
more persistent than session?

we have a application which use session (in-proc) for single user across pages, now they want to keep the data (eg. a shopping cart) more persistent, even they leave the web app, means close the browser, next time they login use same id, they want the data back, any solution in ASP.NET? If we save session in sql-server which I t...

can you clear all sessions without going through each individual one? (emulate the page closing)

Firstly, I am fairly new to server side scripting so I don't know if this question makes sense. Suppose a page has stored sessions for PHP, Perl and ASP. Is there a quick and easy way to emulate the browser being closed and re-opened to reset/destroy/clear all the sessions at once? Or would one have to go through the session clearing fo...

Using a session with php and Java

I'm currently trying to use the current session of a php web page from an applet. I tought it would be straightforward, but it didn't go as smooth as I tough. From the php man: session_start() creates a session or resumes the current one based on a session identifier passed via a GET or POST request, or passed via a cookie. From ther...

NHibernate ISession and automatically flushing/committing transactions in my unit of work.

I have created an IDbContext object that is provided to my IRepository implementations. The DbContext provides a way for my business logic to create, commit and rollback transactions and commits as needed. It also transports my NHibernate ISession, so my NHibernate implementation of IRepository can access it. I am using this setup in a ...

Hibernate Session closed problem!

The function below is the actionListener for a button I have in my web application, I am deleting the old chosen rows from a table in a database and inserting the new ones to the database. public void getSelectedExemptionItems(ActionEvent ae) { Session hibernateSession; Session hibernate2Session; selectedExemptio...

To use, or not to use, session_set_save_handler?

I'm playing around with creating a user login system in php. I have been studying this article ( as a way of approaching this. In the above article, the author uses a combination of $_SESSION and his own custom database table for storing user info. However... I have also come across numerous articles t...

Storing user specific data in java servlet?

A majority of my work has all been in .net, but this project was required to be done in java. So I have a question on handling session data. In .net, I would just do HttpContext.Session.Current in my classes and I would have access to the session data. But it looks like in java, I need to pass around the HttpSession object so I can d...

How to generate a key for a session cookie and when do we need it?

Excerpt from So how will it know it's me? Most sessions set a cookie on your computer to uses as a key... it will look something like this: 350401be75bbb0fafd3d912a1a1d5e54. My question is, in PHP, how to generate a key (e.g., 350401be75bbb0fafd3d912a1a1d5e54) for a session c...

Clearing out session data in a Rails application

I find it odd that rails doesn't have a standard way of clearing out old sessions (file, ActiveRecord, or otherwise). There's a rake task that deletes all of them, which is not what I need (need to only delete sessions older than X weeks). I can write a 3-line script and run it periodically easily enough, but wanted to first check if th...

does the same session continue or a new session is created for the same "USER" when

a user logs in from computer 'A' using firefox. by my understanding, a 'session is created for that user by the server' now, without closing the browser tab, user opens new tab and goes to the same page [that would require him to log in first] what will happen? will the server continue the same session, making the code recognize th...

Can multiple independent $_SESSIONs be used in a single PHP script?

I want to use two independent $_SESSIONs in a single PHP script. I have attempted to verify that this is possible using the following code. error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT); session_name('session_one'); session_start(); $_SESSION = array(); $_SESSION['session_one_var'] = 'test_one'; $output1 = ( "session_id(): '" . session_id() ....

Keep user state in Android

I am developing an Android app that needs to receive specific informations for each user. I made an authentication using GET and POST methods. Now I have the cookie delivered by the server when the username and password are correct. How do I store this data? I looked for but couldn't find the best way to store a session in Android. ...

Adding Custom WCF header to Endpoint Programatically for Reliable Sessions

I'm building a WCF router and my client uses Reliable Sessions. In this scenario when the client opens a channel a message is sent (establishing a Reliable Session?). Its contents is as follows: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a=""&gt; <s:Header> <a:Action s:m...

User Session in ASP.Net MVC App

Hi friends! In my web application ( mvc) I have an restrict area. In my model, I have an entity called "User" represents a user can do login/logout in web app. I've used Forms Authentication to login/out my users and everything works fine but, I'd like to know, if is there any way to save an entity (of the user logged) during the...

Rails3.0.0Beta4 setting session store to database

I am porting a Rails 2.3.8 app to Rails 3.0.0Beta4. I can't get the session to be written to the database instead of cookies. I do the following in config/environments/development.rb: config.session_store(:active_record_store) The session store is set correctly - I verify that by dumping config after the set. What am I missing? ...

session variables not carrying over from to

I was brought aware of this issue by some users on my website. A user many enter into their browser and then login. Then they may click on a link that brings them to it asks them to login again! Is this a known issue that anyone has encountered before? I tried googling it but im not sure if im using th...

goog app engine Problem with setting Attribute

Hi, I am having a little trouble getting an attribute that I am setting in one jsp page: pageContext.setAttribute("purchaser", purchaser, PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE); and by calling it in other parts of the site via This works in the google app engine development environment, but doesn't work once it is deployed to the real google ...

How to monitor session values?

Hi All, I am developing a web app. In that app, i am maintaining huge data map in the session. I deployed my app in Tomcat 6.0. Sometimes i am experincing heap space problem. How to increase the heap space? How do i maintain the session values? How to track the values in the sesssion? I am using netbeans 6.1 to develope the app. Is th...

Using session to reduce CPU load [PHP]

I have a page which performs following operations: Executes a query in a DB (More precisely, select u.user_uid, ut.user_metatada from users u, user_tag ut where u.uid=ut.uid. One user can have one or more metadatas) Generates an array of data based on result of the query Performs some complicated operation on these arrays (More about t...

Is it common to store a users password in a PHP Session?

New to php Sessions here. My stored user data is pretty minor and not very sensitive but of course I still want a secure site. I have stored their password hash in my db with salt. Do I need to validate a user on every page of my site using their password, or is that overkill? In other words, if they have successfully "logged in" and I ...