
Alternative ways for setting variable value in XSLT?

I have a basic XSLT filter on a SharePoint 2007 DataFormWebPart: <xsl:variable name="Rows" select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row[((ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@MyDate) ,1061 ,'MM'))=$MyParameter)]"/> The $MyParameter comes from an ASP.NET control. But trying to set the variable value in any other ways results in an error: <xsl:variable n...

SharePoint script fails when run as a Visual Studio post-deployment command

I have written a script that inserts some test data into a document library. I intend to use it as a post-deployment step in Visual Studio 2010, so that the library is not empty after a retract & deploy. The relevant portions of the script are: Install.ps1: $scriptDirectory = Split-Path -Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Paren...

sharepoint add list item with axis2 web service

I have generated a stub with the script that comes with Axis2. Does anyone know what the method would look like for me to add a list item to a sharepoint list from a Java class using Axis2? ...

CPU Pinned above 95% when BDC profile import (Full and Incremental)

We have daily full profile imports using BDC connection. In that duration, CPU spiking very high. That team is concern. How to resolve this issue. Please anybody have any idea on this? Please share with me. It is physical box with 16 GB RAM. CPU is spiking all the way till its complete BDC job (not like only initially). I have 85000 rec...

Infopath with sharepoint: Retrieval of the XML document from the following location is not authorized:

I am deploying a form in sharepoint library. When I open the form it is working but when i open the saved form the it shows an error Retrieval of the XML document from the following location is not authorized: and then form is closed. Please help me. ...

SharePoint 2010 - Remove users permissions to edit own profile

Our client wants to use the user profile service as an automated organizational chart, but doesn't want any of the social networking features of SharePoint 2010. All user info is imported from AD correctly, but there are links all over the place to "Edit my Profile" or "Update my Keywords" or do facebook-like status updates and notes. ...

Invoke SharePoint Web Service With Axis2 client authenticate

Hi, I'm trying to run the following in the main of my java class. The code uses the stub to first authenticate and then bring back the collection of lists in a microsoft sharepoint site. The code is as follows: ListsStub stub = new ListsStub(); HttpTransportProperties.Authenticator auth = new HttpT ransportProperties.Aut...

Excel Services connection error using SharePoint 2010 to query Analysis Services (2008 RT)

I am connecting to an Analysis Services cube from an Excel Services spreadsheet. SharePoint and SQL Server are configured on separate servers. Am using Excel 2010 / SharePoint 2010 / SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64). Refreshing all connections (or clicking an item in the slicer) throws an error: "An error occurred during ...

"view my site" not showing in outlook?

We have a Sharepoint 2007 deployment, Office Communicator, and Outlook 2007. Inside my Outlook 2007 client, I can see a "View my site" option when clicking the prescence icon beside a user's name or meeting room when adding them as a recipient to a meeting request or email. Our secretary doesn't have this option. Is there anything I c...

HOWTO: Allow access as an anonymous user with FBA and SharePoint 2010

I have a new site with a custom forms membership and role provider, and I need to allow anonymous users to visit the site (i.e. to browse around but not log in). This is a new SharePoint 2010 site running under claims authentication (obviously). Problem I have is that despite allowing anonymous access in both central admin and site perm...

Permission/Deny Mask in SharePoint

Hi All, I have a question regarding SharePoint permission masks. In SharePoint it is possible to set the grant/deny rights using masks. Details are given the following article. My question is when we have a permission/deny mask. For example if you deny “ViewItem” permis...

WSS 3.0 Authentication mode

Hi, I have two questions on wss 3.0 How to know that kind of authentication is currently in use. How do I set the authentication in such a way that users on office network don't have to input user name\password? So if users are in the office they can just go straight in without using a password? Those outside the office will obviously ...

SharePoint 2010 Blog URLs

I have a blog hosted on SharePoint 2010 with default settings. The URL for my blog posts looks something like http://domainname/Blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=somenumber How can I use meaningful names instead of these default URLs? Can you please point me to some useful links on how to achieve this? ...

Sharepoint: Menu on default page.

Hi all, I develop application integrated in SharePoint. I need to bind menu on the pages depending on user right and permissions in the custom db. All it's OK in the pages what I created (derived from LayoutsPageBase). Ex.: object objMenu = CoreUtils.FindControlRecursive(Page, "QuickLaunchMenu"); if (null != o...

Extracting e-mail addresses from Sharepoint site/database

I would like to extract e-mail addresses from a Sharepoint site/database. One list item in Sharepoint can contain several addresses inside a textbox, so I need some sort of regular expression or other trick to recognize what is an e-mail address and what is not. So I'm not sure which approach is the best. SQL Queries and/or script? ...

getting ComException while reading the document in SharePoint 2010


How to ensure all steps in form gets completed in order

I have an Excel spreadsheet which must be converted to a workflow. The spreadsheet is simply used for our employees to follow a certain order while doing specific tasks. There are roughly 20 steps per task and each task must be performed in order with the approval of two people to ensure each step was completed successfully. Ideally I w...

Is it a good idea to install Office 2007 on a server?

I noticed a lot of 3rd party SharePoint applications require that Office be installed on the server in order to function - PDF converters, for example. To me, this seems like a horrible idea. The overhead, update requirements, reboots, and footprint all combine to make this a bad idea. Am I wrong in my assumption? ...

Sharepoint as a CMS

I am looking at using Sharepoint as a CMS for my WPF application, I was hoping to create some kind of a repository and access that using .NET web services. The repository would simply be some images and perhaps some meta-data about the images (name, description, etc...) Im am stuck to Sharepoint, so another system is not really an optio...

sharepoint 2010 central administration not starting after install

After installing sharepoint server 2010 on server 2008 64 bit . every thing goes well no errors,but after clicking sharepoint server 2010 central administration from the program menu i got this message The version of this file compatible with the version of windows you you're running .Check yourf computer system information to see whet...