
Why do I get 401 UNAUTHORIZED when I'm entering to WSS 3.0 site?

Hi, When I'm opening for the first time my webpage on WSS 3.0 I always get 401 UNAUTHORIZED. I was trying a lot of resolutions from Google results. I disabled loop back check. Added administrator rights for sharepoint account. I have to add that I'm using anonymous access to default site. Can anybody help me to resolve this issue? Pleas...

Site Usage Reports web User Interface not working

When we go to a subsite of a web application, we get the message: "No data is available for this report. Usage analysis might have been enabled recently, or there might have been insufficient usage to report in any values for the report" We have followed the instructions to configure the site usage reports on the farm and have checked t...

Unable to search pdf in one library for some foreign users

We run a SharePoint Portal server 2007 and we have some problems with searching for pdf's. In general everything goes fine with most users only some foreign users don't see pdf's in the result from 1 library on our server. Other libraries are shown in their search results (pdf and word) and word documents from that library which goes wro...

Sharepoint 2010 team site permissions

Hi, I'm probably doing something stupid but I just can't seem to get the permissions working correctly on my collection. I have a site collection with a mixture of team sites and blogs. From the parent if I am a visitor/reader I can see everything apart from the sub team sites. The only way I can get the user to view the team sites i...

Sharepoint second page library

Sharepoint 07 has nice page library. You can create templates and then just by pressing Site-> 'Create a page' get a choice with page templates. However if one tries to create second library, for example, document library, in the same site (node), then it is not possible to choose element type as "page". Only "wiki-pages" and "pages wit...

Accessing controls for page layout in code behind

Hello All, I am developing a publishing portal in SharePoint. The page layouts, master pages are designed using Visual Studio and I deploy the page layouts into the content database using wspbuilder. I have a requirement wherein I have to access the controls of the page layout in code behind and assign or get values to/from the contro...

How to access TextBox inner of a Sharepoint TextField

Hi all, I want to get Asp Textbox inner of a Sharepoint TextField to easy to using postback over this control. It's a protected field. I know that must create a class inherited from TextField. But all time i try to get this TextBox, it always return null. Pls, help me ...

How to embed document stored in SharePoint into Word 2007

I am familiar with embedding documents into a Word 2007 document as long as they are stored in the file system. What I am trying to accomplish is embedding a Word doc that is stored in a SharePoint repository but I can't see any way to do this. What I have are several sub-documents that will be assembled into a larger document (think c...

Restricting Users to only edit their data in SharePoint edit form

Hello, I'm trying to restrict the Edit List Form in SharePoint to only allow users to edit their own data. Any suggestions? Thanks, James ...

Custom permission-based view in SharePoint

In either SharePoint 2007 or 2010, I am looking for a way to do a particular type of custom view. I don't think this is default in the product and would possibly need some scripting. (hopefully I am wrong). Let's say I have 3 columns in the list, 2 with data and 1 with the owner (tied to single signed on account). I want to limit the...

How to use CopyIntoItems to copy files into existing doclib items

Hi. This is my scenario: I need to copy files to a sharepoint document library using its web services and set metadata on them. That's all possible with CopyIntoItems (from Copy webservice) except for Lookup fields. CopyIntoItems ignores them, so i need another way to set data on those fields. I've tried to create a list item with the ...

Change URL of Site Pages Library

I have Sharepoint 2010 instance on URL: http://dale/ The default location of Site Pages Library is http://dale/Pages/ I would like to change this to http://dale/Sider/ Is this possible? If yes, then how? Maybe some kind of redirection is possible? ...

DLL Caching issues on IIS/Sharepoint GAC

We have a handful of sharepoint sites that uses various UserControls we have developed for custom stuff including authentication and authorization. On one of these sites when a new user is created by an admin it creates a password of this minumum length number of characters, saves the user info and sends an email to the users email addre...

Handling Postback within a Webpart in Sharepoint

I am initializing a GridView, text box and a button via code to a Webpart in CreateChildControls() The above controls are declared as class variables but initialized only later. Next, I've given the handler for button click. The handler function is supposed to work as a search - perform some operations on the content entered in the tex...

SharePoint -custom sign-in page

Hi -I am running a CMS web site on WSS 3.0. I would like to have a custom sign-in page for the publishers. Do I have any other alternative other than the Welcome control? (For example, could I use ASP.NET Login control? Thank you for your help. ...

Inject javascript to Infopath form

Hi everybody. We use Infopath 2007 + Sharepoint 2007 and need to inject some javascript to infopath form. I know that infopath form can be hosted on the aspx page using XmlFormControl. But this solution doesn't suit us =(. Is there any workaround? ...

Custom actions for a content type but not one of its childen.

I am creating an Item in my dropdown to go to an application page I created. The option in the dropdown is added to the context menu for items with spesified content types. However, i seam to have hit a small snag. <CustomAction Id="UserInterfaceCustomActions.DocumentMigrateToLocation" RegistrationType="ContentType" RegistrationId="0x01...

Embed Tag in Internet Explorer not working

Hello All, I am developing a publishing portal in SharePoint. I have embedded a video in my page using the traditional embed tag inside the object tag. It works fine in Firefox. But, the video is not at all rendered in IE. I have IE 8 in my machine. Is there any other way to add video in my page which is compatible with all the renown...

Rich Image Field rendered as HTML in publishing page - SharePoint

Hello All, I have used SharePoint's Rich Image Field in my page layout. When I traverse into edit mode of the publishing page and add an image in the image field, the image is rendered fine. But, once I 'Check In' my page using the publishing console and publish the page, the html markup of the image is rendered. How could this be reso...

How to create a login experience in like Sharepoint has?

We use Sharepoint 2007 as our internal portal. I'm currently developing a custom app ( MVC2) and I've been asked to have the login process mimic Sharepoint, where a user is initially logged in using SSO but then can opt to logout and provide different credentials. Any blogs/guides on how to do this? UPDATE: Thanks to reflector...