
Opening a YouTube video in a lightbox or something on page load

My client wants a YouTube video (embeded object) to popup when a user comes to their site. Does anyone know how it do this and what to use. It should be a lightbox or shadowbox, something that's not a popup. The video should run automatically and ideally close when it's over. Maybe I can specify a time until auto-close or something? ...

How to return 2 values from a text link using shadowbox to parent page form

I have a form where i need to put 2 values that will be selected from a shadowbox modal window. the problem im having is it will be a list of probably HUNDREDS of values listed and paginated. how can i return 2 values with a single click without using forms? parent page: <input name="id" type="hidden" value="" /> <input name="data" t...

Play FLV videos in ShadowBox

Hi there, I have been trying to play FLV videos in ShadowBox. According to the FAQ, I am using Shadowbox.init(); on page load. And then later on{ content:, title: 'video', player: 'flv' }); But to no avail. The video doesnt even stream in t...

PHP String Contains with Shadowbox

I'm using shadowbox to display media based on URLs from a database. Some of the media are images and some are websites and some are flash movies I wish to check if an image contains "http://" meaning it's a website (all images and flvs start with "media/"), and if it does contain http:// then I wish to display it at a different size. ...

What are methods of form validation from inside a shadowbox?

Ok I have a form inside a shadowbox, this thing will just not validate... I have tried it a million different ways. It also lives inside a Wordpress Theme which I don't think is breaking it. Jquery is loaded in the header. the form is pasted into a gist: Any ideas? Thanks so much, feel like I am banging...

Are there any custom scrollers that work inside lightboxes?

I am using Shadowbox and Flexcroll and cannot get them to play nice. My shadowbox open's just fine, and the scrollbar loads but doesn't scroll.{ content: '#inline-'+myBox, player: 'inline', height: 453, width: 354, options:{ onFinish: serviceCheck } }); mybox just opens the current #id... I ahve als...

How to Use jQuery Calender in jQuery shadowbox Popup Box

Hi All, I want to call jQuery Calender in jQuery shadowbox Popup Box. Please help me regarding this. I am using following code for that function singleConfigPopup() {{ content: '<div id="popup" class="clearfix"><h3>Calender</h3><form><input type="input" id="datepicker"></p></form></div>', ...

How do I indent without hiding parts of shadows?

I have content that I'd like to align vertically, so I'm using this simple class to indent: .indent-1 { margin-left: 144px; overflow: hidden; } This works fine in most cases, but if I have a box with a drop shadow within the indented content, the overlfow: hidden hides part of the shadow. Is there a way to accomplish this i...

Mysterious mixed content warning - it appears to all be https with no http?

Hi all. I have an https page which launches a shadowbox which itself has a page inside it. The shadowbox content is got with whatever protocol the parent page is, so loads with https as well. When the shadowbox page loads I get a mixed content warning, saying that some parts are not encrypted. Usually this happens when some of the ...

Shadowbox with existing content: Is there a way to make Shadowbox display *existing* page content?

I have the following setup: ASP.Net page which contains a web form (payment form). Certain hidden page elements containing help text (for example a "where is the card security code" image) Currently, when the user clicks a help link for the form element, for example: "Where Can I Find This?" for security codes, I use jQuery to $.show...

Custom youtube player and shadowbox

Hello everybode, I have a custom youtube player and shadowbox. You can see it here: Now my question? How can i make the custom you tube player in shadowbox? Thanks!!!!! ...