
How to pass the session from frontend to backend in joomla site

I am in need of using of session to check for login. I set the session at the frontend and now i need to check the same session at backend so as to check for successful login. Frontend $session =& JFactory::getSession(); $session->set('username', "abc123"); backend $session =& JFactory::getSession(); echo $session->get('username'); ...

Using Session Variables inside an ajax document

Hi, For some reason I've having problems reading this session variable within an ajax document, I've got this inside online.php: ` session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) { $username = $_SESSION['username']; } ` For some Reason this is not setting username even when the session var is being used on the host page, i ca...

Static Property losing its value intermittently ?

Is there something fundamentally wrong with the following design, or can anyone see why would the static properties sometimes loose their values ? I have a class library project containing a class AppConfig; this class is consumed by a Webforms project. The skeleton of AppConfig class is as follows: Public Class AppConfig Implemen...

Rails - session information being cleared?

Hi! I'm having a weird issue that I can't track down... For context, I have resources of Users, Registries, and Giftlines. Each User has many Registries. Each Registry has many Giftlines. It's a belongs to association for them in a reverse manner. What is basically happening, is that when I am creating a giftline, the giftline itself i...

JSF session issue

I have got a situation where I have list of records say 10,000, I am using datatable and I am using paging,(10 records per display). I wanted to put put that list in the session as: facesContext........put("mylist", mylist); And in the getters of the mylist, I have public List<MyClass> getMyList() { if(mylist== null){ my...

Session variables not getting set but only in Internet Explorer and not on all machines

Logging into a site I'm working on functions as expected on my local machine but fails on the remote server but ONLY in Internet Explorer. The kicker is that it works in IE locally, just not on the remote machine. What in the world could cause this? I have stepped through the code on the remote machine and can see the entered login valu...

PHP session cookie sessionid

in PHP i used session and cookie not urlrewriting with PHPSESSID. but when i opened cookie then i saw the key value pair.but one of them is path : / what does path mean,can you explain elaborately. if i change the path value to /abc/cdddddddddd/efc then what does that mean? ...

comparing Session value problem in php.

if ($_SESSION['user_email']!=$_SESSION['ship_user_email']) { $to= $_SESSION['ship_user_email']; mail($to,$subject,$mail_html,$headers); } there is problem in comparing values of both session. value is different but code not working. ...

Rails 3: How to handle sessions in test scope?

Hi, coming from rails 2.3.5 I am used to do something like that: class MyControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase test 'should get index if logged in' do session = method_to_create_a_valid_session # in test_helper.rb get :index, {}, {:id =>} assert_response :success # redirect would happen if not lo...

get or session?

i have a login form, which is in login.php. after authorization i moove client to some.php file! so, from following two methods, which is better? i can send information aboud user id e.t.c by GET i can use SESSION - s for this what is more preferred? and two words about why i ask this question. i hear somewhere that SESSIONs aren't ...

Session variables survives after logout

Hi guys! I have a problem, will explain how to reproduce the problem: 1- login into my page (sesion variables set as $_SESSION['logged'] = true and $_SESSION['id'] = 123 2-then inside the main menu I click logout option, code like this function logout() { session_start(); $_SESSION['id'] = null; $_SESSION['logged'] = nu...

How do I keep track of the session for each servlet request, until I use it? Singletons wont work?

For each servlet request I get, I pass, perhaps, 10 methods before I am at where I need to check something in the session and I need the HttpSession. The only way I can get the HttpSession is from the HttpServletRequest, correct? How do I keep track of the session for each servlet request? Unfortuantly I cannot simple make a singleton ...

Why jquery ajax not sending session cookie

I am getting logged out when I send request by ajax in a login session. I check headers sent by FireBug and show there was not cookie ...

ColdFusion Session Variables

Do the session variables in coldfusion expire or purge before the specified limit? Like say if the expiration is set to 24 hours, and the user only interacts with them for 10 minutes, do they expire if there not being used before the 24 hours? ...

Change from "Session" to "StatelessSession" and I can fetch my Class complete

I use a stateless session and the follow HQL. CreateQuery("select a from Address a") My Address Class has many BankDetails but i can't access. If i use a normal session it works. What can I do? ...

ASP.NET: Session.SessionID changes between requests

Why does the property SessionID on the Session-object in an ASP.NET-page change between requests? I have a page like this: ... <div> SessionID: <%= SessionID %> </div> ... And the output keeps changing every time I hit F5, independent of browser. I've seen this work correctly in other projects. ...

Unable to pass variable data

I am trying to use the following code to pass information to another site but it keeps giving me an error: Invalid Code: $a = $b->doIt("James",$_SESSION['JNum'],"Frank"); Valid Sample Code: $a = $b->doIt("James","123456","Frank"); In the first example, the page returns "number field is required". The second piece of sample code r...

Hibernate Session flush behaviour [ and Spring @Transactional ]

I use Spring and Hibernate in a web-app, SessionFactory is injected into a DAO bean, and then this DAO is used in a Servlet through webservicecontext. DAO methods are transactional, inside one of the methods I use ... getCurrentSession().save(myObject); One servlet calls this method with an object passed. The update seems to not b...

Ensure a new session every time the user connects to a Servlet

Hi, I've a JSP/Servlet Web App that consist of more than one servlet (and some JSPs) I need to create an new HttpSession whenever the users access servlet A, knowing that, servlet A is the home page (i.e. he access it as the first servlet/page in the application) so far so good, I can write the following code at the start of the servl...

Ajax progress with PHP session

I have an app that processes images and use jQuery to display progress to the user. I done this with writing to a textfile each time and image is processed and than read this status with a setInterval. Because no images are actually written in the processing (I do it in PHP's memory) I thought a log.txt would be a solution, but I am not...