
How to generate custom JSESSIONID, based on some hash of user's data in order to replicate session

Is it possible to override Tomcat's embedded generator of JSESSIONID, to be able to create custom values of this cookie, based on user's login? Why do I need this: I have a load balancer with "sticky sessions", configured to route requests with the same JSESSIONID to the same server, and I want to prevent situation, when same user can ...

Display multiple new windows

Afternoon all. I have the following scenario: I have a search page where by a client searches for a product from a drop down list, upon clicking a button, a gridview is produced display the spec. What I would like is the functionality for the user to make their selection and a new window pops up with the spec. So I have a simple code...

Windows Server AppFabric Caching Session Storage

Hello! Can Windows Server AppFabric Caching share one session between 2 or more different Web Applications? How can i do this? ...

PHP Session shared with subdomain

I have read many forums (including this one) about passing session variables between subdomains, and I can't get this to work. Can someone explain what I am missing? Step 1 In the php.ini file: session.cookie_domain = "" Verified with phpinfo() that I am using the right php.ini file Step 2 In page at set...

How can I get sessions to work if I'm using Google App Engine + Django 1.1?

Is there a way for me to get sessions working? I know Django has built in session management, and GAE has some tools for it if you're using their watered down version of Django 0.96, but is there a way to get sessions to work if you're trying to use GAE w/ Django 1.1 (i.e. use_library() call). I assume using a db-backed session doesn't...

how to get the selected value of dropdown list of and store in session variable?

Dim ename As String = DropDownList.SelectedItem.Value this statement is'nt working any help is appreciated!! ...

Problems setting up AuthLogic

Hi all, I'm trying to set up a simple login using AuthLogic into my User table. Every time I try, the login fails and I don't know why. I'm sure this is a simple error but I've been hitting a brick wall with it for a while. #user_sessions_controller def create @user_session =[:user_session]) if

how to pass session_id() throught out the php pages?

when user clicks on login button(index.php) I am calling chechlogin.php where I am checking loginId an password as- if($count==1) { // Register $myusername, $mypassword and redirect to file "login_success.php" session_register("myusername"); session_register("mypassword"); $_SESSION['UserId'] = $myusername; $_session['SessionId'] = ses...

(PHP) how to destroy or unset session when user close the browser without clicking on logout?

I am destroying all session var in logout.php and calling it when user click on logout, what is user does not click on logout.php but directly close the browser. how can i delete session then??? ...

Is encrypting session id (or other authenticate value) in cookie useful at all?

In web development, when session state is enabled, a session id is stored in cookie(in cookieless mode, query string will be used instead). In, the session id is encrypted automatically. There are plenty of topics on the internet regarding how you should encrypt your cookie, including session id. I can understand why you want to ... - session - multiple browser tabs - different sessions?

I'd like to maintain a session state per browser tab. Is this easy (or even possible) to do in ASP.NET? Example: A user hits Ctrl-T in firefox 5 times and visits the site in each tab. I'd like each tab to have its own session state on the server Thanks ...

Return user to original page after logging in (rails session mgmt)

I'm looking for some general guidance as to how to return a user back to the original page they were viewing after trying to log-in. The way I have the site setup now is that if a user visits the Store page, for example, and then clicks the login button in the upper right, the user is returned to the default landing page. Any help woul...

Good way to make Authentication and Authorization information available between application layers

I have a web application running on Google App Engine (GAE) for JAVA. I'm authenticating the client at the Servlet layer but would like to make the client information available to my business and data layers without having to pass the client object through the arguments of every single function. I'm considering setting up a "session"...

Session ID Rotation - does it enhance security?

(I think) I understand why session IDs should be rotated when the user logs in - this is one important step to prevent session fixation. However, is there any advantage to randomly/periodically rotating session IDs? This seems to only provide a false sense of security in my opinion. Assuming session IDs are not vulnerable to brute-for...

Saving objects in servlet session and

SEVERE: IOException while loading persisted sessions: writing aborted; That means this object cannot be persisted on hard disk. Does it imply that it's not safe to keep in Session objects that do not implement "Serializable"? I haven't heard that ther...

Rails - how can I query the db w/o touching the sessions table

Hi - I'm trying to provide a HTTP api to my app that queries a db that's read-only (for replication purposes). I find that my app crashes repeatedly when making a request b/c the call is trying to update the sessions table whenever I query the db. This doesn't happen when I return some text without hitting the database for info. class...

Client-side session timeout redirect in ASP.Net

I want to build a way to automatically redirect users to Timeout.aspx when their session expires due to inactivity. My application uses forms authentication and relies heavily on update panels within the same aspx page for user interaction, so I don't want to simply redirect after a page-level timer expires. For the same reason, I can'...

NHibernate Session Flush & Evict vs Clear

In a test where I want to persist an object and then prove it was persisted by fetching it from the db (and not the session), I notice no difference between the following: // save it session.Clear() // fetch it or // save it session.Flush() session.Evict(_instance) // fetch it The lazy programmer in me leans towards one line over t...

php sessions in database only writing part of information to the table...

UPDATE (Added the code for the class that does the read/write) <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); class dbSession { function dbSession($gc_maxlifetime = "", $gc_probability = "", $gc_divisor = "") { if ($gc_maxlifetime != "" && is_integer($gc_maxlifetime)) { @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $gc_maxlifetime); ...

Array within Form collecting multiple values with the same name possible?

Good afternoon, I will first start with the goal I am trying to accomplish and then give a very basic sample of what I need to do. Goal Instead of collecting several variables and naming them with keys individually, I have decided to give in and use an array structure to handle all inputs of the same type and rules. Once I have the va...