
Possible authentication problem? Loading a JSON via WebClient in Silverlight 4

Hi guys, I'm playing with Silverlight 4, and I when my page loads, I call beginGet("my/people/", new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(continueLoadStamData)); that I have defined as private void beginGet(string endpoint, OpenReadCompletedEventHandler callback) { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential...

Problems with debugging in Silverlight 4 using Out of Browser and WCF RIA Services

With Visual stuido 2010, it's simple to set up SL4 to debug with an out-of-browser installed app. I followed the instructions from here and everything seems to set up fine. Debugging from the browser runs the program just fine, but running from the OOB program gives a different result. After starting, the screen will go blank and then...

Migrating from Silverlight 2 to 4

We have a moderately complex silverlight based application written in Silverlight 2. Eventually we will move to Silverlight 4. In terms of porting effort, would it be better to to port our app from SL2 to SL3, and then to SL4. Or, should be port from SL2 to SL4 in one step. ...

Silverlight 4 Screen Capture

I'm writing a timesheet helper utility in Silverlight 4. This will be a trusted out of browser application that will periodically ask the user (with a SL4 Notification Window) what they have been working on. What I'd like to do is have it capture images of their desktop (or better yet, active window) from time to time in order to remind ...

Can Silverlight 4 run SSIS packages, SSRS reports... etc?

Can Silverlight 4 run SSIS packages & SSRS reports directly? What about interacting with Office object models? I am wondering if Silverlight 4 can be used to create full blown Line of Business Apps and for me to skip learning WPF and using RIA services. I know SL is a subset of WCF. I don't know either and want to save time and concentra...

Silverlight Timer-Like Functionality

So what I have is a textbox that submits data back to the server. I want to have it submit once the person has stopped typing. My thought process was to have a timer and have the textbox change set the timer to start (if stopped) and reset the countdown time to lets say 3 seconds if its already running and have the timer.Tick event s...

Could not load file or assembly System.Core, Version= with new Silverlight 4 Business Application Template

I have installed Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 professional. I have also installed the Silverlight 4 SDK and the Silverlight 4 Toolkit. When I try to migrate an existing an RIA Services project that ran fine on Visual Studio 2008 I get the error "Could not load file or assembly 'System.Core, Version'... for each xaml file in the appl...

wshttpbinding support in silverlight 4

Does silverlight 4 beta supports wshttpbinding (wcf)? If not, will it be supported in stable release? ...

VOIP functionality (real time voice streaming across max of 5 users) over Silverlight 4.0?

As SL 4.0 has got video and Mic support... How feasible it is to provide VOIP functionality (real time voice streaming across max of 5 users) over Silverlight 4.0, for a web based application? What all are the related challenges? ...

Silverlight 4 Multicast streaming

Has anyone had an opportunity to do multicast streaming in Silverlight 4? I'm desparately seeking any information on the subject - links, docs - anything. Code samples would rock! I realize that it has only been released as a developer edition, but I signed on to do a demo before the year is through...(not too smart, I know) ...

Silverlight 4 Motion and Color Tracking using Webcam

Software Design Question: Since silverlight 4 is out, and it has webcam support, does anyone know the code to track the motion and color ? Is SL4 writable bitmap is the first step to start wrting the code ? I wants to convert specific color motion into action in Silverlight. For example if you move red color pen in front of camera fro...

Building Enterprise level Line of Business application in silverlight Pros and Cons

Hello Experts, Currently i am working on developing one Warehouse solution from scratch, i am planning to build it in silverlight (as this solution will take around 8-10 months) and the programming will start from Feb 2010. I need to develop this application for one organization. Certain parts needs to be accessed by public which we ar...

How to wrap text in Silverlight DataGridTextColumn

I am trying to create a simple DataGrid in Silverlight 4 Beta but cannot seem to figure out how to get my Note column to wordwrap. The table represents notes made on an order, so they will be of variable length. i want the 'Note' cell to expand vertically to fit the contents. I've found numerous similar questions but no answer. Is ther...

Can not use keyboard input to a textbox control in Silverlight 3 when the application is in full screen mode

It appears when I move the application into full-screen mode - I cannot enter text into a text box control. It seems that the keyboard events are being ignored. I have found an article here ( documenting the same problem. I also have read that in Silverlight 4 if an application is trust...

WCF RIA Error and Logging

I am trying to add a WCF RIA service to an existing website. When I load the page I get a "Load Operation failed for query" I fire up fiddler2 and get The resource cannot be found. <body bgcolor="white"> <span><H1>Server Error in '/' Application.<hr width=100% size=1 color=silver></H1> <h2> <i...

Does a Silverlight 4 trusted app have access to the comm port?

I know that Silverlight 4 has "Hardware device access". Does anyone know if I can read from the com port in a Silverlight 4 trusted app? ...

Question about using Silverlight for both web and desktop application

I'd like to start making a small project (nothing too fancy) for the desktop and web using Silverlight. Here are my questions: Will I need Silverlight 4.0 or does 3.0 have out-of-browser features? Are there significant changes between the two versions, with regard to this? What other options do I have besides Silverlight? I'm also cons...

How to set focus on TextBox in Silverlight 4 out-of-browser popup

I have a simple ChildWindow popup in Silverlight 4 (beta). Important: This is an out-of-browser application. i want to auto set focus on a TextBox control when the window opens. I've tried a couple things : The following code doesn't seem to do anything. I don't think the control is ready to be focussed after 'Loading'. private ...

Filling a ComboBox in the DataForm with a DomainDataSource

Here is my layout: <StackPanel> <!-- Defining my DDS here wont allow my ComboBox inside the DataTemplate bind to the loaded items --> <DomainDataSource x:Name="ddsValues" Query="MyQuery" DomainContext="{Binding DC}" /> <DataForm> <DataForm.EditTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> ...

Visual Studio 2010 Performance Analysis and Silverlight 4 OOB Apps

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and creating an Out of Browser Silverlight 4 application. There are some slow bits and I'd like to profile it, but whenever I try, the application loads, the profiler starts but exits almost immediately. It reads: Profiler started Successfully attached to process: 2088 Exited from process: 2088 Colle...