
Storing Credit Card Numbers in SESSION - ways around it?

I am well aware of PCI Compliance so don't need an earful about storing CC numbers (and especially CVV nums) within our company database during checkout process. However, I want to be safe as possible when handling sensitive consumer information and am curious how to get around passing CC numbers from page to page WITHOUT using SESSION...

Manually start session with specific id / transitioning session cookie between domains

My host requires me to use a different domain for SSL secured access (shared SSL), so I need to transition the user session between two domains. One part of the page lives at, while the SSL'd part is at As such I can't set a domain-spanning cookie. What I'm trying to do is to transition th...

how to check and alert the user if the session object's capacity exceeds the memory .

hi i was working on a application developed in asp &, i want alert the usersif the session capacity exceeds the memory limit. how can i alert the user if the session object's capacity exceeds the memory . ...

PHP session values lost after redirect on one script but preserved after redirection on another.

On my registration script i have: // Save registration information into the database // Set sessions $_SESSION['var1'] = 'somevalue'; $_SESSION['var2'] = 'anothervalue'; header('Location: /somewhere'); exit(); Then on my login script i have: // Check if user provided correct login credentials if (correct) { $_SESSION['var1'] = ...

I call session_start() the script hangs and nothing happens

I am running php5, however as soon as I call session_start() the script hangs and nothing happens. Is anyone else experiencing this problem, or am I doing something incorrectly? I am using session_start() on index.php and for some reason sometimes it'll fail. No warnings, no errors, no notices, not even after prepending error_reporting(...

Change mapping in the session

I have a Informatica session which is linked to a wrong mapping. How do i change the mapping from M1 to M2 in the same session S1 and Workflow W1 WITHOUT importing/exporting as XML and making the changes ??? ...

Sharing a session between vBulletin forum and microblogging platform

Hello, I need to integrate vBulletin 4.0.3 Publishing Suite with microblogging platform. The first thing I need to do is make these 2 to share 1 session so a user logged in vBulletin forums will also be logged in to and vice versa. I have installed different vBulletin components under different subdomains: forum...

Difference between "InProc" & "stateServer" mode in SessionState on ASP.NET

Hey, like the title shows I want to know what is the difference between "InProc" & "stateServer" mode in SessionState on ASP.NET. Thanks ...

Control user actions with jQuery

Hi everyone, I want to write javascript that will kill sestion on the web page if user did not make any action for some time taken from configuration. How can I know that user did not make any actions by using jQuery. Thanks a lot. ...

Maintaining the session even after the browser is closed

Hello, Could anyone tell how to maintain a session (in PHP) so that the session contains are preserved and are accessible even after the browser is restarted. In general a session expires with the closing of a browser, but I want the session NOT TO BE CLOSED so that the session data's can be accessed the next time the browser is used. ...

Issues with PHP 5.3 and sessions folder.

I recently upgraded to PHP 5.3 and since then I get (sporadic) error messages which indicate Apache (or may be the cleaner of the session files) has no permissions to the folder where the sessions are stored. This happens randomly and can't be reproduced with exact steps, which led me to guess it is the session cleaner. Any one has any e...

Excel, Php, and sessions

Hi! I want to export an Excel table with PHP. That table contains links to the actual website. The problem is that these links can only be seen by an authenticated user. When I click the links in the Excel file, even if I've logged in to my website (so technically there is a session already started), the page won't open, but instead redi...

way to fix number of concurrent sessions allowed at app level. django

Hi, How can I fix number of concurrent sessions allowed at app level? Basically I want a limit to how many concurrent requests to this url to keep the server from getting congested. I guess some middleware hack? Thanks. ...

How to configure a session timeout for Grails application?

In one of controllers in my Grails application I'm preserving a parameter value in a session variable like this: session.myVariable = params.myValue After that, I can access the saved value from different controllers/GSP-pages as long as I actively use the app. However, if I don't use my app for a while, even though my browser win...

Where should we manage session objects in an ASP.NET application?

I am developing a 3-tired ASP.NET C# web application and was wondering where should the sessions be managed. I have a SessionManager class as follows: public sealed class SessionManager { private const string USER = "User"; private SessionManager() { } public static Se...

Make HTML tag in PHP

Hello, I have some php code $_SESSION['username'] and I need to display it using html with something like <p>the username here</p>. I heard you might be able to do this using echo in PHP but Im not sure how. Thanks for any help. ...

Flex 3 / ColdFusion Session Issue?

Alright so this is an odd one... I have an application built in ColdFusion with a lot of the interactivity done with Flex. When a user logs in, there are session variables, as well as the client session that is evoked. When you browse to any given Flex Application, the variables are read in a used accordingly... however, on Windows (it s...

What is the purpose of WCF reliable session?

The documentation around this topic is poor. I use WCF services with NetTcpBinding hosted in Windows service. The problem is that a session is dropped when it is inactive for some time. What I need is the session which is always alive. Is WCF reliable session something that can help? Or I can just play with timeout settings? ...

Session Hijacking Protection in ASP.NET

Hi, I'd like to find out what session ID hijacking protection is built into the current version of ASP.NET. I recently saw this very informative article that explains how session security can be enhanced by implementing an additional layer that encodes the IP address and user agent header into the session id. These details are then ve...

NCache doesn't seem to contain my Session data

In my web.config for my very simple web app I have the code: <sessionState cookieless="false" regenerateExpiredSessionId="true" mode="Custom" customProvider="NCacheSessionProvider" timeout="20"> <providers> <add name="NCacheSessionProvider" ...