
Best method in PHP to make a user logs in from one machine at a time.

Can you please suggest me a best method in PHP to make a user logs-in from only one machine at a time. ...

php code works with mamp but not on ubuntu server

Hello, I have start looking at a twitter php library, but i can't get it to work on my ubuntu server, but on my mac, with mamp it works without any problems. This is the code that don't won't to work on my server, but in mamp. Yes i have edit config file <?php /* Start session and load library. ...

How do you inspect your own session hash when visiting a website?

I am interested to see what people are storing in my session and cookies when I visit websites. Is there any way to see what's in there between request and when I'm on pages in Safari, Chrome, or Firefox? ...

Session timeout issue

I have a role based ASP.NET C# web application in which I am putting the menu object inside a session and I have a session timeout configured in the web.config as below: <forms defaultUrl="Home.aspx" loginUrl="Login.aspx" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" timeout="10"></forms> I first logged into the system as an employee and waited until the se...

How to deal with Denial of Service attack and Session fixation and Cross Site request forgery in Rails?

Hi, I have just started learning Ruby on Rails. I happened to look for prevention of DNS attacks in Rails and ended up reading about DNS, Session fixation and Cross Site request forgery in Rails? How do you prevent all the above three attacks?? Could you suggest me a good tutorial on how to deal with attack in RoR? Looking forward f...

Internet Explorer randomly drops sessions between pages in cakePHP

Hello everyone, I've come across an extremely unusual bug that my team has literally no idea how to solve. Doing some research, I found some similar solutions that I thought would work, but alas did not. Here is my situation, let me know if I can provide additional insight to help solve the problem. The first step is that someone choos...

Cross domains sessions - shared shopping cart cross domains

Hi, we are solving the problem with eshop (php, mysql). The client want to have the same eshop on two domains with shared shopping cart. In the shop customer can do the shopping without users account (can't be logged in). And there is the problem, how to make the shared shopping cart cross domain. The data from cart is stored in sessi...

New Session is created between consecutive servlet request from an Applet and a managed bean??

Hi, I want to pass parameters betweeen applet and jsf components So when a value of a input textbox changed, its binding backing bean makes connection to a servlet. The servlet create an attribute and save to HttpSession using (request.getSession(true)).setAttribute(name, value); Then at some event, applet will access another servlet. ...

Using Session in Silverlight using simple WebServices (NOT WCF)

Hi, I need to use Session variables in my Silverlight application ( Using Visual Studio 2008, and Silverlight 3). I am already using a webservice (not WCF service) and would like to know if I can add two methods say GetSessionVariable and SetSessionVariable in my existing WebService Class? Any assistance with sample code would be great...

garbage collection in session will take place when session managing with database in php?

How or when garbage collection with session will take place in case of session managing with database in php? I done session management with database. But it is not deleting the user details who completed the time of expiration. ...

How to create a session in PHP when there is a session on the same domain in Rails?

I have a Rails app on a subdomain -, and a PHP app on another subdomain - When a user is logged into the Rails app, I would like to give them a session so that I can log certain events about that user in the PHP app but in the same database of the Rails app. I would essentially just expose an API that requ...

ASP.NET Session Timeouts too early

I'm trying to create a log when an authenticated user creates a new session, but for some reason I've run into odd behavior. For testing I set my Session timeout to 2 minutes in web.config: <sessionState cookieName="AppName_SessionId" timeout="2" /> And in Global.asax.vb I have the following code to log: Sub Session_Start(ByVal se...

ASP.NET 'Session.Remove(key)' v/s 'Session(key) = nothing'

I've seen developers use two approaches when they are done with a session object. 1) Session.Remove(key) 2) Session(key) = nothing What is the better approach of the two above? Does Session.Remove dispose the object stored automatically? Does the second approach depend on the garbage collector to actually free up the memory? EDIT: ...

How to set session timeout dynamically in java web applications?

Hi, I need to give my user a web interface to change the session timeout interval. So, different installations of the web application would be able to have different timeouts for their sessions, but their web.xml cannot be different. Is there a way to set the session timeout programatically, so that I could use, say, ServletContextList...

Inconsistent Session data from IE - cached sessions???

I'm trying to prevent some basic click-fraud on my site, and am building links based on session time data. Everything works in FF, but in IE the information I'm storing in the session is somehow being changed. When I load up the main page, I set my session variables like this session_start(); $_SESSION['time']=time(); I'm out putt...

Storing Sessions in a DB in PHP - keep getting mysql error

Hi guys, I want to store all my sessions in a DB and have read up on this and implemented the following class: <?php /** * This class handles users sessions and stores the session in the DB rather than in a file. This way stops any * shared host security problems that could potentially happen. */ class sessionHandler { /** ...

Writing in two sessions from the same file (PHP)

Hi, I want to make it possible for the administrator to log in as a fontend user from the backend. Right now I'm using two sessions (sessions with different names), one for the admin and one for the frontend. Is it possible to write in the first session, close it and then open a new session? This is a simplified version of what I atte...

Problem with session based login after moving relevant files to site root

I have a site which I have been testing in a sub-folder of my client's site-root. I had no log in problems during testing, but then I moved the new site files from a sub-directory to the main site root, and now I'm losing my logged in state after almost every page refresh in secure areas. I am running a $_session based login system that...

Intermitant Sessions

Hello I have a site I'm deploying and I've hit a problem. I was testing my code in a sub-directory of my clients hosting package and everything seemed fine. However I've moved the folders/files to the site root and now I'm intermittently losing all session data. I've taken a look with LiveHeaders in Firefox and these cookies are being ...

CF Client Variables: is the CDATA - CGLOBAL relationship always 1:1?

Hi We've noticed something odd with our Coldfusion 8 client variables DB. We have many more (about 3 times as many) CGlobal entries as we have CData entries. I would have assumed that the relationship would be 1:1 on the cfid column. Has any one else noticed this before? I have ruled out old data, my sample is less than 3 hours old. W...