
Encoding Audio (to AAC) in Silverlight 4 (on the client)?

OK so Silverlight 4 is adding support for capturing from microphones (and webcams), however for this facility to be useful (in my case at least) I'd need to upload this captured data to a server to save. The AudioCaptureDevice will record PCM audio on the client, and as we all know PCM is not the most efficient encoding... the data woul...

Silverlight 4 - Mousewheel stops scrolling ScrollViewer when over contained RichTextBox

I have a Silverlight 4 out-of-browser application with a ScrollViewer that has several RichTextBoxes inside. The RichTextBoxes are only used for displaying text, and are never edited and never scroll. However when the mouse is hovering over a RichTextBox the mousewheel event seems to not reach the ScrollViewer. Is there any way to ove...

Silverlight 4 Datagrid ColumnHeader Drag

Is it possible to allow a datagrid column to be dragged vertically and dropped into an area above the datagrid in Silverlight 4? Just like telerik. Thank you ...

Resources for Windows Phone 7 development

Windows Phone 7 has been unveiled and MS have announced all details of the development chain at the Mix10 conference. So this could be a good starting point/collection of online resources as they appear EDIT: I've removed the speculation tag now that the covers are off ...

Silverlight Dynamic Data

I wondered if anyone knows if Microsoft is planning to do a Dynamic Data framework for Silverlight like they’ve got for ASP.NET? Does a non Microsoft framework like this already exist? ...

Silverlight 4 RichTextBox Bind Data using DataContext

I am working with Silverlight 4 and trying to put my test apps multilingual but I am having some trouble when I arrive to the "RichTextBox" control. I am able to bind it properly by doing back-code (c#), but when trying using the "DataContext" attributes I am not able to load it at all. I have created a FormatConverter that return a Blo...

DataGrid and RIA Domain Datasource control.

Hello All, I am trying to work a simple data display page. In my navigation:page control, I have dragged and dropped a Datasource whose control is a DataGrid. So far so good with no errors or warning when built the solution. When I run the App I see only one row in the Datagrid. There are about 5 rows in the database. It is always the la...

How do I have a Silverlight databinding update the model as the user types?

I'm currently using Silverlight 4 and following the MVVM pattern. I have login boxes bound to my ViewModel like so: <PasswordBox Password="{Binding Path=Password, Mode=TwoWay}" /> I then later on have a button bound to a Command which listens to the ViewModel's PropertyChanged event and when one of the databindings has its data update...

Silverlight 4 crashing every browser (SL3 doesn't)

I am testing my application on a number of machines. It is fine on every machine except 1. I'm having problems with one XP machine where in internet explorer, chrome and firefox the Silverlight plugin crashes on EVERY page with Silverlight. Pages that used to work fine with silverlight 3 crash instantly - including my app and the Silve...

VS2010RC + Silverlight 4

Is it possible to develop silverlight 4 applications in visual studio 2010 RC? The official position of MS is we need to wait for silverlight's big update. I think it update will be on MIX10. But, what about any possibility to develop SL4 in VS2010RC now? ...

Launch Silverlight Out-of-Browser from browser post-installation

Hello all, I am building a prototype application in Silverlight 4 Beta and I am using the Out-of-Browser (OOB) functionality. I need the OOB functionality to be able to access the local file system, and I would like to avoid writing an ActiveX component or Java applet. I have a requirement to be able to launch the OOB experience from t...

How To Get Started With Silverlight ?

I want to start silverlight development inside an application which developed by WPF. Actually we want to add silverlight featuretoan existing WPF project. what should we consider and how todo this I saw Getting started with Silverlight development and it was not my answer I mark this as a Community Wiki. ...

Next Silverlight 4 public release

Does anyone have any idea when Microsoft might be dropping another Silverlight 4 public release? As ScottGu has been quoted many times: "We will be adding VS 2010 RC support for SL4 with the next public Silverlight 4 drop." I've read speculation that there might not even be another Silverlight 4 public release until RTW. It's painful...

Silverlight localization with reactive framework. How to?

So, what is a best approach to implement silverlight localization with Reactive Framework (Rx) to achive on-the-fly UI changing? I would be very much obliged for examples. Here is an example of on-the-fly UI changing. But I can't figure out how it works. ...

Need to support data display in both feet and meters

I have a Silverlight application that needs to display data in both English (feet, pounds etc.) and metric (meters, kilograms etc) units. I would like the user to be able to choose which units of measure he wishes displayed, which would vary by user. Trying to be a good programmer allowing for proper encapsulation and separation of conc...

Error: Missing compiler required member 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder.Convert'

I'm working on a Silverlight 4 app and I want to test out the new COM Interopability and I am getting this error. I have a reference to Microsoft.CSharp but I still get the error. dynamic excel = ComAutomationFactory.CreateObject("Excel.Application"); Any Ideas? ...

Com Interop problem Silverlight 4 and MS Access 2010

I am trying to launch an existing MS Access database (Access 2010) from a Silverlight 4 OOB with elevated authorisation set. I keep getting an error. I can create a new Access application using the CreateObject keyword, but when I try to launch an existing one I get an error: "No object was found registered for specified ProgID." Any he...

Cannot retrieve an ADODB recordset using Com Interop Silverlight 4 and MS Access

The ADO Recordset code below do not return any records in the code below. The ADO Command object and the ADO Connection works fine against my Access 2010 beta db. I can Insert records, but not retrieve any. Any help is greatly appreciated. :)= THIS WORKS: string sMSAccess = "C:\\Users\\storltx\\Documents\\SL4Demo.accdb"; ...

Adding .cs in a ResourceDictionary ?

Hello. I have DataTemplate in a ressource dictionnary, and in some, I need button and i don't know how i can use code behind for manage events. I tried to put a class in my resource dictionnary like that : <ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:x="

Bind the text of RichTextBox from Xaml

How to Bind the text of RichTextArea from xaml ...