
is it ok to store rather big amount of data in session ?

I'm doing a survey builder, and I think to store the survey in session with a unique guid key until the user creates it fully and saves it I'm thinking it is going to be an array of 100~200 objects (8 properties class) ...

What are some ways to identify a logged in user on the web?

Here is the scenario: There are 5 websites (different domain names) that need to share a session. I am using a bit of code on each site which returns a "blank.gif" image and at the same time sets the session (syncing it up to the current session). Each of the sites calls a session-img from each of the other sites. Also, all sites have a...

php session variable

Hi Everyone, my session variable seems to keep dropping its array values. What could I be doing wrong? Is it my object? session_start() is initiated at the beginning, if(isset($_SESSION['locations'])) { unserialize($_SESSION['locations'])->listItems($_POST['companyLocation']); echo "session exists"; } else{ $_SESSIO...

Pass Session data to a Class Library without using a bunch of constructors?

Hi all, I've got my application here where literally every object has a lastUpdatedBy property. The information I put into here is the person's username, which is retrieved from the session("username") variable. How can I pass this data to my DAL in the class library? At first I was just passing in the value into each method, but thi...

PHP Single Sign On (SSO) generating new session id

I am trying to create a single sign on process. The method I have implemented makes use of storing session data in a database. When a new user comes to the website ( a table of authentication is checked. As this is their first visit to the website, there will be no match. The browser is redicted to the authentication ...

using session library in CodeIgniter

For some reason I'm heaving a tough time understanding how sessions in CI work. I would like to change the following part of the code to use CodeIgniter sessions rather than the way it's normally done in PHP. What would be the best way to do it? foreach($_POST['qty'] as $k => $v) { $id = (int)$k; $qty = (int)$v; $_SESSION[...

Why do API's (like Facebook, etc) generate session keys for logged in users?

Hi All, I am building an RESTful API for an application I am working on and client coders need to be able to submit data to the API on behalf of a user. All the popular API's I've used require me to send the generated session token (created when a user is logged in) for the user with a request to post information on the users behalf. M...

WCF: How to find out when a session is ending?

I have a WCF application that is using sessions. Is there any central event to get thrown when a session ends? How can I find out when a session is ending WITHOUT (!) calling a method (network disconnect, client crashing - so no "logout" method call)? The server is hosted as: [ServiceBehavior( InstanceContextMode = InstanceContext...

Cookie in Tomcat

Sorry... can anybody help me out? I'm a complete neewbiee to tomcat, but I have to set a cookie with the name 'lastlogin' with the actual timestamp as a value. How am I supposed to do it? Thanks a lot. ...

unexpected behaviour of object stored in web service Session

Hi. I'm using Session variables inside a web service to maintain state between successive method calls by an external application called QBWC. I set this up by decorating my web service methods with this attribute: [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] I'm using the Session variable to store an instance of a custom object called QueueMana...

Is it possible to evaluate a JSP only once per session, and cache it after that?

My site has a nav menu that is dynamically built as a separate JSP, and included in most pages via <jsp:include />. The contents and styling of the menu are determined by which pages the user does and doesn't have access to. The set of accessible pages is retrieved from the database when a user logs in, and not during the course of a se...

When using Sessions is bad thing, and whats wrong with it?

I know that in community server <sessionState mode="Off" /> which means that you can't use Sessions, and few years ago i remember i was working on a website where we were not allowed to use sessions. In my point of view sessions are a very helpful tool if we managed how to use the right way, but is using session variable in a website is ...

Is there any technology to kill the user login session if user close the browser?

This should work if multiple windows are open. My application is in J2EE. I already tried some javascript like on window.unloadn but this kind of solution is not solid. ...

Codeigniter + ajax(jQuery) session problem

Hello, I have a problem in server side retrieving session with using ajax post request. Here is my sample code: JavaScript: $(function() { $('.jid_hidden_data').submit(function() { var serialized = $(this).serialize(); var sUrl = "http://localhost/stuff"; $.ajax({ url: sUrl, type: "P...

Opening two connections to my Apache server?

Hi guys. I have an Apache server running PHP. Everything works fine. But If I have a script that runs for a long time, and I try to open another page to the same server, the second page waits till my first page finishes. This behavior happens to me on Linux and PC. I'm running Apache V2.2.9, and PHP 5.2.6. I'm not sure why this happ...

AMFPHP Database Sessions

I am using AMFPHP w/ a Flex application and am needing to start storing the user sessions in the database instead of the filesystem. I've tried utilizing the session save handler function but no matter what I do it still ends up storing the files on the filesystem. Any ideas? ...

Problem with retrieveing a stored cookie

Hey, I wanted to know if we can access the HttpContext class in the App_Code folder. I am asking so because i have a CommonMethods.cs class inside my App_Code folder. I have written a method that checks if a cookie exists on the client machine or not, but it does not return the cookie. Although when i write the same code on the ASPX.c...

how to implement enhanced session handling in PHP

Hi, i'm working with sessions in PHP, and i have different applications on single domain. Problem is, that cookies are domain specific, and so session ids are sent to any page on single domain. (i don't know if there is a way to make cookies work in different way). So Session variables are visible in every page on this domain. I'm trying...

Rails - how can I capture the URL that directed to the current action in my app?

Hi - I need to see what page a request came from in my controller so I could be able to redirect back to it. For example, if I'm on a page showing a specific product (say /products/1) and it has a link to its vendor (/vendors/12), I want to be able to detect inside the vendors_controller that I came to that page from /products/1. Is th...

ASP.NET or PHP: Is Memcached useful for storing user-state information?

This question may expose my ignorance as a web developer, but that wouldn't exactly be a bad thing for me now would it? I have the need to store user-state information. Examples of information that I need to store per user. (define user: unauthenticated visitor) User arrived to the site from google/bing/yahoo User utilized the search ...