
Safari Back button not honouring PHP logout session

I've got a logout.php page which ends a user's session and works well and does the following: session_start(); session_unset(); session_destroy(); I've just noticed when testing with Safari that when you logout you can click the back button to return to the previous page which requires authentication but are not prompted. You cannot na...

Creating a UserSession In Authlogic On the Fly

We're using authlogic, and we want to have a user accounted created and the user logged in on the fly when the user visits certain pages. We have a function that we run as the before_filter on the actions where we want the user created on the fly: # # Require user account, create an anonymous if no account # def require_user...

How to identify what locked PL/SQL package (Oracle

I was trying to recompile PL/SQL package and no avail. because something obtained the lock and that wasn't released for long time. As soon as I kill all sessions I was able to recompile but encounter the same behavior (i.e. locked package) and I wonder what tools are avail to identify what could of obtain it and never release it? This ...

how to pass session variable to model in RoR?

I used a global variable in my app for passing information before. But I got a problem and thanks everyone here suggested me to store those data in session with database. I tried, but I found that I can't access the session variable in Model. I googled and knew this is the Model normal behavior, RoR won't pass the session variable to Mo...

Saving images only available when logged in

Hi, I've been having some trouble getting images to download when logged into a website that requires you to be logged in. The images can only be viewed when you are logged in to the site, but you cannot seem to view them directly in the browser if you copy its location into a tab/new window (it redirects to an error page - so I guess t...

domain -> subdomain - passing session data

Howdy, having a little trouble here. I have setting a session. When I click on a link on to go to the session is not being read. I have altered session.cookie_domain to not still not working. Is there anything else that needs changing? Regards, me. ...

Should values kept in Tomcat Session be set to null when session is being destroyed?

Should values kept in Tomcat Session be set to null when session is being destroyed? Or they are automatically destroyed? We had a problem with multiple .ser files in tomcat folder. Could that be because we do not set values kept in session to null after using them ? ...

Session check before every page load?

Is there a way you can call a function, or make a file that runs before every page load. I want to be able to check if they have a valid session before showing the page. ...

Ending php sessions for debugging purposes

Hi, This might be very easy to do, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Basically, I have a loosely couple web-app written in python and php. The python code uses PHP sessions (generated from the PHP app when the user logs in) to check if the user is logged in/has permission to access the given python resource. My question is thi...

PHP Session Management, Counting Users With Cookie

I want to, upon loading the page, store a cookie in the user's browser. Then, using AJAX, count the number of users with that cookie and send it off to a database row every 1 second or so. How is this accomplished? ...

Adding keys to superglobals in php

Is there any way by which I can add keys to superglobals in php without defining the corresponding values to those key? For example: $_SESSION['key']='set';//key` automatically gets defined. But I want to do something like this add_key($_SESSION,'key')//key is added to $_SESSION array. Is it possible? ...

PHP Session problem, copying object rather than just value

Hello, I'm having some trouble using sessions with php.. I think I have figured out why, it seems that when I set the session variable it is copying the entire SimpleXMLElement object rather than just the value stored in said object. How can I make sure to just store the value in my session variable?? Here are some code snippets: $re...

What is the difference between Session.Abandon() and Session.Clear() in ASP.Net?

What is the difference between Session.Abandon() and Session.Clear() in ASP.Net? ...

Session lost after page redirect in php

When I use php header redirection all session variables are lost... Some people say that adding exit(); just after the header(""); will solve the problem but it doesn't seem to be the solution... Can anyone please help? Here is how I store variable into the session: include 'dbc.php'; $err = array(); foreach($_GET as $key => $value)...

How to expire session due to inactivity in Django?

Our Django application has the following session management requirements. Sessions expire when the user closes the browser. Sessions expire after a period of inactivity. Detect when a session expires due to inactivity and display appropriate message to the user. Warn users of a impending session expiry a few minutes before the end of t...

How to merge or copy anonymous session data into user data when user logs in?

This is a general question, or perhaps a request for pointers to other open source projects to look at: I'm wondering how people merge an anonymous user's session data into the authenticated user data when a user logs in. For example, someone is browsing around your websites saving various items as favourites. He's not logged in, so the...

Does Ruby-on-rails require sticky sessions? Can the ORM handle multiple db's or does it have a session like hibernate?

Does Ruby-on-rails require sticky sessions? Are they any scenerios where a user HAS to be using the same server ? Can the ORM handle multiple db's or does it have a session like hibernate? Meaning, can I have a single installation of the web application, yet have all my clients run on their own instance of mysql or their own seperate ...

Can a browser maintain multiple sessions with one server?

Is there a way to maintain multiple sessions with one server within the browser? Here is what I am trying to accomplish: User1 has exclusive access to ContentA and User2 has exclusive access to ContentB. I want to be able to allow User3 to login multiple times, to allow access to ContentA and ContentB. I admit that this scenario seems ...

Advanced PHP sessions

Hey everybody, i'm looking for an advanced tutorial about PHP sessions. With a deep understanding of how they works, avoiding to get into the PHP code. Thanks! ...

Can maintain session state when using Server.Transfer() ?

Can maintain session state when using Server.Transfer() ? ...