
SharePoint - insert list item into a folder using LINQ

Hello, I am trying to use the new LINQ notation to add an item into a folder. I can add the item to the root of the list with: dataContext.MyList.InsertOnSubmit(mynewObject); But I can't find a way to make it go inside a folder. I am trying to avoid instanciating SPWeb, or SPSite objects. Thanks, Itay, ...

How to store user-specific data in SharePoint

I have some user-specific data that I need to store in SharePoint and make accessible to the user through custom webparts. Let's say a list of favorite URLs. What would be the most straightforward way to store this information? Some builtin propertybag for SPUser or similar that I'm not aware of. SPList, associated through User column...

Enable Session state in sharePoint 2010

I setup a test box computer with server 2008 (standard edition, not R2 and not hyper-v editing). I then installed SharePoint 2010. I was amazed how easy the whole setup went (the prerequisites setup on the SharePoint disk made this process oh so easy – great install system). Really this was just so easy. This test box is being used for...

SharePoint 2010 Development on Virtual Machine - Windows 7 or Server 2008?

I recently switched to a MacBook Pro for my development machine (for many reasons). I want to setup a Virtual Machine for ASP.NET, IIS, and Visual Studio 2010 development. I also have need to do some development work with SharePoint 2010. What I am wondering is if I should use Windows 7 (64 bit) or Windows Server 2008 (64 bit) as the O...

Validation for SharePoint 2010 external lists / external content types

Where does one put validation for external content types? Let's say one field on my ECT represents an email address that must be unique in our system. Where would I put the validation that checks to see that someone hasn't submitted an instance of the ECT with a duplicate email address? How do I bubble up validation errors so they're dis...

SharePoint 2010 List View Query Parameters failing to deploy

Greetings, Using Visual Studio 2010, I've created a list definition + list instance based on a SharePoint calendar. In the Schema.xml file, I've defined a custom view for the list that filters the calendar events based on the category field and set it as the default view. The view deploys to SharePoint 2010 and correctly gets set as th...

"The specified view is invalid" in call to LimitedWebPartManager.AddWebPart in SharePoint 2010

This code used to work in WSS 3.0 / MOSS 2007 in FeatureReceiver.FeatureActivated: using (SPLimitedWebPartManager limitedWebPartManager = Site.GetLimitedWebPartManager("default.aspx", PersonalizationScope.Shared)) { ListViewWebPart listViewWebPart = new ListViewWebPart { Title = title, ListName = list.ID.ToString("B"...

Customizing the ribbon in office web

I have a sharepoint 2010 based application, that uses office web 2010 for viewing word,excel and powerpoint files. The requirement of our application is such that once the file is opened in office web, we need to disable the edit button (we want the file to be readonly). Is there a way to customize the ribbon in office web ? I did not...

SharePoint 2010 managed paths

Hi! I am currently building an intranet portal with SharePoint 2010. One feature I am using is the My Sites feature. Therefore I created a new Site Collection in an explicit managed path: "my" ...and added a wildcard managed path "my/personal" within the "parent" web application (port 80). The "My Sites" feature works well, as long as... MVC/Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 integration

Just a sidenote: I'm not sure whether I should post this to serverfault as well, because some MOSS admin may have some info for me as well? Additional note 1: I've found this document ( MVC 2 & Sharepoint integration) if anybody with sufficient expirience is willing to comment on its content whether this can be used in my ...

Can we use SharePoint 2010 with Virtual PC in 32-bit Operting System?

hi all, i want to install SharePoint 2010 in my system.but my system is 32-bit where SharePoint 2010 is 64-bit.So can we use Virtual PC to use SharePoint 2010 in my it Possible ? Please tell me how can i use SharePoint 2010 in my 32-bit System? thanks in advance. ...

Sharepoint 2010 - Managed KeyWords

Hi, Is it possible to import managed keywords into SharePoint 2010? Where are the keywords stored within which database? Background - I'm currently working on a migration from a legacy system into SharePoint 2010. So far everything is going well, and I can even bring across the managed meta data across along with most other data...

SharePoint 2010 FBA with custom form - 403 error

I have a SharePoint 2010 site that is configured for Forms Based Auth using custom role, membership and profile providers. This works perfectly using the OOTB SharePoint 2010 FBA form (ie. under /_forms in the web app virtual directory). My problem is with a custom login form that is located in a separate folder, /Landing/Login/default...

how to make the msi created using makecab.exe in moss 2007 work in MOSS 2010

The question speaks it all ...

Considerations for deploying TFS 2010 with Sharepoint 2007

Our development team is making the move to TFS 2010 from VSS. The company has an existing Sharepoint 2007 installation. My understanding is that TFS can be integrated with Sharepoint. I have a couple of questions concerning this new TFS installation: Please confirm that Sharepoint is NOT a prerequisite for a TFS installation and T...

Sharepoint 2010 web application development suitability evaluation/assessment

I would like to know what kind of applications are suitable to be developed on top of Sharepoint 2010 and which should not be built on to of it. So when to embrace/avoid Sharepoint 2010 as a development platform for new web applications. Addendum Would you as a sharepoint development specialist choose it as a platform for your next ent...

Looking for resources for learning SharePoint Foundation on the Internet

Hello. While I am quite comfortable with the .Net world, I am a baby as far as SharePoint technologies are concerned. With the advent of SharePoint 2010 (Foundation especially), I'd like to directly learn the new version. However, I am not getting enough resources on the Internet that can be helpful. Besides knowing to maneuver a ShareP...

SharePoint 2010 as Web CMS - anyone any links?

Mostly interested in how to hide the SharePoint "particulars". For example whether to use the base site as "Wiki" and in this case - how to hide the "SitePages" folder and other SharePoint specifics. And links to any pages / Documents helping there ;) ...

What´s the easiest way for a user authentication in SharePoint 2010

Hi, does anybody have a manuel that describes the steps to create an anonymous user authentication in SharePoint 2010 (Website for the internet with no authentication). For editing an admin has to log in with forms authentication. Can I hold the admin somewhere in the web.config with membership provider ? Or do I need to install SQL Se...

Sharepoint 2010 Publishing Image Field in a sandboxed solution

Hello, I am trying to read a list that contains a field of type Publishing Image in a sandbox webpart. However as soon as I reference the field with the following line, I get an error. SPList List = Web.Lists["ListName"]; SPItem Item = List.GetItemByID(1); Object o = Item["Image"]; The error is the type Publishing.Image is not marked...