
MVC Design Question

On a MVC 2 website what I want to do is get a list of products / CategoryId. From that list, create a list of distinct CategoryId's. Then randomly pick a categoryId from the second list and use it to get all the products for that categoryId. I then want to store that CategoryId so that I don't display those products on the next run....

Php sessions secure log in

My question is about creating a secure log in routine. After comparing the user name and password to the stored values I set a session variable called logged to true. Then as the user surfs around the web page I just check the logged variable for true or false to determine if the user should have access. This is my first time creating s...

Why am I losing sessions when running in StateServer mode?

I have checked the servers (Win Server 2003) application event logs for the following problem which doesn't show up. It just appears that sessions drop randomly for random users It's a single server setup, no web farms and no load balancing Even though the issue I point to above doesn't occur in t...

Sharing Session between webservice and application

I have an application and webservices (asmx) that reside in the same application but not in the same folder of the aspx files. I aslo have a winform application that uses the webservices. I have marked the webservice methods with [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] but I am not able to share the same session values that are on the ...

onCommand on button not firing inside gridView??

This is really driving me crazy. I've got a button inside a gridview to remove that item from the gridview (its datasource is a list). I've got the list being saved to session anytime a change is being made to it, and on page_load check if that session variable is empty, if not, then set that list to bind to the gridview. Code Behind: ...

Storing Requested URL in Global.asax without Session State in ASP.NET

I have a complex URL rewriting scheme which breaks the built in Forms Authentication ReturnUrl mechanism. I would like to grab the requested URL for later redirection away from my login.aspx. I can get this URL in Application_BeginRequest via HttpContext.Current.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath. However, Session state is not a...

PHP Shared Sessions across Domain

Hi, I have seen a few answers to this on SOF but most of these are concerned with the use of subdomains, of which none have worked for me. The common one being that the use of session.cookie_domain, which from my understanding will only work with subdomains. I am interested in a solution that deals with deals with entirely different d...

How to access Session values from layers beneath the web application layer.

We have many instances in our application where we would like to be able to access things like the currently logged in user id in our business domain and data access layer. On log we push this information to the session, so all of our front end code has access to it fairly easily of course. However, we are having huge issues getting at...

How long do you keep session cookies around for?

Hi, I'm implementing a web app, which uses sessions. I'm using GWT and app engine as my client/server, but I don't think they're doing anything really different than I would do with PHP and apache etc. When a user logs into my web app, I am using HttpSession to start a session for them. I get the session id like this: // From my login...

Using Session Vars in a MVC Domain Model library

Hello to all. I have a IQueryable function. In that function, I need to store and retrieve data to Session; can you guys point me in the right direction. I've looked at the HttpSessionStatBase where the session is usually taken from HttpContext.Current but this doesnt seem possible to do in the library. Am I missing something? Tha...

How Google is managing authentication between multiple domains?

I think everyone here would be knowing that, if I am logged in any of the google's website(i.e, I don't need to authenticate again for How google is managing this. I think, it would be a cookie stored on user's browser. But, if it is a cookie, how different domains are able to read this cookie. What do you ...

Is this a legitimate implementation of a 'remember me' function for my web app?

Hi, I'm trying to add a "remember me" feature to my web app to let a user stay logged in between browser restarts. I think I got the bulk of it. I'm using google app engine for the backend which lets me use java servlets. Here is some pseudo-code to demo: public class MyServlet { public void handleRequest() { if (getThreadL...

PHP sessions causing Apache to hang indefinitely

The problem is that every so often a page that writes to a Session will cause apache to hang forever for a particular session. Once this error occurs for one user any further modifications to any session of any user will cause the website to hang for this user. This problem has been my sole focus for days. I have a development VPS runni...

Django: test failing on a view with @login_required

Hi all, I'm trying to build a test for a view that's decorated with @login_required, since I failed to make it work, I did a simple test and still can't make it pass. Here is the code for the simple test and the view: def test_login(self): user = self._create_new_user() self.assertTrue(user.is_active) login = self.client.l...

PHP Sessions data lost when changing directory?

I've got a simple login system using PHP sessions, but just recently it seems that if you visit pages not in a certain directory (/login/) you will always be flagged as not logged in, even when you are. It seems that my session data is being lost when I change directories (say, to /login/user/). I don't think I've touched the code myse...

ASP Classic and JavaScript check for session status

I am in need of some help with trying to figure out how to go about checking the users session and seeing if they are still logged in or not. The problem being is because i have a static page that pretty much loads everything into "tabs" using jquery. So when the user navigates the page, it really never leaves that same page they starte...

A way to share the return value of fsockopen() between multiple pages?

Hey, im using a connection to a server in my php script, opened with fsockopen() and i want it to share between different pages so i serialized it and saved it in a session variable but it seems that that ia a bad idea because when i do this nothing happens... Not even an error. The problem is that this connection requires a handshake so...

Checking if a session is active

I am building a captcha class. I need to store the generated code in a PHP session. This is my code so far: <?php class captcha { private $rndStr; private $length; function generateCode($length = 5) { $this->length = $length; $this->rndStr = md5(time() . rand(1, 1000)); $this->rndStr = substr($r...

NHibernate / multiple sessions and nested objects

We are using NHibernate in a rich client application. It is a pretty open application (the user searches for a dataset or creates a new one, changes the data and saves the data set. We leave the session open, because sometimes we have to lazy load some properties of the object (nested object structure). This means one big problem if w...

Pros and Cons of using ASP.NET Session State Server (instead of InProc)?

Before I start using Session State server for the benefit of making session state more robust in may apps compared to InProc state, I'd like to find a list of Pros and Cons for evaluation. Update 1: Also what about surviving application pool recycles? Update 2: What about longevity of sessions and their endings? ...