I am trying to build a working encrypted signature for the Amazon S3 web service, writing a connection library using Objective C.
I have run into HMAC SHA-1 digest problems with the ObjC code, so I'm putting that to the side and looking at existing, working Perl code, to try to troubleshoot digest creation.
I am testing HMAC SHA-1 dig...
i am asking myself if it would be dangerous on a asp.net page´s codebehind to use an static (Shared) variable which holds an HMACSHA1-instance. the problem is that the same HMACSHA1-instance would be used by all the asp.net worker-process´ threads when processing multiple simultaneous requests on the same asp.net-page.
all (HMAC...
I'm trying to learn about SHA-1, I was looking at the C implementation that was included in the specification (RFC 31741) and this part confuses me:
context->Intermediate_Hash[0] = 0x67452301;
context->Intermediate_Hash[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
context->Intermediate_Hash[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
context->Intermediate_Hash[3] = 0x10325476;
The following snippets are both supposed to calculate sha-1 sum. But for the same file they calculate different sha-1 sums.
byte[] byteArr = new byte[(int) uploadedFile.getLength()];
try {
stream = new BufferedInputStream(uploadedFile.getInputStream());
} catch (IOException e) {
After reading this, it sounds like a great idea to store files using the SHA-1 for the directory.
I have no idea what this means however, all I know is that SHA-1 and MD5 are hashing algorithms. If I calculate the SHA-1 hash using this ruby script, and I change the file's content (which changes the hash), how do I know where the file i...
I have searched and searched and searched. I cannot seem to download the Google APIs using the Android SDK and AVD manager. It's driving me nuts! I get the subject title message as an error:
SHA-1 MessageDigest not available
My PATH var JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin
Any thoughts?
Is there a hash function that returns a 16-digit hex value (as MD5 returns 32-digit), or is there a library (for C++) in which I can use MD5 or SHA-1 which returns a 16-digit value
Hi everyone,
Is behavior of SHA-1 algorithm defined for Unicode strings? I do realize that SHA-1 itself does not care about the content of the string, however,
it seems to me that in order to pass standard tests for SHA-1, the input string should be encoded with UTF-8.
I'm looking for a library or wrapper for Lua to use some cryptographic functions. Initially I only need to create SHA-1 hashs.
Any tips or suggestion are appreciated.
Why on the same machine computing the SHA-1 hash of the same file produces two completely different SHA-1 hashes in windows and inside a msysgit Git bash?
Doesn't the SHA-1 algorithm was intended to produce the same hash for the same file in all OSes?
On windows (with HashCheck):
File hello.txt