
Windows Azure SDK - ASPProviders example

Hi, since the new SDK 1.1 is missing the tutorial for "ASPProviders", i am currently asking myself how i would implement a "azure session state provider" ( this is the path in the "old" SDK: C:\Program Files\Windows Azure SDK\v1.0\Samples\AspProviders ) Related threads:

Rails 2.3 - Storing sessions in different schema

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Calling a SLSB with Seam security from a servlet

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PHP Beginner: How to pass PHP variable from one PHP code segment to another ?

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how to make a session persistent with .net

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My Rails session is getting reset when I have concurrent requests

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facebook auto loggin

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lost session after redirect_to

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How should I implement lazy session creation in PHP?

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How to Synchronize Session / Security between ASP.NET and Tomcat?

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could not initialize proxy - no Session (Grails Runtime Exception)

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PHP How can I store Facebook session for further uses

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Storing PLSQL stored-procedure values in Oracle memory caches for extended periods

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IStatelessSession insert object with many-to-one

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set expire time for a session

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Clear Session in ASP.Net

I want to clear the session on Page unload. Here is a condition : If user goes from Page A to Page B of the same site session must not get cleared. If user close the browser window or Tab(close the site),session must gets cleared. I have tried using AJAX PageMethod to call server-side procedure to remove session from client side sc...

Changing expiry on ASP.NET's Session State cookie

I'm using ASP.NET Session State to keep track of logged in users on my site. However, one problem I'm running into is that by default ASP.NET session cookies are set to expire when the browser closes. I've tried setting my own ASP.NET_SessionId cookie and modifying the cookie's expiry using something similar to the following code: R...

Sessions not persisting between requests

My session objects are only stored within the request scope on google app engine and I can't figure out how to persist objects between requests. The docs are next to useless on this matter and I can't find anyone who's experienced a similar problem. Please help. When I store session objects in the servlet and forward the request to a JS...

Opening a New Window in a New Session with Javascript in Internet Explorer 8

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Django message doesn't expire

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