
MVC: How to route /sitemap.xml to an ActionResult?

Hi, I've got a SitemapActionResult that overrides the ActionResult, and delivers a SEO sitemap.xml when is hit. So far so good. What I would like, though, is to serve the sitemap.xml when Google visits /sitemap.xml. For that to work, I need a route that sees "sitemap.xml" and directs to /Home/Sitemap. ...

Tool to generate sitemap from list of links?

I have a list of links for our site that point to my local dev environment. I need to make a valid sitemap according to the protocol here. I have created an initial version by hand that validates as XML, however when I feed it into the Dustme Selectors Firefox extension, I am told that it is invalid....

Mixing sitemap and dynamic (database) pages?

Hi, i have a static .sitemap file for my site. I want to add 5 subcategories for each maincategory (@Products) so they will appear in my menu (menu is custom helper which works, i just need to add to the Sitemap.Provider some pages at runtime...) Is this possible? Sitemap: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <siteMap> <node cont...

Use of sitemaps

Hello everyone, I've recently been involved in the redevelopment of a website (a search engine for health professionals:, and one of the goals was to make it more search engine "friendly", not through any black magic, but through better xhtml compliance, more keyword-rich urls, and a comprehensive sitemap (...

SqlSiteMapProvider - OnSiteMapChanged event never fires?

Hello, I'm doing the Wicked Code implementation of SqlSiteMapProvider, except in VB.NET. There's a few things with the code that are causing issues, and I don't understand how it is supposed to work the way it's written in the article. I've provided the code straight from the article provided below. I've pasted the code here for ease o...

How do I handle application security? using ActionFilterAttribute and/or SiteMap authorization..?

Hi, i created the following ActionFilterAttribute to check if a user is granted access to a page. I also created two custom Exceptions to handle different scenarios: NotLoggedInException and InsufficientPrivilegeException. ActionFilterAttribute Public Class ValidateAuthentication : Inherits ActionFilterAttribute Private _page As B...

custom AuthorizeAttribute + custom SiteMapProvider related?

I have a custom SiteMapProvider (populated from database) and a custom AuthorizeAttribute (validates current users roles + requested page against Role_Page database) for controller classes. I have to implement the function SiteMapProvider.IsAccessibleToUser(context, node). I also have to implement AuthorizeAttribute.AuthorizeCore(contex...

Efficiently loading sitemap from database?

Hi, i have a custom SiteMapProvider which I populate from a database. I also have a custom SiteMapNode which has to be constructed with a custom Page argument. The implementation of SiteMapProvider.IsAccessibleToUser(context, node) is now: Public Overrides Function IsAccessibleToUser(context, node) As Boolean Return CType(node, Cu...

Google sitemap files for Rails projects

Is there an easy way to create a sitemaps file for Rails projects? Especially for dynamic sites (such as Stack Overflow for example) there should be a way to dynamically create a sitemaps file. What is the way to go in Ruby and/or Rails? What would you suggest? Is there any good gem out there? ...

Caching sitemaps in django

I implemented a simple sitemap class using django's default sitemap app. As it was taking a long time to execute, I added manual caching: class ShortReviewsSitemap(Sitemap): changefreq = "hourly" priority = 0.7 def items(self): # try to retrieve from cache result = get_cache(CACHE_SITEMAP_SHORT_REVIEWS, "sit...

Should I submit a sitemap with only new links added?

The Google documentation says there's a limit of 50k URLs in sitemaps you send to them, and I want my sitemap to be submitted by an automated job periodically. Therefore, shouldn't I just have the sitemap contain only the N most recent URLs added to my site? Yes, I know you can have multiple sitemaps, and I do have a separate one for the... sitemap admin seeing what a user sees

Hi, I am currently trying to figure out how to best go about implementing an administration side for my application. I have a user site, where users can log in, customize their profile, submit information etc. I would like administration users to be able to log in and be able to choose from a list of users. From there, the administrato...

Dynamic google sitemap creation for a Ektron site

We are planning on using google for our search functionality in an Ektron site. We have to do this because we want pages from a few sites outside of the actual Ektron site to be included in the search results. The problem with this is newly published content won't show up in our sites search results for as long as two weeks unless we c...

How to renew Google's information about my site

I have changed a structure of my site. I have changed a sitemap file on googleWebmasters. But Google still gives me old information on search. old links. How I can solve this problem? I mean, how to make Google to show new information from site? ...

Google Sitemap and .NET 1.1

What is the best way for create a sitemap for google using .net 1.1 and use this sitemap in a treeview into a webpage .aspx? ...

Updateable Google Sitemap for ASP.NET 3.5 Web App Project

I am working on an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application project in C#. I have manually added a Google-friendly sitemap which includes entries for every page in the project - this is not a CMS. <url> <loc>;/loc&gt; <lastmod>2009-11-17T20:45:46Z</lastmod> <changefreq>daily</changefreq> <priorit...

How to remove nodes from a SiteMapDataSource

Almost a dupe of this: In fact, I used that answer after coverting the code to c# but I end up with an IEnumerable< SiteMapNode > result which wont bind to the sitemenu control. Here's the code: ASPxSiteMapDataSource sitemap = new ASPxSiteMapD...

Lib to generate SiteMap in C#

Is there a lib i can use in C# to generate a sitemap for my website? I am looking for something that i can insert data into and it will tell me if the generated sitemap has reach its limit or if the file size has reach it limit. Then allows me to save it as a file ...

Liftweb Menu customization

I want to create a menu that looks like: HOME | FOO | BAR | ABOUT | CONTACT How might I go about doing this? Here is what I have tried: <lift:Menu.builder ul:class="menu" li_item:class="current" /> and li { display: inline; list-style-type: none; text-transform: uppercase; border-right: 1px solid white; padd...

ASP.NET webforms physical site structure with dynamic site map

Hi, I am having a little difficulty trying to wrap my head around site structures. I have quite a large site, for which: Admins can see a user list, Each user can have many accounts, and for each account can have many items. I can picture this as a breadcrumb trail of editing a particular item. User List > Mr Bob > Accounts > ...