
error in sharepoint 2010 designer while saving:"Content in the embedded form may be changed by the the server to remove unsafe content. "

Hi, I am doing development in sharepoint 2010. If I create a site page with the sharepoint look and feel for that site on save,i am getting this error:"Content in the embedded form may be changed by the the server to remove unsafe content.Do you want to reload your page to see the results of the save? " and when i say reload,the server...

developers road map for sharepoint 2010

hello, i have a bunch of about 10 developers who already have skills in c# and sharepoint 2007. i would like to break them into sharepoint 2010. does anyone have a basic development plan/roadmap that i can use to break them in? thanks ...

Sharepoint 2010. Strange behavior in intranet: ip address vs dns name

I have Sharepoint site published in Intranet. Most of the time I configure modules and site collection via http://myserver link. But some users have to use ip address: Users that access site via ip address observe strange behavior - children sites menus work inappropriate and some services looks misconfigured. Ho...

Can SharePoint be used to maintain employee forms?

We'd like to create something within SharePoint that would allow to ensure a set of forms is completed for each employee (i.e., Tax forms, non-compete, etc.). HR staff would have access to a page listing employees and upon selecting a specific employee, they would be shown a list of these completed forms which could be opened to view th...

Sharepoint Custom Upload Field and attachments ?

Hi all I developed a custom sharepoint field that uploads a file in a specific document library and stores the url of the file after saqving it as the value of the field. the problem is that the uploaded file is stored twice one in the library as I want and the other as an attachment with the item in the list that has this field. how ...

Access a list value in a content webpart

I have added a HTML Content webpart to my discussion thread view item page . In the discussion thread list, I have added a new column called VideoName. Now, when a user clicks on a discussion list item, on the details page, I want to dynamically lookup the VideoName(in a HTML content webpart) field and display the correct video that be...

SharePoint Online file storage

We have a requirement to store documents in SharePoint Online as people copy files to a shared network directly. Is there a way of automating this? I was thinking of a windows service which will poll the directories, find any changes like new subdirectories or new files, then upload them to a SharePoint Online document library. ...

Programmatically setting field value for sharepoint listitem

Hi guys. I'm trying to simply add a simple text or hyperlink field to a list item in sharepoint 2007. I can add the field no problem: list.Fields.Add("MyField",SPFieldType.Text, false); And it shows up fine on my list items. However no matter which way I try, I can't programmatically set a value for the field. I tried: list.items[0...

video sharepoint web part

Is there a third party video player web part which I can download and deployed freely?... Thanx ...

Open file from SSL-enabled SharePoint site

I have a SharePoint web app that has SSL enabled and a desktop application accessing the Document Library. If I try opening a document without SSL enabled, the URI looks something like: \\[SiteUrl]\DavWWWRoot\Sites\[SiteName]\[DocumentPath] and I can successfully open and save the file. However, after enabling SSL, the URI is \\[SiteUrl...

Retrieve Control/select value with XPath in SharePoint

A form is populated from a list and I need it filtered. I have a table with a date column and would like to display only the rows of the required month. For this I have used XPath filtering: [((ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@MyDateColumn) ,1061 ,'MM'))=02)] This gives me the results for February, all ok. Now what I am trying to achieve ...

Could not load an entity in NHibernate then Timeout Exception when Table is existing

I need help on this. I got this error while inserting/updating a number of records could not load an entity: [Star.CNPL_BusinessObjects.Entities.CNPL.CNPL_AgencyProduct#48][SQL: SELECT cnpl_agenc0_.Id as Id48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.AgencyID as AgencyID48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.ProductID as ProductID48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.CreatedDate as CreatedD4_48_...

How to store Infopath form attachments in document library ?

In Infopath form the attachments gets embeded within the file as bas64 string and in my case i may have multiple attachments (up to 6-7 attachments). Keeping attachments as part of the Infopath form itself will make my form size huge as well wont allow me to add some business rules on individual attachments. Is there a way i can store t...

Recommend web-based data report sites?

For several years now, I've built up a more-or-less reliable system of emailing static PDFs and Excel files to our non-technical clients. I'd like to upgrade this process to 2010 technology, preferrably in the form of a website than can both act as a file-server for these reports as well as present the data in html. After some asking a...

SharePoint 2010 Basic Workflow Question

Hi, I've just started to look workflows in 2010 which seem pretty good but I can't find seem to find out how do something very simple. Basically I'm creating a lost property list and workflow, essentially anyone can add a new item to the list for an item that they've found. Next anyone can make a claim on an item in the list which sho...

Sharepoint 2010 add Note Board to Custom List

Is it possible to add a note board or other web parts to a Custom List? I would like to be able to have comments on list items. ...

How to iterate to Profile pictures in sharepoint?

User stored his/her profile picture in "Shared%20Pictures/Profile%20Pictures/bhind8ball.bmp" path in SSP. How to get this List item using this url? Or How to iterate SharePicture/ProfilePicture to get this List item using SPQuery? ...

Programmatically hiding an SPField

Hi all: I'm having trouble hiding a SPField from the user view programmatically. I tried the obvious way of: SPField newField = web.Site.RotWeb.Fields.GetField("order"); string newField = list.Fields.Add(newField); list.Fields["order"].Hidden = true; // <--- exception: read-only field list.Update(); The exception says the field is r...

Passing data back to workflow from various tasks created by the workflow.

Hi I have a workflow that generates multiple tasks based on some selections in the workflow. I am using a replicator activity to generate these tasks in parallel. These tasks are approval tasks and I need to save Approved Status (Aproved or Rejected) and a comment from the approver back into the list item which initiated the workflow. T...

Ribbon button Custom action that will work across all lists

I want to create a ribbon button that will work with all kinds of lists. I mean, the same custom action should work against lists, document libraries, Announcement lists, etc.. Also. It should work regardless of the content types contained in the list. What should be the custom action definition for this? ...