
FF extension: displaying an array of string elements in a sidebar

I am developing a ff extension which displays a list of elements from an array (dynamic) in the sidebar. The array is dynamic and needs to be constructed in a function everytime the sidebar is opened (or any other event handler). Later, i will need to implement link functionality on parts of the string. What is the best way to go about t...

firefox sidebar menu or list of elements. resources/help

I am struggling to find any resources on firefox extensions which construct a sidebar and put elements into them. plus tyhe other functionalities within a sidebar. I have made a emptysidebar. Now i need to display a dynamic array(which is formed using a JS function). I have absolutely no idea how to go about it. Can someone please help!...

How to create a sidebar(right-side) in google chrome ?

It seems that it is not possible, but if anyone as a hint on how to create a right-sided sidebar (like a iframe) in google chrome, any hint will help. Thanks. ...

Wordpress sidebar classes

There any way i could add a class for the specific order of widget item? i.e. the class name would be widgetorder-1 (for the first appearing widget), widgetorder-2 (for the widget appearing in the 2nd order), etc. I looked into filters but wasn't sure how that worked. ...

Find out Desktop-Location of a windows Sidebar-Gadget with Javascript

Hello everyone.. I'd like to figure out the location of my gadget via Javascript.... I was thinking about something like System.Gadget.Docked.Document.Location ... but this would show the current URL. What I want to do is: Calling a .exe, passing the current Location (X,Y) as a parameter to show it at the same location. Is there a way...

HTML/CSS: How to make the sidebar and content follow each other

I need a way in HTML/CSS with code only, without javascript or images, to make a sidebar and a content to follow each other, so if I write more text in the sidebar the content's height will be equal to the sidebar's height but the text in the content will remain on the top of the content part and inverse too. ...

Persistent post names in Wordpress sidebar

Hello, I need to display all my post titles in the sidebar of my Wordpress theme all the time. Just now it works only when I am browsing a category (it shows all post titles from that category). But when I click on a post, only this post title remains into my sidebar, which is not supposed to function like that. Could you help me, plea...

wordpress sidebar with custom 'widget' select

hey there, i thought i was trying to create something pretty common, but i can't figure it out. i want to be able to create / 'prepare' blocks of html, wich you can assign to pages. example: - create a few content blocks (customer list, internal banner, maybe some fancy button) - When editing / creating a new page, just 'check' wich...

Dailybooth RSS Feed +Setting Image Size in RSS Feed.

Is it possible for me to find an rss feed for a specific dailybooth users images? I'd like to implement my personal Dailybooth account into a blog sidebar. I'd also like the ability to set the image size and possible add a date to the image. Any help is appreciated! ...

Any idea why Wordpress's inCategorgy tag is not working?

So I am trying to add a "-none" to a class for a post if it is in a specific category in Wordpress. So like lets say if I am viewing a post that has a category id of 7, i want a certain class titled "example" change to "example-none". Here's my code: <div class="example<?= is_category('events') ?'-none':'' ?><?= in_category('7') ?'...

How to create a sidebar with latex?

I need to make a journal, and I want to have a "recommended books" on the side of the page within the last page of the journal, but I couldn't find anything that would give me this result. I'm already using multicols package for the content and i cant see how a graphicx package would help me out. I want to have a nice blue background wi...

How to close a sidebar in firefox

I have a sidebar inside my firefox addon. I want the following behavior for this sidebar - I should force close the sidebar if it is open when the browser is being closed (so that the next time the browser is opened the sidebar is not in an open state). I am trying to do this: uninit: function() { var sidebarWindow = document.getEle...

How to call a function in the sidebar when main window document loads?

HI, I am having a Firefox plug-in with sidebar. I am having a function in the sidebar. I want to check for the readiness of the document in the main window. If the main window document is ready, the function inside the sidebar should be called. The coding should be inside the sidebar JavaScript as the main window content will be from d...

How can I hide the sidebar in MediaWiki?

I would like to be able to hide the whole sidebar (navigation, search, toolbox) and reclaim the space. In other words, the page should widen to fill the space used by the sidebar. I don't want to do this for every page but only for specific pages, so preferably using a template. I have got a template which hides the sidebar but, crucia...

How to get Elements of sidebar from Javascript

ff-overlay.xul <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://sidebar/skin/overlay.css" type="text/css"?> <!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://sidebar/locale/overlay.dtd"> <overlay id="sidebar-overlay" xmlns=""&gt; <script src="overlay.js"/> <script s...

widget and content alignment

I've added a Wordpress sidebar widget and that caused the content of my blog posts to be shifted downwards, resulting in a large white space where the post used to start. The widget is in the right place but the post content is moved down. Is there a code I can add to restore the post content back to the top? ...

Custom per-page sidebar widgets in Wordpress.. possible?

Let's say I'm doing a site about cars, and in the main content area there are a few paragraphs about a particular car. In the sidebar, are several standard widgets. But I also want a widget with an 'info panel' about the particular car. So what's the sanest way of putting in a per-page widget in Wordpress? I guess ideally the info-pan...

How to make an imitation of cart

I would really love to make a left menu like apples shopping-cart. What's unique is that it stays static while you scoll down but don't move over header, when you go back to top. And there is no easing (which take too much attention). I allready use mootools on the site, so if the solution is adaptable to mootools...I'll give a hug :-) ...

How do create a sectioned sidebar view?

I want to create a sidebar inspector-type view with collapsable sections, similar to what is seen in the right sidebar in Xcode 4. I have experimented with a combination of button types and views, but nothing seems to behave in the manner I desire. Here is a screenshot of the section for reference. ...

Adding a second Wordpress widget

I'm having difficulty with setting up a second sidebar for my Wordpress theme. Here's the code for function.php: <?php if(function_exists('register_sidebar')){ register_sidebar(array( 'before_widget'=>'<li>', 'after_widget'=>'</li>', 'before_title'=>'<h2>', 'after_title'=>'</h2>', )) ; } ?> <?ph...