
Hibernate,Spring and Struts, No session bound to thread

Hi all, just a simple question about a great problem... In my web app i use Struts, Spring and Hibernate. I've a lot of Business (classes that edit the database with Hibernate), many action that interact with Business. In Spring configuration i've inject SessionFactory in Business and the Business into Actions. When I call a busines...

Sending $_SESSION variables with window.location redirect

My problem: I have few buttons in the page I'm modifying - they have onclick events: javascript:window.location.href=''; return false; I have to send $_SESSION variable to redirected page. I can't do it in previous page because the variable will be different for each button. How can I do it? ...

ASP.NET MVC: Make Session entirely cookie-less (hidden form field)

Hello, is there some kind of standardized way which would allow me to make my ASP.NET MVC web app sessions entirely cookie*less*, but still keep session support through some standardized hidden form field value on every page (e.g. which would get parsed transparently on every request)? P.S. I'm not looking for a URL based /(sessionid)/ ...

To get the current URL to the next page by PHP's sessions

How can you use the part after the question mark in the url which comes as a output of the following variable? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; I run unsuccessfully if (0 !== $_GET['question_id'] && isset( $_GET['question_id'] ) ) { $result = pg_execute( $dbconn, "query_fetch", array( $_GET[...

Zend_Session problems

I have read..some articles on the internet, but i don't get it :|, can you guys give me an example, how to make something like this: $_SESSION['name'] = 'value'; and echo $_SESSION['name'].How can I create something like this, with ZF? Best Regards, ...

Sessions and uploadify

I'm using uploadify, and i can't set sessions in my php files, my script looks like this: $("#uploadify").uploadify({ 'uploader' : '/extra/flash/uploadify.swf', 'script' : '/admin/uploads/artistsphotos', 'scriptData' : {'PHPSESSID' : '<?= session_id(); ?>'}, 'cancelImg' : '/imag...

PHP, login and logout time in temporary table?

Hi, I just read an article somewhere. They are using session_id store the login and logout time for every successful logged in user in a temporary table. Which means, the table would be deleted once the session destroyed. So why are they creating the tables?? Is there any use of the temporary tables? And why must use session_id?? What ...

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) session handling?

I am using MySql 5 Hi I am using/start learing JDBC. Well I got stuck here: After an user authenticated, I would like to start/generate the session for the user. How do I do that? In php, I know, we can start by using the "start_session()" function. Is there any similar function in JDBC? If there is no such kind of functions, how do w...

PHP session timeout callback?

I'm running a PHP + APACHE + CENTOS Linux combination. I have implemented a login & logout on the website. My question is, how can I know when the php session has timed-out (User has closed his browser without logging-out)? The reason is, I want perform some cleanups and/or database updates (calling another PHP) when the user has don...

Can't get Beaker sessions to work (KeyError)

I'm a newb to the Python world and am having the dangest time with getting sessions to work in my web frameworks. I've tried getting Beaker sessions to work with the webpy framework and the Juno framework. And in both frameworks I always get a KeyError when I try to start the session. Here is the error message in webpy (its pretty mu...

ASP.Net increase MaxProcesses (web garden) using state server and caching

I have an ASP.Net website on IIS7 and I am planing to increase the MaxProcesses to match the number of cores on the server (4 cores, 64bit Windows Server 2008). From what I read, if I increase the MaxProcesses to create a web garden I have to set an out-of-process state server, so I am planing to use the ASPState service to share sessio...

Problem in maintaining session between two different domains on a website done in CakePHP [Closed]

Well as I have posted earlier too...I have created a site in two languages. One with URL (English) and other with (French). Both are done in CakePHP,in french I have just changed the views of it to French. But the problem is, when anybody login's in English version and then switches to the French ...

REST - complex applications

Hi, I'm struggling to apply RESTful principles to a new web application I'm working on. In particular, it's the idea that to be RESTful, each HTTP request should carry enough information by itself for its recipient to process it to be in complete harmony with the stateless nature of HTTP. The application allows users to search for med...

Using a query string in an excel hyperlink to an ASP.Net Web Application

I want to pass some data between an existing excel application and an existing ASP.Net VB Webforms application. I thought a hyperlink with some query string variables would be the most straightforward means of doing this. However, it seems that the hyperlink does not retain the session of the logged in user. Testing this with the same ...

Quick question about sessions in PHP

Sessions are started via session_start(), I realize that much, but to make sessions persistent, they need an ID. Now, the php.ini file has a setting: session.use_cookies = 1 So I don't have to pass the ID around. But there's another setting: ; Lifetime in seconds of cookie or, if 0, until browser is restarted. session.cookie_lifetim... and session problem

Hi, i have a problem in web-application. I'm using UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewrite and it's works fine only when there is no uses of session on page. for example: simple page Default.aspx with code: <% Session["some_value"] = "test"; %> If i access it via address it's ok, but if i try http:/...

Apache Tomcat (6.x) SessionID placement

Hey guys, I need to know which class in Tomcat (6.x) is responsible for placing the SessionID either into a cookie or appending it to the request. Is this done after all Filters are passed? I need to modify the SessionID before the response is sent to the browser... ...

How to set session variable

I want to set the current form object as session parameter before submitting the form.Is it possible? <html> <head> Title </head> <body> <FORM method="test" name="test" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="sample.jsp" > <select name="test" id="test"> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit">...

$_SESSION difficulties

I am creating a login script that stores the value of a variable called $userid to $_SESSION["userid"] then redirects the user back to the main page (a side question is how to send them back where they were?). However, when I get back to that page, I am echoing the session_id() and the value of $_SESSION["userid"] and only the session i...

Secure a "thanks" page against non-logged in users

When a person registers on my site, or logs in, they are sent to "thanks.php". The page checks is you're logged in or not and if so, tells you what you can do and if not, gives you a link to the register.php page. However, anyone can make their own cookie and trick the script like that. How do I protect myself from this? One thing I ...