
Session state in mvc

I would like to know how to use session state in a simple log in log out in mvc.. I have a code here in my controller that I've retrieved from my mysql database for my session log in..but I don't really know how to manipulate it.. <AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _ Function Index(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As String,...

Preserve ASP.NET InProc Session when W3WP (IIS) Process Recycles

Hello, I understand that all InProc session data is always gone when its w3wp owner process recycles as it only resides in the w3wp memory. I wondered though if it is possible to cache the session data when recycling happens somewhere external to the process, and then reinject (and rebuild) the session when it comes back up. That way I...

Cakephp + ckfinder Sessions dont seem to work

Im implementing ckfinder on a cakephp dev, im having problems with the ckfinder which you need to have some kind of auth passing a session. But the sessions that i assign dont seem to be working on the config file nor cookies. Thanks in advance ...

Showing cached data only to non-members with COOKIE check? (PHP)

Caching the HTML output of non-important pages (like blog posts) really helps to speed up a site by skipping the loading of the entire system (and rendering time) and just spiting out a pre-made copy of the page. This would be one way you can keep large waves of users to your site index or whatever from eating resources. However, one o...

Storing database connections in session, in a small scale webapp

I have a j2ee webapp that's being used internally by ~20-30 people. There is no chance of significant growth in the number of users. From what I understood there's a trade-off between opening a new DB connection for each request made to the webapp (expensive, but doesn't block other users when the DB is in use), to using the singleton ...

why ob_start() must come ahead of session_start() to work in PHP?

I don't think it's reasonable. Why is it actually such a rule? ...

Spring sessionForm in Google AppEngine

My sessions in Google Appengine works in the development environment but not when I deploy it. I have sessions-enabled set to true in my appengine-web.xml. Am I missing something here? I had to override the initBinder in my Controller for it to work in appengine because Spring tries to "access the system class loader" Maybe I should a...

How to store simple user preferences in the session

When someone visits my train schedule site, he enters a "from station", a "to station", and then submits the form to get the schedule. I want the site to remember the user's last choice of from / to station when he next visits the site. Here's my current strategy: In my index action (the action corresponding to the root URL): def inde...

ASP.NET_SessionId cookie value does not allow multiple logins to the same web application from the same pc

We have a web application running on ASP.NET 3.5. It is viewed by the world as one URL but in reality there are multiple IIS boxes hosting the application controlled by a load balancer. My problem is that it is a sensitive application with strict security controls around it, and that post authentication if you open another browser to th...

How long do objects stored in Rails' sessions persist?

If I do session[:greeting] = "Hi!" in one controller action, for how long will I be able to refer to session[:greeting] in other controller actions? Until the user closes his browser? Until a certain amount of time passes? Also, how can I configure this value? ...

PHP's open() function related to session-set-save-handler() function's open parameter

Hello, When writing PHP session data to a database and using the session-set-save-handler() function you must write your own callback functions for each parameter. The first parameter of the open() function is the save path. In the tutorials I've seen they've provided a variable like "$save_path" like so: function open($save_path, ...

C# keep session id over httpwebrequest

I need to preserve the same session id when navigating over a site's pages using C#.Net (like a crawler). I found a couple of methods, a http sniffer was very handy, to compare what my IE browser was sending (HTTP request) and receiving from the web server (HTTP response), as the important information is in the headers (that are not disp...

php not updating session variables?

Ive been working with the twitter oauth and api and im having a weird issue. What im doing is generating a request link, saving the request token and secret in a session variable, then when the user comes back from twitter, trying to retrieve those keys to store them in the database. When i execute the following: session_start(); $to ...

From an Architecture stand point, What is a best approach Session[] or Encrypted Cookies?

We are trying to decide the best decision to maintain state across our web application. We are incline to use Encrypted cookies on the browser, but some of our developers think we should go with Session variables on the server. The main reasons why I think Cookies are a best approach is just because we will not depend on the app serv...

Is it possible to change web.config without ending all user sessions?

Is it possible to change the web.config file without giving all the users on the site a new session? ...

After a few calls my ASP.NET session times out

I have an ASP.NET application that uses StateServer session mode with cookieless set to false. In a few places, there is a link that pops up a window to another application (which happens to reside on the same domain, but in a different virtual directory). The following steps give me grief... Launch popup Close popup Launch popup to ...

Session hijacking or attack?

Lately I have seen this in my error log (1 per day, and I have 40k visitors per day): [22-Sep-2009 21:13:52] PHP Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: The session id contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,' in /var/my_files/class.session.php on line 67 [22-Sep-2009 21:13:52] PHP Warning: Unk...

Recommendation for handling navigation through subdomains

I'll like an opinion on the following issue. I'm currently developing an application in which accounts are managed by subdomains (, I was wondering which is the best way to enable users to navigate through different accounts. The options I have in mind are: 1) Make each user leave their account subdoma...

Weird session scope issue in PHP

I am having a really unsual problem I have never had before, I have a signup page/form and a processing page that for submits to, on the processing page I set any errors that are in the user data like empty fields and set them to a session var array $_SESSION['signup_errors'] = $signup_errors; $signup_errors is an array that I set t...

Session unexpectedly lost?

Hi, I'm at a loss with an annoying issue to do with exporting a report. Basically, a button is pressed and a report is generated server side using the following javascript:- __callExportController(true, { op: 'build', type: exportType }, function(data) { var outputURL = './reportinc/export_controller.php?op=output&filename='; va...