
Rails and Amazon SimpleDB authentication

Hello, I'm trying to use Amazon's SimpleDB with RoR. I need a standard user registration / authentication / roles checking. Pretty simple, but it seems that restful-authentication plugin did't work with SimpleDB. Can someone please point me to working solution or should I write my own from scratch? Anyone? Please? ...

Selecting a random result from Simple Database (SDB) on AWS

Anyone know how to do this - just what would be the equivalent to this: "select * from YOUR_TABLE order by rand() limit 1" in mysql?? Maybe not possible in SDB? ...

Renaming and/or copying domains in Amazon SimpleDB

Hi all, My client decided to change the name of the project and requires that I change the domain names in our SimpleDB. I could not find any way, service, API call or tool to allow me to do that. I tried using the AWS tools for Eclipse as well as some other 3rd party tools. At most, they allow you to delete a domain or export its conten...

Uneven Results Doing A Sort / Orderby on Amazon SimpleDB

I've been getting really uneven results trying to request a numerically sorted list of records from Amazon SimpleDB. I am zero padding my numbers to get them selected lexigraphically, but still no luck. These two queries are giving the same result, for example: select * from cbcallers where calls_completed is not null order by calls_...

SimpleDB - how to select where ANY attribute matches a given string?

I am designing the layout and usage of an Amazon SimpleDB application. The docs for simpleDB give several example queries: Here is one: ref: select * from mydomain where Title = 'The Right Stuff' I would like to use something like: select * from mydomain where * ...

Riak vs Amazon SimpleDB

Hi, I am looking for an eventually consistent key value data store and i decided to choose between Amazon SimpleDB and Riak ,so can anyone share their valuable experiences comparing both . Thanks in advance Fedrick ...

Using SimpleDB (with SimpleSavant) with POCO / existing entities, not attributes on my classes

I'm trying to use Simple Savant within my application, to use SimpleDB I currently have (for example) public class Person { public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } } To use this with Simple Savant, i'd have to put a...

What's the best module to access SimpleDB in python?

I'm writing a python script to select, insert, update, and delete data in SimpleDB. I've been using the simpledb module written by sixapart so far, and it's working pretty well. I've found one potential bug/feature that is problematic for me when running select queries with "limit", and I'm thinking of trying it with the boto module to...

SimpleDB to ActiveResource. Rails

Im looking for a way to map an ActiveResource to SimpleDB I want to avoid plugins/gems as all I have used are outdated/buggy/not mantained It doesnt seem hard, I wonder if any of you have succesfully implemented a rails app with simpleDB as an Active Resource. How did you do it? Thanks. ...

SimpleDB as the main database, examples.

Please, can you give examples of real-life implementations using SimpleDB as the main persistent storage? ...

Non-relational databases (NoSQL) for small to medium sized applications

The benefits of a non-relational database (such as a key-value pair storage) are evident when used in large scale datasets (google, facebook, linkedin). How do you think small to medium sized applications can benefit from using non-relational databases? ...

bigtable vs cassandra vs simpledb vs dynamo vs couchdb vs hypertable vs riak vs hbase, what do they have in common?

Sorry if this question is somewhat subjective. I am new to 'could store', 'distributed store' or some concepts like this. I really wonder what do they have in common and want to get an overview on all of them. What do I need to prepare if I want to write a product similar to this? ...

Any client libraries that implement MVCC over Amazon SimpleDB?

Now that Amazon's SimpleDB implements consistent reads and conditional update/delete it is possible to implement cross-domain transactions using MVCC. Are there any client libraries that provide it? ...

Iterating over all items in SimpleDB

Let's say I have a AWS SimpleDB domain with around 3 million items, each item has an attribute of "foo" with a value of some arbitrary integer (which is of course actually stored in SimpleDB as a string, but let's ignore the conversion to and from for now). I would like to increment the foo value for each item every 60 seconds, until it ...

Amazon SimpleDB Identity Seed equivalent

Is there an equivalent to an identity Seed in SimpleDB? If the answer is no, how do you handle creating something like a customer number or order number that will prevent the creation duplicate numbers? My experience is mainly from SQL Server in which I would either create a primary key with an identity seed or use transactions in a...

NSXMLparser errorcode 5

Hi, I'm using Amazon's simpledb in my app. When parsing xml it gives an error with the code 5. ie. NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 5. Sometimes it works fine and without any significant change in the navigation is gives that error. Again it works fine when i restart the app several times without doing any changes to the code or navigation...

SimpleDB as backup?

Hi, Is there any solution (RDBMS or NoSQL) that can use SimpleDB as a backup? Thanks, A. ...

Amazon SimpleDB - Is there a way to list all Attributes in a Domain?

Hi, I'm using C# and the AWSSDK library form Amazon to test a few things in SimpleDB. All going well so far. However, I am trying to come up with a neat way of retrieving all Attributes that are applicable to a Domain. This is proving to be tricky without having to retrieve an Item, and obviously I can get the list of attributes the...

Connect resque to other key-value DB than redis?

I just read a little about resque here and how you use redis as a "advanced key-value store" for the jobs. As you might know you can use resque on multiple machines to process the jobs: Workers can be given multiple queues (a "queue list") and run on multiple machines. In fact they can be run anywhere with network access to the Redi...

rails2 and aws-simple (simpledb): data cannot be deleted from amazon simpledb?

i am developing a ruby on rails (2.3.8) application with data storage amazon simpledb. i am using the aws-sdb gem in the version aws-sdb (0.3.1) there are a few bugs, but the problems are outlined in the comments of this tutorial from amazon: i am wondering if it ...