
Pack shared libraries into the elf

Is there a utility that can take ALL the SO's that an Elf needs turn them into static then converts the Elf to be SO's free? ...

Exceptions from DLL/Shared libs

Suppose you are developing a library with classes to be exported through a DLL (on Windows, or similar shared-library like Linux ELF shared libs). Member functions on those classes throw exceptions either from the standard library or library defined exceptions. It is totally safe to code in DLLs to throw exceptions to the modules that m...

dlopen on library with static member that throws exception in constructor - results in Abort

I am trying to load a dynamic library using dlopen function. This library contains a static object, which throws an exception in its constructor. I have a "try-catch(...)" block around the dlopen call, but it doesn't catch the exception, and I just see "Abort" printed. How am I able to catch this exception? ...

How do I source/link external functions in C or C++?

EDIT: I suppose I should clarify, in case it matters. I am on a AIX Unix box, so I am using VAC compilers - no gnu compilers. End edit I am pretty rusty in C/C++, so forgive me if this is a simple question. I would like to take common functions out of a few of my C programs and put them in shared libraries or shared objects. If I w...

Limiting visibility of symbols when linking shared libraries

Some platforms mandate that you provide a list of a shared library's external symbols to the linker. However, on most unixish systems that's not necessary: all non-static symbols will be available by default. My understanding is that the GNU toolchain can optionally restrict visibility just to symbols explicitly declared. How can that b...

Where to install local Java libraries by default?

I'm integrating JNI bindings with a C++ library. The library follows the usual conventions: the installation root is /usr/local by default and can be modified with the --prefix argument to ./configure; the .a or .so files go in ${prefix}/lib; etc. The JNI binding produces two new libraries, (the native part) and libfoo.jar...

Quickest way to build a bunch of DLL files with the same settings in VS 2008

Hey folks, I'm currently porting a POSIX C++ application to run on Windows without Cygwin or anything. No problem so far. Now, the application (ZNC, an IRC bouncer, in case you're interested) supports loading modules from .so shared library files on Linux/BSD etc. I ported the main executable without much of a problem, all wrapped into...

Bash script to create symbolic links to shared libraries

I think this question is rather easy for you shell scripting monsters. I am looking for the most elegant and shortest way to create symbolic links to shared libraries for Unix by means of a bash shell script. What I need is starting out with a list of shared library files such as ",", get the sy...

How to handle shared projects in team foundation server source control structure

After having read which I have followed a few questions come to mind that I am wondering if anyone can comment on. I have a few components that make up a project I am working on. I have a smartclient, a webservice, a proxy for the webservice that t...

Use Bundle-NativeCode on Linux does not work

Hi, i creat a plugin wich includes the folder structure src native/so/ META-INF/MANIFEST.MF The manifest include the command Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Commands Plug-in Bundle-SymbolicName: de.system.commands;singleton:=true Bundle-Version: 1.0.0 Bundle-Activator: de.system.comm...

Shared Library Discovery

I am using C++ on Linux. I want to dynamically bind a collection of unknown shared libraries. I need my code to detect all the public functions exposed by the shared library and the string names of those functions. How do I accomplish this task? ...

dlopen() issue

I'm writing some code that uses dynamic shared libraries as plugins. My command line for building the shared libraries looks like: cc -shared -fPIC -o -g -Wall module.c Within the module, I can call functions that are in any other shared library that has been loaded within the main executable. However I cannot access (expo...

Linux error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Program is part of the Xenomai test suite, cross-compiled from Linux PC into Linux+Xenomai ARM toolchain. # echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /lib ...

Dynamic Shared Library compilation with g++

I'm trying to compile the following simple DL library example code from Program-Library-HOWTO with g++. This is just an example so I can learn how to use and write shared libraries. The real code for the library I'm developing will be written in C++. #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <dlfcn.h> int main(int argc, char **...

g++: In what order should static and dynamic libraries be linked?

Let's say we got a main executable called "my_app" and it uses several other libraries: 3 libraries are linked statically, and other 3 are linked dynamically. In which order should they be linked against "my_app"? But in which order should these be linked? Let's say we got libSA (as in Static A) which depends on libSB, and libSC which ...

C++ Dynamic Shared Library on Linux

This is a follow-up to this question. I'm trying to create a shared class library in C++ on Linux. I'm able to get the library to compile, and I can call some of the (non-class) functions using the tutorials that I found here and here. My problems start when I try to use the classes that are defined in the library. The second tutoria...

How do you foster the use of shared components in your organization?

If your company or project places an emphasis on (or at least appreciates) the development of code and components that can be reused and shared across projects, what are the "social engineering" things you've needed to do to facilitate the re-use the code? In my experience, code or components that are simply stated as being "reusable" w...

Can a static library contain managed resources?

In VC6 I had a large application linking with some DLLs and a static library "sharedlib". Each DLL would also link with this library. The app had its own resources, the DLLs had their own resources, and the static library also had its own separate resources. Of course I had to ensure that the static lib's resource IDs didn't clash anywh...

Reporting on Workflows in SharePoint

Is there a way to create a report in SharePoint where i can view all my current workflows and the status of each workflow? Edit: I need to be able to have a List or something where i can view all my Workflows with the status and so on in my SharePoint site. ...

Solaris linker equivalent to the GNU LD --export-dynamic flag

Like the question says: We are building on Linux using the GNU linker, and on Solaris using the solaris ld. GNU ld supports the --export-dynamic flag, which: When creating a dynamically linked executable, add all symbols to the dynamic symbol table. The dynamic symbol table is the set of symbols which are visible from dynam...