
How to create SFTP service in Windows xp sp3?

Hi We can create ftp server in Windows XP SP3 OS using IIS ftp server. In my project i need to connect SFTP server so, How can I create SFTP server in Windows xp SP3 operation system? Is it possible to creat using IIS as we create FTP server? Can anyone provide me tutorial or links to create SFTP server in my desktop machine? Thanksnr...

SFTP in android

Hi I want to use SFTP in my android project. Can anybody tell me if android [code]already have SFTP library?? Or i have to implement it. If anybody have already done SFTP client in android then please guide me. Thanks in Advance. ...

how to download compressed file (.zip) through FTP using c#?

Hi How to download .zip file format using c# code? Here is the code, i am using to download. Just to highlight, If i download .txt file, it works fine. If i download .zip file, it downloads the .zip file but i can't open this. It complains that .zip is in incorrect format. I have doubt in how i am writing back the file on local drive....

How can I use sftp with SAP?

Currently we use FTP, but there is a requirement to use SFTP. According to our Basis guys SFTP will not work. We have a couple of alternatives: Use PI Use a Unix script to move the files However, is there something we are missing that would enable us to use SFTP in a similar way to FTP? Example of code calling FTP: CALL FUNCTIO...

FTP/SFTP Server thats scriptable

Hi I am looking for a windows FTP/SFTP server software that I can administrate (partly) by scripting against it, or if it has a .NET or COM API but at the end of the day I need to execute scripts/tasks against it that adds accounts and such. I have considered building my own c# implementation but it seems unneccecary to do that by my se...

Transfer files using SFTP and either PHP or shell/terminal script

I need to write a script that is run as a cron job every night which transfers some report files via sftp to another server. The report files are created every night using another cron in the format 'support_[date].csv' & 'download_[date].csv'. I'm wondering if you had any pointers on how to do the following: Find the 2 files created...

How can I use Perl's Net::SFTP::Foreign on Windows?

I installed Net::SFTP::Foreign in my perl 5.8.8 and I'm trying to log in to a Secure FTP server using the below code: use Net::SFTP::Foreign; my $host = $tt->get_ftp_server_address(); my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new("$host", {user=>$tt->get_location_user_name(), ...

NetBeans on OS X: Cannot connect to SFTP server: ArrayindexOutOfBoundsException

I am running NetBeans IDE 6.8 (Build 200912041610) with the PHP plugin on Mac OS X 10.5.8, and when I try to SFTP files up to my remote server, I get the error: Cannot connect to server: Reason: java.lang.ArrayIndexoutOfBoundsException: 233 Where is my server's IP address. I get this error with every server ...

Use subprocess to send a password

I'm attempting to use the python subprocess module to log in to a secure ftp site and then grab a file. However I keep getting hung up on just trying to send the password when it is requested. I so far have the following code: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE proc = Popen(['sftp','user@server', 'stop'], stdin=PIPE) proc.communicate('...

copSSH prevent user from going back into copSSH directory

I have installed SFTP on a windows servers using copSSH and all is good and it works well however you can go back from the main root. For example when i use C:\copSSH\home{username} as that user i can go back into copSSH and into them directories too. And I have a user setup to actually be C:\inetpub\wwwroot but that user can go into t...

How to get a Stream object for a remote file on SFTP using SharpSSH library?

How can I get a Stream object to read the file that is on SFTP share? I see that there is functionality to download a file from SFTP using Sftp class, but I need a Stream object to be able to show the download progress. ...

Apache commons-vfs setting FTP/SFTP file permissions/umask

Hi, I'm working with Apache commons-vfs API for writing files to a FTP/SFTP server. ¿There is a way to specify file permissions after upload to the server or the umask for current FTP/SFTP session? ¿Can you show me an example? Thanks in advance ...

Problem stopping an Erlang SSH channel

NOTE: I'll use the ssh_sftp channel as an example here, but I've noticed the same behaviour when using different channels. After starting a channel: {ok, ChannelPid} = ssh_sftp:start_channel(State#state.cm), (where cm is my Connection Manager), I'm performing an operation through the channel. Say: ssh_sftp:write_file(ChannelPid, Fil...

using libcurl to check if a file exists on a SFTP site

I'm using C++ with libcurl to do SFTP/FTPS transfers. Before uploading a file, I need to check if the file exists without actually downloading it. If the file doesn't exist, I run into the following problems: //set up curlhandle for the public/private keys and whatever else first. curl_easy_setopt(CurlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, "sftp://user@...

sftp upload open source using vb.net

i tried the question that is asked here but not much could get from it. Does anyone know where to research or if has a project for sftp using vb.net? ...

com.sshtools.j2ssh.SftpClient.get() fails to download files over 1 GB in size

Hi, I am using sshtools' SftpClient to download some fairly large files. I have found that when files are over 1 GB in size, the get method hangs. Specifically, I when I execute the following code for files over 1 GB, it hangs at the get method. Any ideas? SshClient ssh = new SshClient(); ssh.setSocketTimeout(30000); ssh.connect(host);...

How to delete a file from a SFTP server programmingly using SharpSSH?

Anyone knows how to delete a file from a SFTP server using Tamir Gal's SharpSSH? I have been able to accomplish other functionality but deletion. Thanks in advance. ...

SFTP file transfer

hi iam totaly new to this area i have a requiremnet in transfering file to a SFTP site during which i need a proper LOG file and i also want to retry the transfer on any transaction error occurs or the network error and i also wan to log the errors. i also gone throug sftp and curl in which iam unable to satisfy the requirements. Than...

How can I get and handle a return codes in a C program if sftp fails to put the file in a sftp server?

How can we get and handle the sftp return codes in a C program if sftp fails to put the file in a server? We need to transfer the files again if sftp fails to put it in the sftp server. ...

Using the sftp protocol with libcurl -- How do I list the contents of a directory?

Hi guys, I have a little doubt. I need to get a list of the files inside a specific directory on a SFTP server. I will use CUROPT_DIRLISTONLY in order to get just the names, but I'm not sure how to get them. This is the peace of code I have by now: string baseUrl(serverAddr + "/" + __destDir); curl_easy_setopt(anEasyHandle, CURLO...