



Alright so this is an odd one... I have an application built in ColdFusion with a lot of the interactivity done with Flex. When a user logs in, there are session variables, as well as the client session that is evoked. When you browse to any given Flex Application, the variables are read in a used accordingly... however, on Windows (it seems XP and maybe others) for some reason session information like USER are randomly undefined...

Could this be an issue with the session timing out? Even if I force a logout and log back in, it doesn't really seem to fix the issue... mind you, I cannot duplicate the bug myself, but it constantly happens on PCs.


The main issue (though there were smaller issues that Henry pointed out for me) was url specific paths.

The underlining issue is that each server is different. If you migrate your software to a new server, don't assume that everything will work under the new conditions.
