
Working with Silverlight B2 and RC0

I've been reading about the new developer-only RC0 for Silverlight, and the fact that it is supposed to be used only by developers to solve any breaking changes when upgrading from beta 2, so that when the actual S2 is released, migration is smoother. My question is, since you are supposed to uninstall B2 tools and install RC0 in VS2008...

Animating a custom Button ControlTemplate Foreground

I want to change/animate the Foreground property of a custom button control template depending on the control's state. Pre-RC0, I set the Foreground of the ContentPresenter, gave it an x:Name, and referenced it in the VisualStateManager transitions. Now, ContentPresenter no longer has a Foreground, since it doesn't inherit from Control...

AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE for StaticResource in Silverlight

I'm storing all localizable strings in a ResourceDictionary (in App.xaml) and assign those via the StaticResource markup extension to TextBlock.Text, Button.Content etc. In Beta 2 and RC0, sometimes parsing the XAML in InitializeComponent() will fail with an AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE on the line and position where I set the attribu...

Prevent Silverlight ListBox vertical scrollbar from being displayed

I have a ListBox which displays items of variable height. I want to show as many items as will fit in the available space, without showing a vertical scrollbar. Other than surgery on the ListBox item template, is there a way to only show the number of items which will fit without scrolling? ...

how do you package up silverlight dlls into a xap file?

Just updated build server with rc0 and surprise no chiron. Wondering how you package up a xap file without chiron. ...

Automatically applying a template (theme) in Silverlight 2 (RC0)

Is there a way to automatically apply a theme/template/style to all controls of the targettype, so I don't have to specify Template=..., Style=... on all controls? ...

How to make Silverlight control invisible to mouse actions

How can I get a UIElement to ignore mouse clicks on it and pass it through to the control behind it? I have a 50% transparent UIElement which covers another element. When I attempt to click on the background element, the mouse click is captured by the foreground semi-transparent UIElement. ...

Silverlight 2.0 RC Drag and drop ordering of a ListBox

I am trying to give a ListBox drag and drop ordering functionality and I have hit a wall. I got it to work when I specify the list box items in xaml but it does not work when I bind to a list it no longer works because the items are no longer of a listboxitem type. I found this code that allows me t...

Get Visual Studio to throw exceptions across threads

In my Silverlight project I have a thread that fires every x milliseconds. In this thread I was attempting to change the state of the application. This wasn't working and I didn't know why, so put a breakpoint in to the Timer callback. The breakpoint was hit, but the minute I attempted to change the state it just bailed out of the functi...

Silverlight ImageButton UserControl

I am just starting out with Silverlight (2 RC0) and can’t seem to get the following to work. I want to create a simple image button user control. My xaml for the user control is as follows: <Button> <Button.Template> <ControlTemplate> <Image Source="{TemplateBinding ImageSource}" Width="{Templat...

Add extra items to a Silverlight 2 Combobox

For a Silverlight 2 webapp. I added a combobox. I have an IEnumerable as Itemsource to populate the combobox. Works fine. But I would like to add an extra item ("please select a....") to the combobox, anyone an idea how this can be done using the Silverlight 2 combobox. Any more info about using a template for the ComboxboxItems is wel...

3D Image manipulation(drag&drop,editing,rotation,resize,zoom in & zoom out)

hello, thanks for quick reply i am new to silverlight. i am learning basics of silverlight now. but i need to implement image rotation and drop&drop from one position to another position,editing,resize,zoom in & zoom out as soon as possible. Can you just explain image rotation,drag&drop with corresponding code samples. Please as soon as ...

3D image (drag&drop,editing,rotation,resize,zoom in & zoom out) using silverlight

Hello, i am new to silverlight, learning basics now. But i need to implement 3D image manipulation(drag&drop,editing,rotation,resize,zoom in & zoom out). Please explain with corresponding code samples,attachments . Please as soon as possible. ...