
Is it possible to develop C# projects in Visual Studio and then compile in SharpDevelop?

Is there any incomparability between Visual Studio and SharpDevelop projects? P.S. For Windows Forms applications. ...

How does the Sharpdevelop databindings dialog work?

Here's what I am trying to do: Select TextBox in designer mode. Open advanced databinding dialog via properties panel. What opens up is a dialog where I cannot select anything - there is a list of (TextBox) properties on the left side, each having a little "no parking" icon. The rest of the dialog is disabled. Nothing I can do but hi...

How to start developing Windows mobile applications

I want to write an application for my Windows 6.1 standard smart phone that intercepts incoming SMS messages and auto responds if they match a specific criteria, but despite installing countless SDk's I am unable to do what I need. The code I want to use relies on the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.dll assembly, but I can't seem ...

Convert SharpDevelop 3.1 solution to VS2005

Is there a way to open a solution created in SharpDevelop 3.1 in Visual Studio 2005? Here is the header of the solution file: Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00 # Visual Studio 2008 # SharpDevelop Is it as simple as changing the version numbers in the header? ...

Developing the mono application on Sharp Develop 3.1

Im testing the Sharp Develop 3.1 to find out that can i use sharp develop on windows for building mono application. building process works find, while i'm debugging ,execution is not stopping at break points. Can any one tell why is this happening? ...

sharpdevelop, and run/debug it?

i created an project in sharpdevelop. i wanted to get started to see how debugging is and i am stuck already. How do i run the ASP.NET project? It just says its configured as a DLL. How do i launch it as a webpage. I see "start browser in url" but how do i get my code in a webpage or what do i use to do it? Also can i debug while...

Is it possible to bind hotkeys to external tools in SharpDevelop?

I want to bind Ctrl-Alt-N to an External Tool (Nant build) in SharpDevelop, how can I do that? ...

What olive bullet on breakpoint means in SharpDevelop

Sometimes when I set a breakpoint and start debugging its color changes from red to olive: When it happens debugging doesn't stop at all - breakpoint is ignored. I want to know why this happens and how to avoid it in the future. Edit: It does not happens only when breakpoint is set on commented line of code: ...

Loose coupling of COM in C# or How to avoid COMException 0x80040154

I have a .Net 2 C# application I am developing which uses a VB 6 generated COM DLL. The VB DLL is updated frequently any my application crashes with a System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154). The part of the COM DLL I use does not change but the version (and CLSID) will. The "Specific Version" option for the reference ...

Any experiences using SharpDevelop to build an ASP.NET MVC app?

I've always used VS for .NET development, but am just wondering about the alternatives around now. I'm especially interested in use for ASP.NET MVC development. I'm not bothered about any of the visual design aspects of vs, but of course love intellisense and the debugging features. So, for anyone who has tried SharpDevelop when doing...

#Develop installer- This setup requires the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to be installed

I'm trying to install the latest version of #Develop but am getting the message This setup requires the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to be installed I'm running Windows 7, and I've tried running the installer for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 plus the installer for the Windows 7 SDK. The installer just says to use the Control Panel to turn Window...

Good IDE for Mono on Windows

I would like to develop Mono application for Win/Linux/Mac in C# on Windows. Is there any really good (Visual Studio comparable) IDE for that? The best would be if I could manage Visual C# Express to compile solutions using the Mono compiler. I've found a #develop IDE, which looks very cool and has many features that Express edition of ...

Are Visual Studio Express and SharpDevelop Project Interchangeable?

I'm starting to learn WPF and currently use Visual Studio Express 2010 at home. I want to be able to work on my projects at work but I am unable to install any unauthorized software on my computer. I downloaded SharpDevelop 4 and changed it so I can run it from my USB drive. SharpDelvelop will open Visual Studio projects but are there an...

event name in sharpdevelop

Hi all, i want to ask abt Sharpdevelop. Can i change the control's event name in sharpdevelop ? I want to add "_" like in visual studio. For Example, button click event in Sharp develop defaulted to Button1Click. can i change to Button1_Click like in visualstudio ? Thanks. ...

module "random" not found when building .exe from IronPython 2.6 script

I am using SharpDevelop to build an executable from my IronPython script. The only hitch is that my script has the line import random which works fine when I run the script through ipy.exe, but when I attempt to build and run an exe from the script in SharpDevelop, I always get the message: IronPython.Runtime.Exceptions.ImportException...

WPF Debugging AvalonEdit binding to Document property.

Hello, all day long I am sitting and trying to find out why binding to AvalonEdits Document property isn't working. AvalonEdit is an advanced WPF text editor - part of the SharpDevelop project.(it's going to be used in SharpDevelop v4 Mirador). So when I set up a simple project - one TextEditor (that's the AvalonEdits real name in the ...

Error when using SharpDevelop

I have some code: Outlook.Application outLookApp = new Outlook.Application(); Outlook.Inspector inspector = outLookApp.ActiveInspector(); Outlook.NameSpace nameSpace = outLookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"); Outlook.MAPIFolder inbox = nameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox); String sCriteria = "[SenderEmailAddress] =...

breakpoints in SharpDevelop with IronPython

is it possible somehow to get the breakpoints to work in SharpDevelop with IronPython/Winforms? They work alright with other languages but with IronPython they just don't stop ...

SharpDevelop equivalent of Visual Studio's "Break on exceptions"

In Visual Studio, there's a debugger setting labelled "Break on exceptions" or something like that. It drops into the debugger whenever an exception is raised (that is, on the first pass of the two pass exception mechanics), regardless of whether the exception will be handled or not. This is a very useful feature, and I try to keep it ...

Active configuration for solutions SharpDevelop

Hello I already asked regarding actove configuration for Visual Studio projects and thanks to that already know that it stored in .suo and csproj.user(for c#) file. Now I found that for solutions created in SharpDevelop there were not created these files Do you have infor...