
Is it possible to create sessions (like php sessions) with C# WCF WebHttpBinding?

Is it possible to create sessions with C# WCF WebHttpBinding? (Something like like php sessions with cookies and so on) ...

How to use two sessions for one user in codeigniter ?

I am using the cart class for a shoping cart. Now I want to use the Simplelogin library, but the cart session is erased when I login. How can this be solved ? It is possible to use two sessions for one user ? Or maybe merge all in the same session ? ...

PHP: session isnt saving before header redirect

Hi guys, I have read through the php manual for this problem and it seems quite a common issue but i have yet to find a solution. I am saving sessions in a database. My code is as follows: // session $_SESSION['userID'] = $user->id; header('Location: /subdirectory/index.php'); Then at the top of index.php after the session_...

facebook infinite session key javascript

Looking to run through something very similar to ( but using javascript instead. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? ...

Cross domain secure cookie usage?

I have a website that came with a SSL site for HTTPS but its on a different server. Example being my website: my SSL site: So I can do transactions over HTTPS and we have user accounts and everything but it is located on a different domain. The cookie domain is set f...

How can I save a field (username) to a cookie/session in my ASP.Net application?

I'm going to ask a user to login first, then when I'm going to save information I'm going to have to save the information and associate it with the logged in user. How should I handle this with session? ...

What's wrong with my SQL statement, something isn't working.

I have this very simple method called to check if a user has a correct password. Any help on why it isn't working? This is for Microsoft SQL Server. public bool UserNameExists() { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("CONNECTION STRING AQUI!")) { con.Open(); try { ...

Problem with two servlet engine cookies-based sessions in one browser

Recently we met problem with sessions in our Java web app hosted in Tomcat. Sometimes our users share one computer and browser for working with web app. Web app uses cookies-based sessions. Web app has page with same HTML form but with specific data for each user. Let`s imagine that User1 passes authentications and loads this form wi...

How 2 avoid session sharing wch is adopted by IE8 ?

See guys my problem is not my application. Its working fine if i am logging in by one user, but when I am logging in by multiple user through through different user from different instances of IE8 browser my later session datas are overriding the formar one, this is b'coz both the IE browser are using same session id. Its happening becau...

details of request.getSession() statement?

I understand that if we use the following statement HttpSession session = request.getSession(); Will create the Unique session id, Create Cookie and associate Cookie with the Session id. and helps the container to keep track and identify the clients. Yes, My question, is there a possibility for me to see the cookie header and Unique...

Drupal how to set session or cookie?

Hi, i jus friend reference function so i pass the user id through url like below i need to set this as a session or cookie which access to all modules in drupal 6. if i set session it return for tht particular module . set cookie is not workin at all. $user->new_property works only on particular page where se...

Check by id if an session exists, without renewing the session's lifetime

Hello, I'm working in a RIA. We use Memcached to store sessions, and I've installed and my PHP session handler looks like this: $session_save_path = "tcp://$host:$port?persistent=1&weight=2&timeout=2&retry_interval=10, ,tcp://$host:$port "; ini_set('session.save_handler', 'memcache'); ini_set('ses...

checking session in servlet and jsp

Hi, In my web application i neet to check session already exist or not. i want to check this in my servlet and in jsp also. is there any way to check this. Thanks ...

Rails cookie being set, session variable in cookie readable, session not readable

When setting session variables using cookie store in Rails 2, I can see the _domain_session variable being set as expected, and it shows up in the cookies in my browser. However, whenever I try to access the request.session hash, it's always empty, except for immediately after setting the session. # In a controller Rails.logger.debu...

Debugging IIS7 SSL and Session settings for 2 identical sites but function differently

We have a dedicated Windows Server 2008 server for ASP.NET e-commerce website. Both our beta and production sites run on the same server although under different sites and app pools. and Both sites have the same code base (both code and database). All pages are non-SSL except for the checkout page (...

Securely persist session between and on rails app

My rails site posts to a secure host (e.g. '') when the user logs into the site. Session data is stored in the database, with the cookie containing only the session ID. The problem is that when the user returns to a non-https page, such as the home page (e.g. '') the user appears to hav...

MySQL Insert Query Randomly Takes a Long Time

I am using MySQL to manage session data for my PHP application. When testing the app, it is usually very quick and responsive. However, seemingly randomly the response will stall before finally completing after a few seconds. I have narrowed the problem down to the session write query which looks something like this: INSERT INTO Session...

How to call a EJB session bean from PHP?

Is there any way to call an EJB session bean from PHP? Are there any specific functions to do that? ...

Domain entities into (ASP.NET) Session, or better some kind of DTOs?

Currently we put domain objects/entities into our ASP.NET sessions. Now we considering moving from InProc sessions to state server. This requires that all objects inside session are serializable. Instead to annotate all objects with the [Serializable] attribute, we thought about creating custom-session objects (DTO Session Objects?), w...

How to share a session with a Erlang application

I need to create a chat in Erlang. Is there a way to share the session between PHP and Erlang applications ? ...