
Create list in existing site collection from a feature

I have created a feature, a publishing site, in Visual Studio to MOSS - this feature contains a masterpage, some page-templates, some site columns (grouped to match each page-template) and som custom list templates etc. I have also created a site collection, some sites and pages based on my feature. Now I have upgraded the code in my fe...

Deploying SharePoint Event Receiver Assembly to Web Application BIN

Is it possible to successfully deploy an assembly containing event handlers for a custom SharePoint list feature (thus, classes that depend on the Microsoft.SharePoint assembly) to a web application's bin instead of the GAC? The option to do so certainly appears to be present in the XML markup in my feature's manifest.xml file. However...

Sharepoint 2010 Project package: Cannot add a new project output assembly to the package

When creating a Sharepoint 2010 project in VB.NET and wanting to deploy an additional referenced assembly you cannot add a new project output assembly to the package. To replicate the issue: Open Sharepoint 2010 project in Visual Studio 2010 Open "package\package.Package" Select "Advanced" In the Additional Assemblies area select "Add...

Is it possible to save received emails as msg format instead of eml in SharePoint

I have a document library that is enabled to receive emails. However, the email is saved as .eml format, which cannot be opened by Outlook 2003/2007 by default. Is it possible to save the incoming emails as .msg instead? ...

Workflows stuck 'in progress' when moved to sharepoint farm environment

We have developed a number of custom approval workflows in visual studio 2008. They basically create task and work through a 2 stage approval process, once a task is completed, it generates new tasks for stage 2, then completes. These have been tested and work well in a single server moss/sharepoint environment. We have now moved them ...

Block SharePoint workflow from running unless prerequisites are met

I've got a scenario where I want a workflow to not run if a certain condition is true, otherwise to run when a list item is created. The scenario is for a people management system. If a new list item (staff member) is added to the list then the workflows job is to go between the various departments and get everthing setup. Eg payroll, IT...

SharePoint Web Part: rendering according to user selection

I am writing a SharePoint web part that interacts with a SQL database, allowing users to set a few parameters with some dropdownlists and pull the record for a given customer. I would like for one of three particular HTML tables to be displayed once the customer is selected. What I am confused about is how I can render HTML after the pa...

Error - Index refers beyond end of list

Problem saving file back to SharePoint with Excel COM lib. I open the file but it opens as 'xlviewer.xlsx' so I assume I need to overwrite the original file. (I removed the try/catch to do some error handling.) When I do I get this error: "Index refers beyond end of list" (error at line: 42 'SaveAs statement') using System; using Syst...

How do I discover the Content Types available on a Document Library?

I have a user that has requested the ability to add files from a custom web site that will upload a file and populate the content types. I have the first part done, uploading the file. I do not know how to read the possible content types and how to update the content types for the specific file being uploaded. ...

Setting trust level in Sharepoint without changing web.config

I want to change the trust level of a Sharepoint Web Application without having to change the web.config manually (i.e. WSS_Minimum, WSS_Custom, etc). Making manual changes to the web.config tag is highly undesirable in anything other than a one-server farm. Is there any way via stsadm or Central Admin to change this? Third party tools...

How does one batch edit URL links in a Sharepoint LIst

A site directory in my site collection on serverA has a list of all the sites in the site collection in a lists called Sites ( of course). Each listing has a URL field that will link you directly to the site in the list. I backedup/restored this site collection from this server (http://serverA) to the production server (http://serverPro...

SharePoint: The template you have chosen is invalid or cannot be found.

Exception in frmMPInstall.CreateSite: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: The template you have chosen is invalid or cannot be found. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x81071E44): The template you have chosen is invalid or cannot be found. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.ApplyWebTemplate(String bstrU...

Soap request for GetListItems webservices for iphone development

Hello I am developing an iphone application for soap request for sharePoint i.e GetListItems web services. But I am getting different types of exceptions and i am very new to iphone and also soap request .. Error is :-- "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)." And my xml code is :-- NSSt...

What are some quality books for planning a Sharepoint site?

Hi all, I'm looking for recommendations for books to help my two-man team in planning our Sharepoint intranet site. I have worked with Sharepoint some before, but for a site with only about 30 users. This one is going to end up with about 1500 and my head spins trying to think of where to start. It seems like there are dozens of books...

Hide a content type field programmatically

I've got a field referenced by two content types and I use some code in a feature receiver to hide the title field. One content type inherits from the other but doesn't add anything, only changes the name. They are going to have different workflows attached to them. The problem is that the code only hides the title field on one content t...

Account doesn't sync with AD - MOSS - WSS User Profile sync

I'm working on a project that uses MOSS 2007. We have user profiles set up to sync from AD and see the following behavior. Take the user Jane Doe and her account MYDOMAIN\JaneDoe She becomes part of a site collection Her settings look fine when clicking My Settings or when another user looks at her info by clicking on her under Peop...

Using SharePoint 2010 webparts in a classic .net asp application

Does anyone have an experience using SP2010 Web Parts in a classic aspx application, assuming you would reference sharepoint dlls? I am referring specifically to the search center web parts? Thanks ...

Url rewriting SharePoint

Hi, I want to do Url rewriting in sharepoint . If anyone is having any idea how to achieve this in sharepoint. Thr url rewrite would be like.. / instead of and also like instead of Thanks, PS ...

sharepoint css development strategy

I work for a large company that has adopted sharepoint. I have been tasked with customizing and branding the site/subsites with CSS. My experience with sharepoint is minimal. The development cycle is as follows: 1. Usability Requirements and design are delivered to The sharepoint developer. 2. The sharepoint developers comes up ...

SharePoint / WSS: How to localize a feature

I have a WSP package that contains some features. I need to be able to localize the following in the features: Site Column Field Display Names Description of Content Types List Instance Description List Schema Fields I am looking for a method to achieve all of this as easily as possible. ...