
Is Approximate Nearest Neighbour the fastest feature matching in Computer Vision?

When using feature descriptors [like SIFT, SURF] - is Approximate Nearest Neighbour the fastest method to do matching between images? ...

Using SIFT for Augmented Reality

I've come across MANY AR libraries/SDKs/APIs, all of them are marker-based, until I found this video, from the description and the comments, it looks like he's using SIFT to detect the object and follow it around. I need to do that for Android, so I'm gonna need a full implementation of SIFT in pure Java. I'm willing to do that but I n...

SURF and SIFT Alternative Object Tracking Algorithm for Augmented Reality

After asking here and trying both SURF and SIFT, none of them seams to be efficient enough to generate interest points fast enough to track a stream from the camera. SURF, for example, takes around 3 seconds to generate interest points for an image, that's way too slow to track a video coming from a web cam, and it'll be even worse when...

How to use SIFT algorithm to compute how similiar two images are?

I have used the SIFT implementation of Andrea Vedaldi, to calculate the sift descriptors of two similar images (the second image is actually a zoomed in picture of the same object from a different angle). Now I am not able to figure out how to compare the descriptors to tell how similar the images are? I know that this question is not ...

Comparing images using SIFT

I'm trying to compare 2 images that are taken from a digital camera. Since there may be movement on the camera, I want to first make the pictures "match" and then compare (using some distant function). To match them, I'm thinking about cropping the second picture and using SIFT to find it inside the first picture... it will probably hav...

Image registration

hello any ideas on how to do a simple image registration (I have IMAGE1 and IMAGE2 takes from the same subject, but with camera moving a little and want to match IMAGE2 with IMAGE1)? I checked MANY softwares to do that, but they're all focused on medical images, so I couldn't input a simple JPEG (one even allowed PGM, but didn't work). ...

What is a vocabulary tree and how to build one?

I'm reading a lot about vocabulary trees when it comes to fast queries for similar images or texts in big databases. But I couldn't find any good (easy to unserstand) description on what such an vocabulary tree is and how to build one out of features. ...

who have used PedestrianDetectionHoG_NET2005 I need to know the configure process

this object detect soft ware is good to detect object and recognize them. I want to learn it, I download it and download the lib it required such as blitz0.9 boost1.41 and opencv 2.0,but when I run the software it have too many problem . I think maybe the configure is not right that cause the errors,I want to know who have run the softwa...

SIFT algorithm in Matlab

I am looking for a Matlab implementation of the SIFT algorithm. ...

How to use DoG Pyramid in SIFT

Hi all, I am very new in image processing and pattern recognition. I am trying to implement SIFT algorithm where I am able to create the DoG pyramid and identify the local maximum or minimum in each octave. What I don't understand is that how to use these local max/min in each octave. How do I combine these points? My question may sound...

Alternative to distance metric in nearest neighbor algorithm?

Hi, I came across an implementation of the nearest neighbor algorithm for finding matches between certain keypoints in two similar images. The keypoints were generated by the SIFT algorithm. The points are described by a 128 dimension vector, and there are many such points in both images. The matching algorithm uses the nearest neighbor...

A good method for detecting the presence of a particular feature in an image

I have made a videochat, but as usual, a lot of men like to ehm, abuse the service (I leave it up to you to figure the nature of such abuse), which is not something I endorse in any way, nor do most of my users. No, I have not stolen :-) Frankly, I am half-embarassed to bring this up here, but my question is technical an...

Comparing SIFT features stored in a mysql database

Hi, I'm currently extending an image library used to categorize images and i want to find duplicate images, transformed images, and images that contain or are contained in other images. I have tested the SIFT implementation from OpenCV and it works very well but would be rather slow for multiple images. Too speed it up I thought I could ...

sift implementation matlab

ans me if any one knows. matlab imlpementation of David Lowe's paper on this link the function is like this. [image, descriptors, locs] = sift(image1); i just want to know about parameter "locs".is it returns the location of descritor as [x y scale orientation] ????? if it gives location than ...

Can I use implementations of SIFT algorithm?

Hello, I'm interested in image recognition. From what I have found I can say that SIFT algorithm is one of the best of the available solutions. However, SIFT is protected with a US patent, so I wonder if I can use this algorithm in my code? I could found many implementation of SIFT, some of them are open source, what makes me think tha...