
SetWindowsHookEx WH_KEYBOARD_LL not getting events

I am using SetWindowsHookEx() to create a keyboard hook. The creation seems to be successful but the procedure which is registered never gets called. Is there something I am doing wrong? #region Windows API Functions Declarations [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] private st...

not able to install hooks for all threads in a process

I am hooking keyboard in application . Requirement is to hook keyboard in all threads in the process. I used SetWindowsHookEx API SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, (HOOKPROC)::KeyboardHookProc, hInst, 0); The hook is created for all the threads in process. This works fine until calling thread exists .As soon as calling thread terminat...

SetWindowsHookEx in C#

I'm trying to hook a 3rd party app so that I can draw to its screen. Drawing to the screen is easy and I need no help with it, but I seem to be having issues with using SetWindowsHookEx to handle WH_GETMESSAGE. I can't figure out what to pass for the last 2 parameters. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Compo...

C++ SetWindowsHookEx WH_KEYBOARD_LL Correct Setup

I'm creating a console application in which I'd like to record key presses (like the UP ARROW). I've created a Low Level Keyboard Hook that is supposed to capture all Key Presses in any thread and invoke my callback function, but it isn't working. The program stalls for a bit when I hit a key, but never invokes the callback. I've checked...

Calling SetWindowsHookEx inside VS2008 debugger always returns NULL

we're working on a .Net application that does a low level keyboard hook. When we call the SetWindowsHookEx running inside the debugger the call always fail. When running from the compiled executable everything works fine. If we attach to the processs the the SetWindowsHookEx has been called everything works too. I've read somewhere (I ...

What can cause Windows to unhook a low level (global) keyboard hook?

We have some global keyboard hooks installed via SetWindowsHookEx with WH_KEYBOARD_LL that appear to randomly get unhooked by Windows. We verified that they hook was no longer attached because calling UnhookWindowsHookEx on the handle returns false. (Also verified that it returns true when it was working properly) There doesn't seem ...

Module not found

Hi There! I've been working on this one quite a bit and haven't gotten any closer to a solution. I juut dug up my old copy of the WindowsHookLib again - It's available with source at This library allows Global Windows Mouse/Keyboard/Clipboard Hooks, which is very useful. I'm tryin...

How can I keep an event from being delivered to the GUI until my code finished running?

I installed a global mouse hook function like this: mouseEventHook = ::SetWindowsHookEx( WH_MOUSE_LL, mouseEventHookFn, thisModule, 0 ); The hook function looks like this: RESULT CALLBACK mouseEventHookFn( int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if ( code == HC_ACTION ) { PMSLLHOOKSTRUCT mi = (PMSLLHOOKSTRUCT)lParam; ...

Process-wide hook using SetWindowsHookEx

I need to inject a dll into one or more external processes, from which I also want to intercept keybord events. That's why using SetWindowsHookEx with WH_KEYBOARD looks like an easy way to achieve both things in a single step. Now I really don't want to install a global hook when I'm only interested in a few selected processes, but Wind...

make `SetWindowsHookEx` call functions in my thread context

In order to use SetWindowsHookEx in a GUI application, you usually want in the bottom line to have a function in your thread called whenever an event has occurred. So for instance if I'm making a software to show all keys being pressed on the system, I want that somehow my GUI app will have the function AddKeyToList(int vkeycode) called...

Windows Global Keyboard Hook - Delphi

I've created a GLOBAL keyboard hook DLL, using source code found on the internet. For the best part it works brilliant, except when it comes to browsers. It picks up every key in the browser except, it seems, when the browser gets focus, it looses the first key that is pressed. Tested this in IE and Firefox and it seems to be the same f...

Unloading DLL from all processes after unhooking global CBT hook

How do you properly unload a DLL from all processes when the system-wide hook that loaded them gets unloaded? From MSDN: You can release a global hook procedure by using UnhookWindowsHookEx, but this function does not free the DLL containing the hook procedure. This is because global hook procedures are called in the pr...

How to use SetWindowsHookEx in Vista and hook Admin apps with UAC?

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to use SetWindowsHookEx and be able to affect apps that are run with Admin rights on Vista, with UAC enabled. This is an app that will need to add a small button to the caption bar of other windows to enable some multi-monitor-aware handling. I would have thought this couldn't be done, but I've...

Handle brightness key press event in a native Windows Mobile application

I need to intercept brightness key press in a device with a hardware keyboard, where that key has the double function of changing brightness and the "0" number: if I can handle it, I can avoid to the user of the application to switch to the numeric keypad in some textboxes that accept only numeric input. I tried to handle that key even ...

SetWindowsHookEx WH_MOUSE freeze on breakpoint in Win7

helos, on WinXP my application has been sucessfully using a global mousehook to retrieve mouseposition and clicks even if it does not have the focus. the hook is in a separate .dll and is being initialized like this (in delphi): SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, @MouseHookCB, HInstance , 0); now on Win7 this basically also works during runt...

Detect application windows

I use CBT Windows Hook to detect window creation/deletion/min-max/move-size events. I works well, but I need to filter whose events coming from normal widgets. Practically I need to being notified by CBT hook only for those windows that the user consider windows. The problem that I'm facing make me mad, since I continuosly get spurious...

how to load DLL-function SetWindowsHookEx on Delphi Prism

How to load (and use) DLL-function SetWindowsHookEx in Delphi Prism? Where to find the definition or the value of WH_KEYBOARD_LL? And how may I write LRESULT WINAPI KeyboardProc(int, WPARAM, LPARAM); in Delphi Prism? ...

SetWindowsHookEx returns 0 when compiling for the .NET 4.0 framework in 32bit machines

I'm trying to set a low level windows keyboard hook to grab three keys pressed even if the application is not in focus. To do this I'm calling SetWindowsHookEx as // Create an instance of HookProc. KeyboardHookProcedure = new HookProc(KeyboardHookProc); //install hook hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardHoo...

How could I set a global hook by a GUI without UAC prompt on Win7??

Dear all, I want to set a global hook by SetWindowsHookEx. The hook is wrapped in hook.dll and is registered by a GUI window app.exe. Everything works fine on window NT/xp. But on Win7, how could I start app.exe process without UAC prompt and it can successfully load hook.dll to register gloal hook on Win7?? I use VC2005. Any ideas are ...

SetWindowsHookEx failing in .NET 4.0 on 32-bit machine with "module not found"?

I have found similar questions on this page, but I can't seem to figure out how to interpret the answers or figure out if they are truly duplicates. Here are the possible duplicates I've found, with comments: SetWindowsHookEx returns 0 when compiling for the .NET 4.0 framework in 32bit machines It doesn't seem to return 0 on mine, bu...