
CAS, Spring Security and unprotected pages

Hi all, I'm using Spring Security + CAS in my website and there are some pages present different information in different login status. For example, link: anonymous user - common page layout + login elements authenticated user - customized layout + logout elements Since Spring Security does not support CAS gateway featur...

Authenticating Drupal Users Using Remote Call to Active Directory Single-Sign-On, How do I do it?

QUESTION: Authenticating Drupal Users Using Remote Call to Active Directory Single-Sign-On(SSO), How do I do it? SPECS(DRUPAL_SYSTEM): Linux-CentOS-5.X, Apache-2.X, PHP-5.X, Drupal-6.X CONTROL(DRUPAL_SYSTEM): 100% control of Drupal server making call to Authenticating server using Active Directory Single-Sign-On SPECS(SSO_SYSTEM): Cur...

SSO logout scenario feasible?

Hi all, I have a requirement to be implemented with SSO, spefically the Oracle SSO with OID. The requirement may not be so SSO-like. The user will need to have two logout options: Global logout (which will be the SSO logout, invalidating the session in all logged in applications). According to what I have read, Oracle SSO achieves th...

How to use single sign-on on iPhone native app?

I'm developing a mobile version of a web app that uses single signon. How do I use Single sign-on on native iPhone app? ...

Can a web server login to external app and pass the cookie to user's browser?

I'm trying to implement single sign-on for a web portal. I've written some code to send a POST request containing the user's login credentials to an external web app to log the user in. (Don't worry, this is all over SSL) The HTTP response from the web app contains a cookie for the user's login. Is it possible for the web portal serve...

ASP.NET Cross-Sub-Domain Single Sign-On Cookies

I have a Single Sign-on solution which is working great in our test environment. It uses Cross-Sub-Domain cookies to share the authentication ticket between 2 web applications. Sign-on is done only on one of the applications and on the second site the user is authenticated by the cookie created by the first site. The problem is that wh...