
Copy folders when copying list items from source to destination

Hi, This is my code to copy files in a list from source to destination. Using the code below I am only able to copy files but not folders. Any ideas on how can I copy the folders and the files within those folders? using (SPSite objSite = new SPSite(URL)) { using (SPWeb objWeb = objSite.OpenWeb()) ...

How to create webparts like this one

I want to create a webpart programmatically like below to contain fixed links to some internal pages: The two shown in red blocks. How to create these webparts and attach to the site programmatically? ...

Sharepoint hit counter is not displayed.

I followed the instructions here After that when I preview my page, I can't see the hitcounter. I learned that it may be related to permissions of the site but I couldn't find how to do it. Is it realy related to permissions ? If so what should I do to ? And any external solution (except this o...

Adding SPFieldLookup to a list programmatically ?

Hi all I added a SPFieldLookup field to a list programmatically. when I checked my list view I found that the lookup field is as if I added it from the user inerface without specifying that it is linked to item. is there a method to force the lookupfield to be linked to item programmatically ? thanks ...

Get content type in localized site

In MOSS2007 I need to find and remove for example the default content type from a list (in order to be replaced by a custom one). The list can be on multiple sites, the sites can be in multiple languages and the name for this content type can be diffrent (ex: "Wiki Page" in EN, "Wikipagina" in NL etc.) My ideea was to find the content ty...

Creating a Sharepoint Development Environment from an Existing Production Environment

I have very little experience using Sharepoint but a good amount using Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2005, Windows Server 2003 and IIS6. I need to create a development environment for a SharePoint 2007 system that will be used internally. The system is already deployed over two servers - one of the servers simply holds the database an...

Using WSS web services is there anyway to get the list of blocked file types?

Trying to move some attachments between a 2.0 and a 3.0 wss site. There are more blocked types in 3.0. I want to zip the attachements if one is on the block list. ...

WSPBuilder questions for first-time webpart

Hi, I have made my first webpart using WSPBuilder. When I try to deploy it using STSADM, I get an error stating access is denied. I am an admin on the machine (well it's a VM). Also, with WSPBuilder, do I need to change the config files (I assume no as the point of the tool is to automate this)? Thanks ...

Sharepoint Document Library Schema.xml Customization

Hi I am trying to add a custom field to the Schema.xml of Document library in sharepoint here is the code that I took from a blog In the ID i have to put the guid to do so do I have to add my own guid or do i have to query the sharepoint database and find the guid and paste it there... If i have to get it from sharepoint database...

How do I use SPMemember.ID property to get User or Group

I have to write a utility to enumerate and manage the owners of groups within a SharePoint site. I know I can use the Groups property of the SPWeb object to retrieve a collection of groups. And I know I can use the Owner property of the group to get back the owner. My problem is that I do not know what to do next. The SPGroup.Owner prop...

What format is your documentation in?

I am going to be writing documentation for two web services that I developed, and I started wondering what people on here do for documentation. Do you create it in an HTML file so it can be viewed in the browser? Word document? Wiki? What do you guys/gals use? I was originally leaning towards creating an HTML page since it seems a l...

InfoPath Repeating Group with Data from SharePoint and User Input

I have a series of questions which are pulled from a SharePoint list and loaded into a repeating section. The section has three elements, the Question # (from SharePoint), and Question itself (from SharePoint), and a drop down box Yes/No (NOT from SharePoint)... The repeating group portion works just fine, it is pulling all Question # ...

Version Control for each item programmatically in sharepoint 2010

hi I want to store different number of versions for each item in a single library depending upon the flag. I know out-of the box feature would apply at document library level, but I want to do it at item level with customization. Any idea , how can I do it? ...

How to make a SharePoint Web Part Property visible only to the Administrator ?

How can i make a browsable web part property which should be visible only to the Administrator and not to the normal users ? ...

Creating and debugging a Sharepoint Services 3.0 WebPart

I am trying to create a WebPart for my locally installed Sharepoint Services 3.0 and I've followed various tips and guides to get it all working. However somewhere on the road I must have missed something or this is just not "in all the books". When creating an empty Sharepoint WebPart and just hitting F5 to debug it, I get the followin...

What is recommended approach for storing SharePoint web part images ?

I am little confused with available approaches to store my web part images. I found that i can store images which are being used in my Web Part at following different location 1. [12Hive]/TEMPLATE/LAYOUTS/1033/IMAGES 2. 80/wpresources/[AssemblyName] 3. [12Hive]/TEMPLATE/LAYOUTS/[Project specific folder]/Images/ Can any one suggest when...

WSS 3.0 navigation structure

Hi all, I'm a beginner in WSS 3.0 and I'm having some problems with the navigation setup. I can't find any documentation that clearly recommends best practices in this area. I'm trying to create an intranet, custom look and feel, that should have a structure similar to: Company - News - News type 1 - News type 2 - Orga...

jQuery in sharepoint retruning Object Expected

When I add jquery to sharepoint 2007 (MOSS) and try and use it on a page no matter what I write on the client i get an "object expected" at the line/column where the "$" appears. I have used fiddler to check that the client is downloading the query JS (which it is) But its like its being ignore and therefor eth "$" is not understood. ...

UserInformations are getting updated.

Whatever changes made on the UserInformtion in AD, it is not getting updated in users Mysite. Farm Information: SharePoint 2007 + SP2 + Dec-09 CU. Issue: AD-Team changes the user email-id. changes are getting updated in SSP. changes are not getting populated from SSP to Mysite/Site-collections. any thoughts? ...

Content Query Web Part - How do you OrderBy when you QueryOverride?

How do you order items when you override the QueryOverride property of the Content Query Web Part? I have been given responsibility for a Web Part which extends the Content Query Web Part. The QueryOverride property of this Web Part is programmatically changed. Currently, the Web Part does not function as designed, as it does not order ...