
How to fill Database in Session ?

I am developing a java project where I do have to fill database from Zoho provides API for fatching data. I have developed java transformers for fatching data and using hibernate I feel database. This process, I do, running Main method from transformer. I want there a session to help filling database automatic...

get session data in rails

I'm new to rails coming from php, and I'm learning rails 3 with mongodb. I have got to the point where I have an html form post text to mongo, and i can create and login as a user. In the user login, i create a session with as created by nifty authenticate session[:user_id] = now I'm trying to get that user_id from the sessi...

Howto: pass a username and password back into a webview securely

I have a user's name and password stored in their preferences. How do I go about passing it back into the webview in a secure way? I know if I do this it will work, but it just seems bad. There has to be a better way to post the variables. webview.loadUrl(""+username+"&password="+somepassword); I've been loo...

Logging And Easily Viewing Large Amounts Of Session Data In Java

I need to set up a logging system for my java web application that not only logs the usual stuff (error message, error level, etc) but can also log additional information as well such as session ID. Sure I suppose I could put the session ID in the error message, but the problem is that I will end up logging lots and lots of data for lots...

why do we need to store sessions in a database sometimes?

I was told that one common reason of storing sessions in a database is to make it cross-server. But isn't a TCP connection persistent until one closes the browser? Why the next request may switch a different server? ...

How can I get authlogic to use the Rails session instead of its own cookie?

I would like authogic to never set a user_credentials cookie, and only use the standard Rails session cookie. I see Session is included in Authlogic::Session::Session::Base after Cookies. If I log into my app and then delete the user_credentials cookie, I still stay logged in. So apparently authlogic is storing the credentials in both p...

Google App Engine Cache List in Session Variable

Hi, I have a question about Google App Engine java implementation. I have been trying to port over an application to google app engine from mysql/tomcat. I have changed and tested most of the code on the google app engine local environment. The application works on the local google app engine but when it is deployed it does not work....

php variable session variables

Can i set session variables based on the variable input into the function. Such as: function check($value){ $_SESSION['$value']; //session checks } ...

Why is my session variable not set here?

Hi I am setting a session variable inside a function studNameDetails1() while I am trying to retrieve it in a function ViewMark(). These are my two functions but there is no result: function studNameDetails1() { $_SESSION['ATTsub']=$sub_id = $ID[5]; } function ViewMark() { echo $_SESSION['ATTsub']; } When I echo the va...

How to set up my login system?

I'm trying to figure out if it is better to store my user's data in a session cookie (like password, username, etc), and update that cookie only when I change the MYSQL database from my PHP, OR Store the user's username and user ID in a session cookie and reach out to the MYSQL database every time I need to get the user's data. Which ...

PHP sessions and cookies

We have a PHP site that our users as well as clients use. Our login system works fine on all browsers. Recently we came across a client who was unable to login into the system. We also tested the same on the clients side and failed to find a solution. When a client logs in a cookie tk_client_admin is created in the browser, this is cre...

Lose the value of $_SESSION[] when redirect

i have a problem, can't understund anyway. i have three files - index.php, admin.php, post.php in index.php i have <? session_start(); $_SESSION['login11_error'] = 'yes'; if(verifying username and password here, if they correct) { $_SESSION['login11_error'] = 'no'; header('Location: admin.php'); } ?> in admin.php i have <...

Destroy php session on page leaving

Dear all, I need to destroy a session when user leave from a particular page.I use session_destroy() on the end of the page but its not feasible for me.Because my page has pagination.Let my page is: abc.php?page=1 or abc.php?page=2 or abc.php?page=3. So, I need to destroy a session when a user leave from abc.php page.How can i do it wi...

gae-sessions returning None when deployed on App Engine

I'm using gae-sessions in my App Engine program, and I have the following function: def get_token(): session = get_current_session() access_token = session.get('access_token', None) The code that sets the session up is simple enough: session = get_current_session() session['access_token'] = token I've put error trapping in ...

PHP, print_r($_SESSION) doesn't show its content ?

hi, I want to see the content of the the array $_SESSION with the command print_r($_SESSION) but what I get is just the following output: Array () what am I missing ? thanks ...

Do session use cookies in ASP.NET ?

How can we make session, not use cookies ? ...

Do i login using cookies or sessions in a login system?

Do i login using cookies or sessions in a login system? I've seen examples using sessions and cookies so i am confused! Can someone please explain this? What do most sites use? love to know! Thanks in advance;-) ...

PHP switching tabs in browsers causes session not work and must relogin

Hello, I have a password protected area of a site that I use Sessions to allow the user to move from page to page of the protected area. However if I open new tab YET keep the other tab open (the one in the protected area) and then do somethings in the new tab and switch back then to the old tab I am forced to re login. I have tried set...

invalidate a cookie on password change

I use cookies to manage user sessions in my Rails app. I recently found that when a user changes the password, the cookie does not get invalidated as expected. As you realize, this could be a great threat to security. How should I handle this problem? I want to expire or invalidate a cookie once the user changes the password. How do I do...

My web host is adding ?PHPSESSID=fgh2h45... to the end of the URL...

I'm using host. In order to use PHP sessions in their host I need to add session_save_path('/home/users/web/.../cgi-bin/tmp'); at the start of each page (in my case only index.php because everything goes trough index.php first). Now, they automatically add the session id to the end of every URL requested like this: