand of sessions at the moment: When you start a session the user gets assigned a session id which is stored in a cookie. When session data is saved (via $_SESSION) it is...

Making all Apps on a Server Use SQL Session Manager

Is there any way to make all the applications on a server use SQL Server as the session manager? The reason is that we have a server with hundreds of applications and we want to start load balancing the server but it will be a big hassle to configure each individual application to use SQL Server as the session manager. It will also p...

Is it possible to have sessions with in Web Session.

Hi, I am developing an application where I need to support multiple instances of browser on same machine but with different user logins ! As far as if we open two different IE process instances, there will be different sessions on server side but same is not the case for Firefox (correct me if I am wrong). So is there any way I can some...

Upgrade from .NET 3.0 to 3.5: Sites set to StateServer revert to InProc when in Web Garden

Scenario: Take a server running .NET 3.0 and an ASP.NET Web site running in an application pool that has Web gardens enabled (number of processes: 3). The web.config configuration is as follows: <sessionState cookieless="UseCookies" cookieName=".authz" mode="StateServer" regenerateExpiredSessionId="true" ...

How can I unserialize session data to an arbitrary variable in PHP?

I want to unserialize a session_encode()'d string of session data to my own array (i.e. not to $_SESSION.) There doesn't appear to be an in-built function that handles this. There's session_decode() but it writes directly to the $_SESSION super-global. There's unserialize() but it returns false on session_encode()'d strings as they're...

How to best handle user state when multiple browser windows share same session?

I have a web application (Java, Websphere, JSP) which allows co-workers to register visitors to various company exhibitions. A user object is stored in the session which records the currently selected exhibition and this is used when entering the details of new visitors. One user has decided to open a second browser window which seems t...

Attaching events to Session OnStart and OnEnd using HttpModules

Does anyone know a clean way of adding events to Session's OnStart and OnEnd events using an HttpModule (without touching the Global.asax file)? ...

Session isn't passing over domain

In my rails app, when I log in at the address, I am logged in just fine. Although without logging out, I go to the site, I am logged out, but still logged in at the address if I go back. I can't find anything to set in my environment variables, any idea as to how to keep this session across all ...

Session expires using state server on application pool refresh

I have a .NET 1.1 application hosted on two different servers, but on one of them whenever the application pool is recycled, all sessions are dropped. Both applications are using “StateServer” session mode and as far as I could tell, both servers have exactly the same configuration and have the “ASP .NET State Server” service running. ...