
Django - Empty session data in ajax requests

Hi guys, I have an ajax view where I want to set a session variable like such: def upload(request, *args, **kwargs): request.session['test'] = 'test' request.session.modified = True print request.session.items() I have another normal view something like this: def advertise(request): print request.session.ite... session data lost on postback of the page in windows XP.

Hi, I have a ascx page on load of the page I save few data in the HttpContext Session, on selection of data in the screen I reload the page with relevant data for the selection. Until here the data in the session exists. But on click of a button say ok button to navigate to next page. all the data in the session is lost. But the same wo...

PHP - What to store in a session?

I know about all the issues with session fixation and hijacking. My question is really basic: I want to create an authentication system with PHP. For that, after the login, I would just store the user id in the session. But: I've seen some people do weird things like generating a GUID for each user and session and storing that instead o...

What is the Intended Usage of the ASP.NET Session?

In an ASP.NET application you can store pretty much anything in the Session as long as you can handle the cost. What is the intended usage and what is most frowned upon when using the Session to store data? ...

Viewstate is setting control values incorrectly.

I have a page with several checkboxes on it. The checkboxes correlate to user permissions so when I change users and the page refreshes, the values of the checkboxes should change since each user is different. In spite of the fact that my code sets the value of the checkbox, viewstate or whatever changes the values to what the previous...

start session on page_load in

i have 1 master page with 5 pages that call it. now on the master page, I have few dropdowns and textboxes, and the calling pages only have a small article in the corner. I want to start a session on page_load event, so that if the user chooses to select a dropdown or put data in textbox, even if he clicks on the other 4 links of other p...

How to persist a very abstract data type between sessions: PHP

I have an abstract data type that behaves much like stack. It represents a history of "graph objects" made by a particular user. Each "graph object" holds one or more "lines", a date range, keys, and a title. Each "line" holds a sql generator configured for a particular subset of data in my db. I would like for these "histories" to b...

Strange problem with PHP and sessions

So the basis of this page is I set a session value when the page loads, and clear it on any other page they visit. Then the page can make an ajax call to download a file. If the session value matches the value I pass through the URL I allow them to download the file. If not I return a 404 error. I was having some weird issues, so I r...

how to verify that an old session is really destroyed?

Um, this might sound a bit weird. We were having some problems with a specific browser under a very specific condition, and finally narrowed down the problem to the fact that we were not properly destroying the old sessions after doing session_regenerate_id(). I believe I have solved this problem by doing session_regenerate_id(true) now,...

Yahoo account remains open after using openID to login.why?

hi i have added openid login with Yahoo! and Google in my site. it is ok and works fine. when users select for example Yahoo! to login to my site, they will be logged in in their yahoo mail account too. i think it is not secure because maybe they don't notice to this issue and leave computer while their email account is availble. wha...

Remove files after session expiry in java web application

I have a java web application that generates and displays graphical pictures based upon some user parameters. I used to store the graphics in the Session map, but that is generally not a good idea (you want to keep the session data as small as possible). So instead, I only want to generate a file on the server and refer to it via an UR...

Can't i set Session in a class file?

Why session is null in this even if i set: public class HelperClass { public AtuhenticatedUser f_IsAuthenticated(bool _bRedirect) { HttpContext.Current.Session["yk"] = DAO.context.GetById<AtuhenticatedUser>(1); if (HttpContext.Current.Session["yk"] == null) { if (_bRedirect) { ...

Why does every thread in my application use a different hibernate session?

Hi, I have a web-application which uses hibernate and for some reason every thread (httprequest or other threads related to queueing) uses a different session. I've implemented a HibernateSessionFactory class which looks like this: public class HibernateSessionFactory { private static final ThreadLocal<Session> threadLocal = new ThreadL...

Checking for Magento login on external page

I'm hitting a wall here while trying to access items from Magento on an external page (same server, same domain, etc, etc). I want to see if the user is logged into Magento before showing them certain parts on the site. Keep in mind that this code exists outside of Magento. Mage::app("default"); Mage::getSingleton("core/session", a...

Session Objects not Updating ASP.NET

I set a session object at one juncture in my code: Session("my_name") = "Dave" Later in my code I give the user a chance to update this object: Session("my_name") = TextBox1.Text I reload my page and display a little hello statement like this: Label1.Text = "Hello" & CStr(Session("my_name")) The result is: "Hello Dave" no matter...

Facebook / Offline Permission - Trying to perform an action on a set of offline users.

Hi there, We're building an app which in part of its functionality tries to capture the number of likes associated to a particular video owned by a user. Users of the app are asked for extended off-line access and we capture the key for each user: The format is like this: 2.hg2QQuYeftuHx1R84J1oGg__.XXXX.1272394800-nnnnnn Each user h...

Does ASP.NET Make Request Scheduling Decisions Based Upon SessionID?

I know that a properly implemented SessionStateStoreProvider maintains an exclusive lock on session data for the duration of a request. However, considering that multiple requests could arrive simultaneously (e.g. via IFRAMEs) all but one would be able to make forward progress. All the other requests would block for a bit and reduce the ...

PHP session corrupt

Using symfony framework 1.4 I have created a website. I'm using sfguard for authentication. Now, this is working great on WAMP (windows). I can login to several accounts on different browsers and use the website. I have ubuntu server 9.10 running apache (everything up to date and default configuration). On my server, when I login to th...

Session Not working in Generic Handler .ashx in Firefox

I have created .ashx which implemented IRequiresSessionState, so I can create session variables in that ashx, it worked in IE, but doesn't work in Firefox. When access this session variable from other pages it's NULL. any idea? thx. ...

Authentication Problem - not recognizing 'else' - Ruby on rails...

I can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong here. I have implemented the Super Simple Authentication from Ryan Bates tutorial and while the login portion is functioning correctly, I can't get an error message and redirect to happen correctly for a bad login. Ryan Bates admits in his comments he left this out but can't seem to imple...