
How to unset the session in PHP Using Javascript?

How to unset the session in PHP Using Javascript? ...

Sharing user session variables between Magento and Symfony

Hi, One part of our website will be built using Symfony the other Magento. I would like to know if it is possible to share user session variables between two of them. Thank you! ...

Maintaining state and data context between requests in ASP.NET + EF4

I have a EF4/ASP.NET web application that is structured to use POCOs and generic repositories, based essentially on this excellent article. The application is relatively sophisticated with one page that involves selection and linking of multiple entities to build up a complex user profile. This requires access to multiple entity types (...

How to configure WCF service in IIS7: HTTPS, Sessions, wsHttpBinding (SOAP)

The situation: We have Windows 2008 web serverse with IIS7, (.NET4) We can comminicate with the webserver only through the default HTTPS (443) port There is an ASP.NET website hosted on the servers, the service is part of the website code. Some clients (desktop applications with WCF support) want to communicate with our new WCF ...

is it correct to unset the session variable for a particular index as the vay whole session is made unset in PHP?

is it correct to unset the session variable for a particular index as the vay whole session is made unset in PHP? I know this works: unset($_SESSION['bannersize']) But does this works ? : unset($_SESSION['bannersize'][3]) or is there any other way to unset any particular desired index of the session and then again rearrange the values...

HttpSessionState Where, How, Advantages?

You see the code below, how I did use the session variable; So the three questions are: Where are they stored? (Server or Client side) Are they unique for each web page visitor? Can I remove it using ajax or simple js code when my job is done with it? or it will be removed automatically..? . sbyte[][] arrImages = svc.getImagesForFi...

For how long are session values available in state server mode in

Hi, Can you guys let me know for how long the session values will be available when the mode is state server? Thanks! ...

Keep Accounts Logged In

We have an internal control panel that all employees in the office are logged into all day, including customer service. I'd like for it to be setup so that it keeps you logged in for 1 hour before your session expires. How can I change this in the PHP.ini? I made a change before I understood would keep the session open until the brows...

store multiple id's from first aspx page to next aspx page

i have my first aspx page that has data thatthe user fills in. it is in format of textbox's and at the end of it all the user clicks submit and all data goes in the database. In the database each record gets an ID field. Now when the users clicks submit and goes to the next page, i want the ID's (they could be 1 to 1000+) from the DB tha...

Multi page ordering form php or ajax

I'm looking to create a multi page ordering form the first page would contain some dropdown and text fields, the second page would contain more text fields, the third page would be an order summery with paypal payment option. I'm just wondering what the best way to create this order form is. I've used sessions in the past but never with...

Struts 2 session values

I need to pass some field values from one jsp to another jsp using Struts2 and action classes. Can any one suggest me the best way to do it. How to pass values using SessionAware interface? ...

Letting users try your web app before sign-up: sessions or temp db?

I've seen a few instances now where web applications are letting try them out without you having to sign-up (though to save you need to of course). example: try at I'm wondering about doing this for my own web app and the fundamental question is whether to store their info into sessions or into a temp user table?...

storing session data in mysql using php is not retrieving the data properly from the tables.

I have a problem retrieving some data from the $_SESSION using php and mysql. I've commented out the line in php.ini that tells the server to use the "file" to store the session info so my database will be used. I have a class that I use to write the information to the database and its working fine. When the user passes their credenti...

What is session management in Java ?

I have faced this question in my Interview as well. I do have many confusion with Session Scope & it management in java. In web.xml we do have the entry : <session-config> <session-timeout> 30 </session-timeout> </session-config> What does it indicate actually ? Is it scope of whole project ? Another poin...

grails Sql error

Hi, I was getting issue wen using new Sql method in grails . import groovy.sql.Sql def datasource def organization_config = new Sql(dataSource) def orgs = organization_config.rows("select o.organizationId, from organization o ") session.setAttribute("org_results", orgs); The application is running but getting these...

Wrong sessionID being used in callback, but only on one particular computer

I am writing a Python/Django web application that uses OAuth (for the TwitterAPI, not that it should matter). I am storing a session ID in my login function, and then after using OAuth to get the user's token, I try to retrieve the sessionID in my callback function. The callback function then always fails(throws an exception) because i...

Session is null in IRouteHandler.GetHttpHandler with routing

Hi, I'm trying to get Session enabled in the GettHttpHandler method of my IRouteHandler classes but session is always null. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? In global.asax I have RouteTable.Routes.Add("All", new Route("{*page}", new MyRouteHandler())); The MyRouteHandler class where Session is null looks like this: publi...

PHP Session timeout

I am creating a session when a user logs in like so: $_SESSION['id'] = $id; How can I specify a timeout on that session of X minutes and then have it perform a function or a page redirect once it has reached X minutes?? EDIT: I forgot to mention that I need the session to timeout due to inactivity. ...

User Inactivity Logout PHP

I want my users to be logged out automatically after X minutes of inactivity. I also want to have all sessions destroyed. How can this be done? How can I check for inactivity then perform a function to log them out??? ...

JSP session for each IP address or for each browser

I want to know whether one session is been created for each IP address or for each browser instance? I opened my JSP application in three browser windows. It creates three different sessions? Suppose I want to use a single session for multiple instance of browser, is it possible or not? ...