
Why not use PHP's built-in session handling?

Is there currently - or has there ever been - any serious or significant problem with PHP's built-in session handling? I mean, it's always worked for me and my projects. But I see some codebases and frameworks out there seem to use a custom handler. Is this reinventing the wheel? Or improving on some flaws? What flaws? ...

How to pass variable from jsf managed bean to jsp page

How can I pass a variable from JSF managed bean to JSP page. PS: I'm in portal context (liferay). I tried this: in Managed Bean: HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest(); request.setAttribute("var", "someTxt"); in JSP: <% String var = (String)reques...

PHP session is null when called in other page in safari

Hello guys, I have a session created which is null when called from an ajax call on Safari. header.php session_start(); $_SESSION['test'] = 'this is my session'; mypage.php session_start(); echo $_SESSION['test']; <-- NOT WORKING ON SAFARI Thanks ...

Session Issue in rails?

Suppose this is my users controller:- class UsersController < ApplicationController def show @user = session[:user] end def prepare session[:user]= User.find(:first) redirect_to :action => 'show' end def update @user = session[:user] = 'rai' redirect_to :action => 'show' end end View for show.html.erb <%= @use...

how to acess user session in sfDoctrineRoute with symfony ?

how to acess user session in sfDoctrineRoute with symfony ? var_dump(sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()); returns NULL i cant access current user session in routing = bad response ...

Page_PreRender fires twice on first load in session

When I run the web application, I notice that Page_PreRender is fired twice. This only happens the first time in a new session. It does not happen if I refresh the page, or on postbacks. I use .NET framework 3.5 and the built in ajax functionality. The problem is not related to img tag with empty src attribute (which I have seen othe...

Sharing $_SESSION varaibles across subdomains using PHP

Hi, I am trying to share the contents of the session variable across two subdomains but for some reason it is not working. The sessionid is exactly the same on both subdomains but the variables aren't available. I can achieve this with Cookies and this s working but would rather use the values in the session. Here is how I setting th...

same logged in user assigned different session ids (in different browsers)

Hi, I've implemented a mysql-based session interface in php. I just found out that if I log in to my account using browser A (e.g. Chrome), and then I log in to the same account in another browser B (e.g. IE), each browser is assigned 2 separate session ids. How can I make it such that when I log in again using browser B, I retain the...

State server in webfarm scenario?

This is a fairly basic question about state server but assume there are 2 servers behind a load balancer. How do I configure the session state server? So, I have machine1 and machine2. I would assume that I would need to install the state server on 1 machine only and then use the internal IP to refer to that machine. Is this correct? As...

IE7 cookies not sticking on browser close. Could it be P3P? How the cookie is set in the Java?

Hey all, I'm having difficulty with getting cookies to stick in IE7. Whenever the browser is closed, the cookie is cleared or not remember when I bring up a new window. I'm have a bad time trying to find the right answer on Google, so I was wondering if anyone could help me out or refer me to a place on the Web with an answer. Thanks. ...

cookieless sessions with ajax

I've been developing a quite "big application" with PHP & kohana framework past 2 years, somewhat-successfully using my framework's authentication mechanism. but within this time, and as the app grown, many concerning state-preservation issues arisen. main problems are that cookie-driven sessions: can't be used for web-service access...

what should I take into consideration when choosing a session implementation?

Hi, all. Yesterday, my supervisor told me that tmp-file-based session should be THE answer to session implementation, and I should abandon any idea of making sessions persistent. He argues that file-based session is much faster and eaiser to use than other choices like db-based or memcached-based implementations. What he said was real...

Django1.1 file based session backend multi-threaded solution

Hi, all. I read django.contrib.sessions.backend.file today, in the save method of SessionStore there is something as the following that's used to achieve multi-threaded saving integrity: output_file_fd, output_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=dir, prefix=prefix + '_out_') renamed = False try: ...

Sharing session information between 2 domains?

I am dealing with a booking engine, and I have an oddball specific request from the client. Firstly though, there are two domains: and There exist 4 overall steps: Check availability through a booking console ( specify criteria such as # of adults/kids/dates ). This live...

[Rails 3] Failed to get session options?

Hi everybody, I'm trying to switch the session store in Rails 3 by changing the config/application.rb as following: config/application.rb #----------------------------------- memcache_options = { :compression => true, :debug => false, :namespace => "xx-cache", :readonly => false, :urlencode => false } CACHE = MemCach...

JAXWS and sessions

I'm fairly new to writing web services. I'm working on a SOAP service using JAXWS. I'd like to be able to have users log-in and in my service know which user is issuing a command. In other words, have some session handling. One way I've seen to do this is to use cookies and access the HTTP layer from my web service. However, this ...

JSF - Session Bean restart on logout and login

Hi, I have a web application with a backing bean which has the context of the current logged in user. It is implemented on JSF. When the user logs out he is forwarded to a login screen (in another JSP page). I would like the current session to be erased when that happens and a new one to be created the next time the user logs in and en...

PayPal IPN - having trouble accessing session data?

Hello, all. I'm having issues with PayPal IPN integration where it seems I cannot get my solution to read session variables. Basically, in my shop module script, I store the customer's details as provided by PayPal to an orders table. However, I also wish to save products ordered in a transaction to a separate table linked by the order ...

jQuery to store data for sessions

I am trying to use jQuery AJAX. What my requirement is, i wish to load user names from DB in dataset, convert it to JSON format and store it in memory or using jQuery data for use while a user is browsing my site, i.e for a session. This way I can use autocomplete or my own code to display data to user. Can anyone help me design such a ...

Spring Framework 3 and session attributes

I have form object that I set to request in GET request handler in my Spring controller. First time user enters to page, a new form object should be made and set to request. If user sends form, then form object is populated from request and now form object has all user givern attributes. Then form is validated and if validation is ok, th...