
"Could not load type" in web service converted to VB.NET

I wrote a simple web service in C# using SharpDevelop (which I just got and I love). The client wanted it in VB, and fortunately there's a Convert To VB.NET feature. It's great. Translated all the code, and it builds. (I've been a "Notepad" guy for a long time, so I may seem a little old-fashioned.) But I get this error when I try t...

Any problems running SharpDevelop 3.0 and Visual Studio 2008 side by side?

I have been asked to lend a hand on a hobby project that a couple friends are working on, they are using SharpDevelop 3.0 (Beta 2 I think, but it might be Beta 1) is there any hassle for me to install and use this IDE given that I have Visual Studio 2008 installed? ...

SharpDevelop ebook

Does anyone know where I might find the SharpDevelop ebook? It is apparently no longer available from Apress. ...

C# - Fill a combo box with a DataTable

I'm used to work with Java where large amounts of examples are available. For various reasons I had to switch to C# and trying to do the following in SharpDevelop: // Form has a menu containing a combobox added via SharpDevelop's GUI // --- Variables languages = new string[2]; languages[0] = "English"; languages[1] = "German"; DataSet ...

Howto: Taking photos in windows mobile without CameraCaptureDialog?

I want to create a windows mobile app (windows mobile 5.0 and above, using CompactFramework [in SharpDevelop]) to capture photos automatically, without user involvement (like it would be with CameraCaptureDialog). After going through google searches I found out a solution that should work (

Localization with SharpDevelop

I'm working on a localized application which I develop in SharpDevelop. Based on a tutorial I ran into an error: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture (or the neutral culture) on disk. baseName: I created the ressource file using Project | Add | New item respective "Empty ressource file" (I couldn't fi...

Do you recommend SharpDevelop for trying out C# on Linux?

I'm going to try c# on my linux box.... Do you recommend SharpDevelop as IDE or just a notepad + compiler? tnx Alberto Berengo ...

SharpDevelop or Express editions

Since there is a Sharpdevelop 3.0 ( ) can anybody tell me how it compares to the Express Editions ? ( ) I tried to find differences, but could only find this old post

Visual Studio vs. #Develop - Default event handlers

Visual Studio and SharpDevelop do not both set up delegates to handle events in the same way. The way they are set up is a little bit different. This makes it difficult to use VS in one place and #Develop in another (on the same project). For Example, in VB, Visual Studio does the following: Private Sub OK_Button_Click(ByVal sender A...

SharpDevelop, How do you add a DataSource?

I am attempting to complete a homework lesson in C#. I am supposed to add a datasource to a Datagrid view control. However, in Sharp Develop under the common task menu the datasource dialog has no way to add a DataSource. This apparently is different than how VS works. Can someone help me figure out how to do this in SharpDevelop? ...

Settings Editor for #develop?

Using Visual C# Express, if I double-click on the Properties/Settings.settings file, I automagically got a special settings editor. Doing the same under #develop just results in a standard editor, and it looks like Settings.Designer.cs doesn't get updated, so that has to be updated by hand as well. Is there a plug-in for #develop that ...

IronPython and instantiating COM objects

I'm using IronPython 2.0 in a SharpDevelop 3.1 console window. I'm trying to reference and use the Redemption CDO replacement library. The standard usage for the library is to instantiate an RDOSession object, then use the methods on that object to navigate through the RDO object model. I've registered the Redemption COM dll and refer...

Unreachable code? WTF? (C#)

int x; int iHateDataRows = dt.Rows.Count + 2; System.Data.DataRow[] dra = new System.Data.DataRow[1000]; for(x = 0; x < iHateDataRows; ++x) So, this is obviously a loop but, my problem is that the '++x' tells me that it is unreachable. I don't know if this is just my IDE going crazy or something (I...

Using ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit on .Net 3.5?

I'm trying to use the ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.TextEditor control from the SharpDevelop 4.0 project in a WPF app that I'm building, but I can't seem to get it to work. I checked out a copy of the source code from svn:// at revision 4304. Then, I built the p...

PowerPoint version compilation

Let's say I am using SharpDevelop/VS to develop an app that uses PowerPoint. Do I need to recompile the app so there is a build for each version of MS Office? I have MS Office 2007, but I would also like the app to work with Office 2003 and later, without having to recompile the app for each version. Do I just need to install the appr...

Is anyone using System.Data.SQLite within SharpDevelop?

I was just wondering if perhaps any of you guys has been successful integrating SQLite into a SharpDevelop project? If that's the case it'd be really interesting if you wouldn't mind to go ahead and share the experience with the rest of us. I've tried the more sort of orthodox approach of using Visual Studio 2008 Express Editions and wh...

SharpDevelop - mixing C# and VB.NET in one project possible?

Is is possible to mix C# and VB.NET files in one project when using SharpDevelop? ...

F# on/in SharpDevelop?

Is there an F# compiler (plugin?) for SharpDevelop? I use SharpDevelop on my netbook for hobby development and it would be cool to program in f# on it. ...

SharpDevelop: "Could not find fsi.exe" even when f# is installed

I installed a copy of f# on my machine (on a secondary drive), and when i try to start the F# interactive prompt, it says it could not find fsi.exe. Do i need to copy some files somewhere or something? ...

Learning VB.Net using Sharpdevelop

I’m new to visual I have experience in C++ programming, but never created gui with it so learning for some quick gui development. and i want to learn I can’t install visual basic express on computer cause i’m on shared computer and such huge install is not possible on that computer. So i picked up sharpdevelop. ...