
Oracle ODP.NET and double clicking hyperlink

I've installed ODP.NET and am using the session state service through Oracle for an ASP.NET website. I tested it, I thought, pretty thoroughly and didn't see any major problems. Some of the users have been complaining of exception errors however when they use the system. I added some extra logging and found out how to reproduce the is...

ASP.Net SessionState using SQL Server - is the data encrypted?

When using Sql Server to store and manage the SessionState, is the session data stored in the database using encryption? When I look at the data in the ASPNet database, the data in the "SessionItemLong" in the ASPStateTempSessions columns appears to be hexadecimal data. Is this data being encrypted before being stored in the database? ...

How do I [WebMethod(EnableSession=true)] on UpdatePanel postbacks?

Currently we have a set of form controls that do post backs and we decided to get some "free" user experience by wrapping them in an update panel. The controls store data in the session state for that user so that we don't have to constantly request data from our platform. When doing WebMethods and WebService calls if we want to make...

ASP.Net Session State

Hi, I was wondering whether it would be possible to change the sqlConnectionString used for SessionState in based upon the domain an application is running on? A scenario; We have 20 sites running from one application all talking to different databases depending which domain (site) they are browsing from. When browsing www.d...

SessionState out of memory exception

Hi, I am getting "Out of memory exception" when assigning values in session variables. The session values are maintained in stateserver. How to increase the size of the session stateserver memory? or any other option? Thanks, P.Gopalakrishnan. ...

ASP.NET Session expires in no time?

Weired problem! ASP.NET Session expires instantly. In my web.config I have this session settings: <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="10000" /> AFAIK the timeout attribute's value is in minutes and can't be greater than 525,600 minutes (1 year). I don't understand what I am doing wrong here. Why is the session expiring. Is it a serv...

castle monorails no simultaneous requests from the same user

I have created an website in Castle Monorails and the users that are using the site are complaining that it is very slow so I have done some investigations with fiddler and I discovered that the requests (from the same user) are not simultaneous. I have tried to use but it is not working and it seams that Castle monorail does not suppor...

CompilationMode=Never & SessionState

It seems that CompilationMode=Never doesn't permit Sessions to be properly wired. It first complains that the EnbaleSessionState directive is not allowed on this page. Explicitly assigning the System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState to the Page [1] avoids the null reference exceptions (around .Session access) but still doesn't pe...

Sessionstate server (webfarm) environment, user sessions get mixed up

Hi all, I've got a strange problem. Let me first describe my situation: Webserver01 (Webapplication, SQL, SessionState Service) Webserver02 (Webapplication) Both webservers are load balanced using NLB. Now comes the problem. Very, very, very incidental a logged in user, some how gets the session from a completely different user. H...

Why do I get "could not load type" error with my custom SessionStateProvider?

My associate has created a custom SessionStateProvider for me to use with my application. I add the file CustomSessionStateProvider to my VS2008 Web Application Project and put the appropriate reference in the web.config and it works fine. However, my supervisor wants me to set this up as a GAC reference. At my office, we have...

Pros and Cons of using ASP.NET Session State Server (instead of InProc)?

Before I start using Session State server for the benefit of making session state more robust in may apps compared to InProc state, I'd like to find a list of Pros and Cons for evaluation. Update 1: Also what about surviving application pool recycles? Update 2: What about longevity of sessions and their endings? ...

When should I consider to use SessionState to keep my variable values?

Hi, Is is possible to say something like "If you have those situations then SessionState is a must to use for storing your values between postbacks." Can you list me the basic reasons which forces an developer to switch SessionState from ViewState or HiddenFields or querystrings? thanks ...

How can I Set "cookieName" attribute of the "sessionState" XML element in my web.config programatically

Hi All, Multiple applications are sharing the same session cookie at the moment and I don't want this to be the case, however, I would like to set the value in code rathr than hardcode a value using the web.config. Does anyone know how thi can be done? ... MVC SQL Server State IIS 6

Is it possible to implement SQL Session State with ASP.NET MVC without the addition of code to our webapp? We need this to be a transparent switch from In-proc to SQLServer. ...