
Recently viewed DIV without page reload

Hi there, I have no idea how to solve this problem without hiring a coder, but figured it may be small enough problem to post here, and relevant enough to others for broader interest. I'd like to have a "recently viewed pages" div filled by a javascript script which adds the titles and urls of new pages as they are requested by a user t...

how to use variable in setcookie()?

I want to pass a variable set by the user to the setcookie function. I would like to let user change the color of some parts of website. so far the information about color is sent to server with $_SESSION['colorcode'] and I would like to add it to setcookie as well so when the user logs in to the site next time, his/her color is there. ...

Events in Global.asx.cs are not firing

In my ASP.Net application, I can't get the events in Global.asax.cs to fire on my machine. For instance, Session_Start will not fire. The same Global.asax.cs works fine on other development machines in my office. I have tried: Both the ASP.Net Development Server and my local IIS Rebooting the machine Removing and recreating the file...

Session timeout in ASP.NET

I am running an ASP.NET 2.0 application in IIS 6.0. I want session timeout to be 60 minutes rather than the default 20 minutes. I have done the following set in web.config Set session timeout to 60 minutes in IIS manager/Web site properties/ASP.NET configuration settings Set idle timeout to 60 minutes in application pool propertie...

Print php array in xslt

Is there any way to print a php array in xslt? I'm working with php sessions and trying to print the hole array in the xslt stylesheet. ...

cleanup php session files

On my website I use PHP sessions. Session information is stored in files in my ./session path. After a few months I discovered that these session files are never deleted, by now there are 145.000 of them in this directory. How should these be cleaned up? Do I have to do it programmatically, or is ther a setting I can use somewhere tha...

Session and app pool: an ASP.NET app that stores and displays images

I have a .NET app that allows users to upload images to a directory within the webapp and then view them. The problem is that the session gets lost when I upload or delete an image in the webapp directory. It seems that the app pool is getting recycled when I add images, and not just config or cs files. I have seen this technique used i...

What does the crossContext attribute do in Tomcat? Does it enable session sharing?

All I can find in the Tomcat 5.5 docs is: Set to true if you want calls within this application to ServletContext.getContext() to successfully return a request dispatcher for other web applications running on this virtual host. Set to false (the default) in security conscious environments, to make getContext() always return null. I...

ASP.NET Server Side Viewstate

I have read some approaches to storing viewstate on the server: Here is one Here is another But they are sort of complicated. I am looking for a way to persist an object without having to serialize it. I could use session state, but if a user opens more than one window, there could be overwrites of the object. Is there a simple solu...

PHP Session Variables Not Preserved

I am unable to use session variables on a page other than the one where they are set, IOW they act like non-session variables. I have found a similar question posted in half a dozen other similar fora, but the answer in those other cases always turns out not to apply. Here are my files: sess1.php <?php session_start(); session_regi...

Flex RemoteObject .Net Session Mixups

Okay, this one is REALLY weird. I'm using .net for my backend and Flex for my front end. I'm also using WebOrb.Net to manage my RemoteObject calls. When the user first opens up my Flex app I make a call back to .Net and save a few settings in a session variable so that all subsequent requests to .Net can just pull these values out of th...

losing session in rails 2.3.2 app using subdomain

i have a 2.2.3 app which i upgraded to 2.3.2 it's a multi-site (using subdomain) that creates one top level session for all sites. this is how i change the domain in production.rb: ActionController::Base.session_options[:domain] = "" # in rails 2.2.2, this is what i used to do: # ActionController::Base.session_options[:session...

Should I use ASP.NET sessions or avoid them and why?

Should I use ASP.NET sessions or avoid them and why? ...

What is the best way to deal with sessions when the user may stay logged in, but a session key needs to be updated, because of another update?

I'm working a site where users could technically stay logged in forever, as long as they never close their browser (and therefore never get a new session key). Here's what I could see happening: a user leaves a browser open on computer A. The then use computer B, login and change their name which is stored in the session. They logout of ...

Any way to share session state between different applications in tomcat?

We want to split a working application in two different wars in order to be able to update one app without affecting the other. Each webapp will have different ui, different users and different deploy schedule. The easiest path seams to be sharing the same session, so if app A set session.setAttribute("foo", "bar") app B will be able t...

ASP.NET C# Application_Error in Global.asax cannot access Session variables.

I have my error handling setup to track all exceptions and write the information we need to a database and email out the developers who need to know about the error in order to fix it. The problem I run into is when the error occurs before the page has fully loaded. In this case the session variables I want to track are not available in ...

ASP.NET MVC - Is there a way to simulate a ViewState?

Hi everyone! I have the following situation... In a certain View, the user must select the initial hour, the final hour and the weekday. But, I can't save this informations to DB 'cause I need to save my whole page and I need the primary key of the primary table, but that's not the point. So, while I don't save these data to DB, I'm sa...

PHP session_start fails

I'm trying to start the session in a header page in my webiste. But it seems there might be some sort of bug because it fails with the following error: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(\xampp\tmp\sess_a7430aab4dd08d5fc0d511f781f41fe5, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in D:\Development\PHP\tt\Include\h...

What actually causes Session_Start to be called?

In a little demo application that I'm building I put code to initialize the database in the Global.Session_Start() event. However, I notice that this event does not fire when I'm running through the app in the debugger on the development server (haven't tested it anywhere else yet). Question 1: What gives? When does Session_Start() ac...

How to handle session data in ASP.NET MVC

Let's say I want to store a language_id in the session. I tought I maybe could do something like the following: public class CountryController : Controller{ [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResultChangelangue(FormCollection form) { Session["current_language"] = form["languagei...