
Cannot upgrade webpart in AfterDeserialize() method in SharePoint 2010

Dear all, I had some properties in old version of my webpart and I want to change replace them to new properties in AfterDeserialize method. It was ok on SharePoint 2007 but I cannot run on SharePoint 2010. I do not know what happen in this case ? Please help me. Thanks / Phong Dang. ...

How to handle unused Managed Metadata Terms without a WssId?

The Problem We upload (large amounts of) files to SharePoint using FrontPage RPC (put documents call). As far as we've been able to find out, setting the value of taxonomy fields through this protocol requires their WssId. The problem is that unless terms have been explicitly used before on a listitem, they don´t seem to have a WSS ID....

Silverlight adding to List<T> throws Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I'm using Silverlight 4 on IE 8. I have created a new Silverlight web part for SharePoint 2010 that I am using to read 2 external content types. One represents the Invoices in the Chinook database from Code Plex and the other is the lines of each invoice. I am attempting to display the code in a Master-Detail layout using the Telerik Rad...

SharePoint List Best practices

Hi all, I am creating an application using SharePoint List for storing the data. The data design would pretty much similar like if you are going to put it in a relational database, with items like many to many relationship, primary keys, foreign keys. I would like to know what are the best practices? There are a few questions that I ...

Customizing the "My Profile" CSS styles on SharePoint 2010

Hello, I'm trying to edit the CSS file of the "My Profile" page on my SharePoint 2010 solution. I need to change some colors and position of some elements. On my little research here, i found 2 ways to do it: 1º - Editing the mysite.master file 2º - Editing the portal.css on the root folder of the project. I'm a little afraid of thes...

How to deploy an existing PerformancePoint dashboard to a new site?

Hi, Apologies if the question is not worded appropriately. I've created a dashboard using the dashboard designer and succesfully deployed it to our development server. Now I'd like to deploy it to our staging server - is there a way to do that? I've tried pointing the designer at a different URL without success. Thanks, Phil ...

Study Materials for Sharepoint 2010 Development Exam (70-573)

My boss wants me to become certified in Sharepoint 2010 development ... like yesterday. What are some good study materials for the test? ...

Develop a custom editable Visual Web Part (WebPart) for SharePoint 2010

I want to develop a webpart that allows editors to amend its content using Sharepoint's Ribbon-based formatting controls, and then display that content in a nicely formatted way. The built-in content editor webpart isn't sufficient because I want to wrap the content in hardcoded HTML so as to enforce my site's graphical design. Also, I w...

Correct MultiChoice Values in LINQ to SharePoint Query

I am using a LINQ to SharePoint query to return items from a SharePoint list. var myOpenTasksQuery = from myTasks in tasks where myTasks.TaskStatus != TaskStatus.Completed select myTasks However, the list I am querying, an OOTB Tasks list, there are a number of multi-choice fields (Status,...

Security validation error when try get data from sharepoint using silverlight.

I try to execute this code in Silcerlight 4 contol hosted in webpart: clientCtx = new ClientContext(ApplicationContext.Current.Url); clientCtx.ValidateOnClient = true; clientCtx.Load(clientCtx.Web); clientCtx.ExecuteQueryAsync(updateConnectionStatus, Failed); but it fails and go Failed method and I recive error: "The security validat...

FileNotFound Exception with Sharepoint 2010 with the SPSite Constructor

I try to instantiate a instance of SPSite on the farm server in a console app and I give in parameter the whole website (http://sp2010/). I also made sure that the account running MyApp.exe is Site Collection Administrator. However, I can't make an instance of SPSite whatever I am trying to do. I always gives back "FileNotFoundException...

Getting Started with Sharepoint2010

Hello, I am trying to create a new sharepoint portal 2010 site. I will use this site for students. I need to provide to users personal sites. I mean there will be for example 100 users and they will see an anonymous main web page. After this they will enter their personal sites with user name and password. Each of them need to have a ...

sharepoint admin does not have full control

Hi everyone, can anyone help me out here, my sharepoint 2010 admin does not have full control permission on the site collection for some reason, does anyone know how to fix that ? Thank you. ...

Can ReSharper properly parse SharePoint layouts?

I am creating a SharePoint 2010 feature in Visual Studio 2010. While ReSharper is a valuable tool for writing code, it reports lots of errors (all server-relative image references, master page reference, ContentPlaceHolderID's referring to the master page and so on) in .aspx layout definitions. I had to exclude the master page from ReSha...

Content Types Fields data disappear

Hi everone, I hope all is going well with you. I have created a new document type in my library. The document type contains three fields:Name, Date, Department (which come from a dropdown list). I successfully add a new document using this document type and add data into it. Now, when I save this new document and open it again, I ONLY se...

Why can't I delete groups in Sharepoint Foundation 2010?

I have a test group I created in SharePoint that I want to delete (I'm the only user in the group). In the "People and Groups: All Groups" screen I click the edit icon next to the group and then click on the "Delete" button and ok the following warning dialog. However, the group doesn't get deleted. Any idea why this is happening and how...

Getting Internal Error - SP2010 - WSP Builder

Hello I've a SP2010 Enterprise installed in Win Server 2008 R2. After i create a web app i'm able to browse the application. After i deploy a custom solution (which is working fine in MOSS 2007) through WSP Builder Extensions for 2010 using VS 2010 i'm getting 500 Internal Server Error I'm not able to see anything in IIS Logs, Shar...

Can I add and run a new XAML only workflow in Sharepoint 2010 during runtime?

I would like to create XAML-only workflow then "upload" it to Sharepoint 2010 and manually execute it as I would run it in Windows Workflow Foundation. So far I know I can package my workflow and deploy it as WSP to Sharepoint and then start it either manually or on an event trigger, but this scenario doesn't suit my needs unfortunately...

Visual Web Part in Sharepoint 2010 shows only XMLDataSource in GridView

I created a new Visual Web Part in VS 2010 (using Sharepoint Server 2010), then dropped a GridView on the User Control. However when setting up the DataSource for the GridView, I only get XMLDataSource as an option. There is no option to create a SQLDataSource for instance. does anyone know how to get over this limitation in Visual Stud...

Sharepoint 2010 workflow with custom infopath form

I am trying to figure out how to use a custom Infopath form with a Sharepoint 2010 workflow. I have read about a million tutorials on how to do this, but I always end up receiving a "The workflow template has specified no FormURN for this page." error. I use a Visual Studio project to deploy the solution. I have a Module containing the...