
Create link to Sitecore Item

I know I have done this before but I can't seem to remember where or how. I want to create a link to an Item in Sitecore. This code: Sitecore.Data.Items.Item itm = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(someID); return itm.Paths.Path.ToString(); Produces the following string: http://localhost/sitecore/content/Home/Item1/Item11/thisItem ...

Programatically Creating Image under Media Library

Hi, Does any one know how to create an image under Media Library programatically? Thanks, ...

Exception when calling Membership.GetAllUsers() on the SqlMembershipProvider

I get the following exception when trying to view a list of users anywhere in my web app: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'default\Anonymous' Key being added: 'default\Anonymous' (default/anonymous is one of the users in the system) Specifically, I'm using SiteCore 6, but I'm not really sure it's related to the...

How to redirect a parent page to a child page in Sitecore 6?

I have this Newsletter page, that has the actual newsletters nested underneath it for each month of the year. I want to be able to have the parent page redirect to the latest published page. What would be the best way to do that? I don't really have any idea of where to start with this one... Should I make a sub layout user control an...

From where to download sitecore 6 starter kit

From where to download sitecore 6 starter kit. link of SDN site does not work ? ...

XSLT wont allow me to use self-closing img and br tags

I have some XSLT that gets rendered in the Sitecore 6 CMS, but I don't think that this issue is specific to the product. If I have a self-closing img or br tag, like so: <br /> <img src="" /> The resulting output would be: <br> <img src=""> The output method of the XSLT file is HTML. Is it supposed...

ASP Login control does not work inside a Sitecore 6 sublayout

In Sitecore 6, I have created a sublayout that has an asp:login control. For some reason, it doesn't work when I add it to the layout of a page. The page simply posts back, but doesn't log me in. I made a stand alone .aspx with a login control and it works fine. So the problem is not with the membership system. My guess is it has so...

How do you make a form in Sitecore 6?

Most CMS' have a way to create forms for users or anonymous users to fill out. Is there a mechanism for creating forms like this in Sitecore 6? As far as I can tell, the only way to make forms like this would be to manually create them in a sub-layout (user control), and then add that sub-layout to a page. Does anyone know a better wa...

Can't get a custom Membership Provider to work with Sitecore 6.

I followed the directions in the Membership Providers document provided by Sitecore, but I was unable to get my membership provider to work correctly. Specifically, in the web.config, I changed the "realProviderName" attribute on the sitecore provider to point to my provider. However, this didn't do anything. I realized that the "def...

Getting an exception when site is pushed to production

This is probably a shot in the dark but here goes nothing... I have a Sitecore 6 site that I am developing locallty. When I pushed it to the production server, I now get an exception when trying to access the site. I had done an upgrade of the Sitecore version, and added the Forms module, among some other minor edits. So I moved ever...

Which version of RAD Editor is Sitecore 6 using?

I want to know which version of RAD Editor is Sitecore 6 using? this page has many version but which is in Sitecore 6 I don't know see about version info here ...

What is keyboard shortcut to delete items in Sitecore ?

What is keyboard shortcut to delete items in Sitecore ? ...

Moved a Sitecore 6 site to production but got a Media.UploadWatcher Exception?

Has anyone seen an exception relating to the Media.UploadWatcher? I don't have the error handy, but the exception was causing all pages to not load, even the admin section. In order to fix it, I reset the application pool and the site came back up right away. I know that the client was uploading some large files through the content ed...

Should i use transtional doctype over strict for CMS based sites where client will update site in future?

In any CMS based site after my work in future client or any client's staff (non-technical) will update website through WYSIWYG editor and it's surely possible they could use deprecated tag or any non-semantic and non validated code. so in this condition would it be better to use transtional doctype over strict for CMS based site? ...

Sitecore Developer Center Line Numbers

Is it possible to show line numbers in the Developer Center when editing xslt files? If so, how? The errors that are given reference line numbers and it's a real pain to count lines manually. ...

Homepage of a sitecore website throws error

I am new to Sitecore and am building my first site using Sitecore 6. I have created a layout and a sublayout and created a new template based off the layout. I have also created a content item based off the template. I have published everything and have got an error when I attempt to acces the site. The error is: The layout for the re...

how to load css classes from my own project specfic css in Sitecore's RAD editor?

how to load css classes from my own project specfic css in Sitecore's RAD editor? I want to give option to client to add predefined css class to any needed element. ...

How do I restore an Item that has been archived in Sitecore 6?

I have an Item that I archived that is still visible on the front end but is not appearing in the content editor. Is there any way to restore archived items? ...

Best practice for many-to-many relationship between content tree items?

In my content tree, I have a tree of content items which represent cities. For each of those I want to have logical connections to a set of... let's say... National Parks that are within 2 hours driving distance. So a city will have multiple parks... and each set will be different... but of course a park will also be associated with mo...

How to keep back-up of any item of "Sitecore content Editor" tree?

How to keep back-up of any item in sitecore. If any item can be needed in future again and i want to revert all setting and content of old items. ...