
Reliable duplex WCF service that doesn't block and has session management?

I need to create a WCF service (duplex, because it's also about Silverlight and a lot of localhost - stuff, it's a very complicated, legacy - bound situation here...) which will accept multiple sessions, is able to send notifications to multiple clients, and nothing must be blocking. So my first attempt was to create a class that employ...

Tomcat session management - url rewrite and switching from http to https

I'm an old hand at C but a raw newbie at Java/Tomcat. I'm fine with Tomcat session management in http alone. Its when I've come to look at switching to https that I've had problems. I gather for Tomcat that you have to start with an http session if you want to maintain a session as you switch from http to https and back to http. This ...

session_set_save_handler wamp crash

Hi, I am trying to use session_set_save_handler to allow me to save sessions within a mySQL database using the code below. Everytime I try to load the page I recieve an Application Error regarding the httpd.exe, as demonstrated by the image below. if I remove the following line the page works fine. ...

How to resolve exception that thrown when session.invalidate() called in OC4J (

How to resolve exception that thrown when session.invalidate() called in OC4J ( 10/06/22 07:46:39 ERROR: Error during SSO logout 10/06/22 07:46:39 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException 10/06/22 07:46:39 at oracle.adf.share.DefaultContext.loadEnvironment( 10/06/22 07:46:39 at oracle.adf.share.A...

SOA/Web Service Pagination

In SOA we should not be building or holding state (or designing dependencies) between client and server. This is understood. But what patterns can be followed in the case that a client wants to consume a real-time service that may return an open ended number of 'rows'? Web applications, similar to SOA but allowing for state (sessions) h...

How much time does Tomcat take to replicate sessions on redeploy

Hi everyone, We have a Tomcat cluster with two instances (version 5.5.25) running on a single machine. We use this to make sure our web page is available and that all sessions survive during redeployment. We were wondering if sessions could be lost during this procedure. Here is what we do: a) Application is running on tomcatA and t...

How to remove previous sessions in Rails, if user forget to logout and close the browser?

I store all session information in database. The user can login the system for do something. There are some restricted area required user login. If the user try to reach those area before login, the system will redirect them to login page. Sometimes user may close the browser without logout. If this happen, next time when he try to logi...

How to consume Session dependent WCF services using Ksoap2-Android

I am using Ksoap2-Android for consuming the WCF Services. For the dotnet client we keep the allowCookies="true" in our binding configuration and it sends the same sessionid and keeps my sessions intact in my WCF services (My services are interdependent and use the sessions). Any one know any such setting for ksoap2-android, that will a...

Asp.Net sharing session across multiple web applications?

I have to share session data between two different Asp.Net Application. The deployment of web apps are as shown below. WebSite --WebApp1 --WebApp2 I have to use same Session data between WebApp1 and WebApp2. Also WebApp1 and WebApp2 both share the same Domain( and AppPool What is the easiest way to make these...

PHP Login System with Sessions

Hi. Im using sessions for login systems in PHP. In all login examples, people directly uses "session_start()" function. But im confused about this. ============================================= On localhost, I have that files; http://localhost/app1/page1.php http://localhost/app1/page2.php http://localhost/app2/page2.php ==========...

Should I use static of non-static sessions?

I've recently taken on the database/hibernate side of our project and am having terrible trouble understanding some fundamentals of our design regarding the use of managed sessions. We have a util class containing a static session that is only initialised once. Retrieval of the session is used by every DAO in the system via a static met...

Authentication/Session cookie deleting after browser close

What are the exact steps required for a cookie to persist after a browser is closed? At the moment I have: createPersistentCookie set to true on LoggedIn event. MachineKey specified. Forms sliding expiration set to true. As long as the browser is open, the user will stay logged in, but as soon as it's closed, and it doesn't matter f...

Multiple web sits application visitor counter

I have a multiple web sits application. In this application different domains using the same pages. All pages inherit from base class named: PageBase wich inherit from System.Web.UI.Page. By using: HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"] i cen determine what is the domain and then get all the info i need for this...

How to Filter Repeated Cart Order ?

Hello, I am using WHMCS cart system which has encoded php files. WHMCS handles all my order processing as follow. STEP 1 : I look for the product and add to cart. STEP 2 : Here I configure added product for addons & all. But here is problem - Sometimes due to slow connection speed Or network/server unavailability browsers show "SERV...

WCF Session Service hosted in ASP.NET MVC 2.0 application

Hello, I have a must to host WCF Service using WCF Session mechanism. I've read but it is not enough... My simple scenearion: I have solution with 4 projects. First - SessionWCF.Base, it is simple Class Library that contains base interface IServiceBase for my service. using Syst...

Postback when session Expires in Ajax call

On one of my pages I have a div that uses ajax to load content asyncrohnously. When a session expires the user is supposed to be redirected back to the loggin screen. However, when the session expires and the ajax call is triggered the login page gets put inside the div. What I want is for the user to be redirected back to the login scre...

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by

<div id="left-body-part-innerpage"> <h1 class="mainheading">Contact Us</h1> <div id="contactus-right-div" class="content"> <?php session_start(); if( isset($_POST['button2'])) { if( $_SESSION['security_code'] == $_POST['security_code'] && !empty($_SESSION['security_code'] ) ) ...

button click save in session

i have two buttons . view and viewdaywise. i need to know which button is clicked right now. how to store that in session / or any other choice??? ...

PHP cURL isn't storing the session cookie... How to fix this?

Hi all, I am making a class to comunicate with our company API... I'm using curl to post data and retrieve the response in json. In the last part of the code (after the class), i log the user into the server (it gives true), but when i try to connect again with curl, he says that i'm not logged! I've done a google search already and adde...

What can cause a website to not always load

Roughly about 20% of the time when clicking on links in my website (, the site completely fails to load. I have tried removing and adding all code segments but to no avail... I've also asked the web hosts, but apparently the server is working normally. Does anyone have any suggestions about what could cause a web pag...