
Safari plug in for iPhone

Hi all, i want to ask if you can use SIMBL and develop a plug-in for iPhone Safari. ...

make Installer metapackage to require SIMBL?

Using PackageMaker, how do I make a .(m)pkg that will require that SIMBL is installed - if it's installed, the installation should simply proceed, otherwise, SIMBL should be installed before installing my SIMBL plugin? I tried simply dragging in SIMBL.pkg to the left-hand pane, but somehow all the resources and InstallationCheck script ...

How to develop a safari plugin(input managers) use SIMBL?

Now I want to develop a safari plugin use SIMBL , but I searched a lot of webpage not found some sourcecode or simple sample , someone can give me or point to a location ? Thank you very much!!! ...

Safari version number?

I am developing a plugin of safari on MAC.Now I want to know all the version number for safari3,safari4,Because I can see that in some plugin samplecode info.plist: the MinBundleVersion is 5530, and I check my safari verison is :3.1.2(5525.20.1), I think some user's safari3 version will be lower than my. but I don't know the lowest versi...

Why instance of class WebBaseNetscapePluginView not respond selector in safari4 ?

I am developing a plug-in with Safari. I followed the adblocker sourcecode to swizzle the method: -(id)initWithFrame:pluginPackage:URL:baseURL:MIMEType:attributeKeys:attributeValues:loadManually:DOMElement: of class WebBaseNetscapePluginView but I found that didn't respond in Safari4. Why? ...

SIMBL Plugin problem in Snow Leopard

Hi all I am trying to develop a Sagari plugin using SIMBL. I need to detect the page load event in order to block some website. I started from a PithHelmet 0.7.2. source code ( My plugin works fine in Leopard, but i have this error in snow leopard (the plugin is already compiled...

PackageMaker metapackage with SIMBL 0.9.x?

I'm trying to create an installer using Apple's As part of the installation, I want to install SIMBL with the metapackage mechanism provided by PackageMaker. However, when I add the SIMBL .pkg file and try to build my own package, I get the warning "No payload could be found. The package will not be built." for the SIM...

Singletons in Cocoa Plugins

How would I get a hold of a singleton in the main application from a SIMBL plugin? When I try to call something like [ProcessControl sharedInstance], I get an error that ProcessControl is undefined (even though it is declared in a header file). ...

Can a SIMBL plug-in be proprietary and closed source?

I'm not sure, because SIMBL is GPL. ...

Mac OS X Window Server vs. X11: the insane task.

Dedicated to all who likes low-level Window Server (CoreGraphicsPrivate.h, etc), X11 on Mac, SIMBL and other crazy stuff :) There's a simple X11-emulated application on Mac (like xterm, xeyes and so on) with one window. While running, X11 somehow creates a native Quartz window to represent this emulated application, and this window is a...