
Can the size of a structure change after compiled?

Hi, suppose you have the following structure: #include <windows.h> // BOOL is here. #include <stdio.h> typedef struct { BOOL someBool; char someCharArray[100]; int someIntValue; BOOL moreBools, anotherOne, yetAgain; char someOthercharArray[23]; int otherInt; } Test; int main(void) { printf("Structure size: ...

Is sizeof in C++ evaluated at compilation time or run time?

For example result of this code snippet depends on which machine: the compiler machine or the machine executable file works? sizeof(short int) ...

Can sizeof return 0 (zero)

Is it possible for the sizeof operator to ever return 0 (zero) in C or C++? If it is possible, is it correct from a standards point of view? ...

Size of abstract class

How can I find the size of an abstract class? class A { virtual void PureVirtualFunction() = 0; }; Since this is an abstract class, I can't create objects of this class. How will I be able to find the size of the abstract class A using the 'sizeof' operator? ...

How does sizeof calculate the size of structures

I know that a char and an int are calculated as being 8 bytes on 32 bit architectures due to alignment, but I recently came across a situation where a structure with 3 shorts was reported as being 6 bytes by the sizeof operator. Code is as follows: #include <iostream> using namespace std ; struct IntAndChar { int a ; unsigned c...

Change the Default Size of the filterBy text box in Rich Table

How can I change the Default Size of the filterBy text box in Rich Table? In all the columns, it has a same (fix) size. I used the property width, but it didn't work. ...

Custom byte size?

So, you know how the primitive of type char has the size of 1 byte? How would I make a primitive with a custom size? So like instead of an in int with the size of 4 bytes I make one with size of lets say 16. Is there a way to do this? Is there a way around it? ...

memcpy(), what should the value of the size parameter be?

Hi, I want to copy an int array to another int array. They use the same define for length so they'll always be of the same length. What are the pros/cons of the following two alternatives of the size parameter to memcpy()? memcpy(dst, src, ARRAY_LENGTH*sizeof(int)); or memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(dst)); Will the second option always ...

Using sizeof with a dynamically allocated array

Hello, gcc 4.4.1 c89 I have the following code snippet: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> char *buffer = malloc(10240); /* Check for memory error */ if(!buffer) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory error\n"); return 1; } printf("sizeof(buffer) [ %d ]\n", sizeof(buffer)); However, the sizeof(buffer) always prints 4. I know t...

sizeof derived already from base

Hi, is it possible to return the sizeof a derived class already from base class/struct? imho the size of a class is a kind of property of itself, like the weight of a human being. But I don't want to write the same function in every class. many thanks in advance Oops PS: so code to make my question more clear: template <typename T> ...

Why function does not know the array size?

If I write int main() { int a[100] = {1,2,3,4,}; cout<<sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])<<endl; //a is a pointer to the first elem of array, //isn't it return 0; } I get 400! If I write void func(int *a); int main() { int a[100] = {1,2,3,4,}; func(a); return 0; } void func(int...

Simple 'database' in c++

Hello. My task was to create pseudodatabase in c++. There are 3 tables given, that store name(char*), age(int), and sex (bool). Write a program allowing to : - add new data to the tables - show all records - sort tables with criteria : - name increasing/decreasing - age increasing/decreasing - sex Using function templa...

Is return an operator or a function?

This is too basic I think, but how do both of these work? return true; // 1 and return (true); // 2 Similar: sizeof, exit My guess: If return was a function, 1 would be erroneous. So, return should be a unary operator that can also take in brackets... pretty much like unary minus: -5 and -(5), both are okay. ...

Interop c# using a "long" from c++

On my System: sizeof(long) in c++ is 4 aka 32bits sizeof(long) in c# is 8 aka 64 bits So in my Interop method declarations I've been substituting c++ longs with c# int's however I get the feeling this isn't safe? Why is a long the same size as an int in c++? And long long is 64bits? What's next a long long long long?? ...

Struct size containing vector<T> different sizes between DLL and EXE..

I have this situation where an EXE program imports a DLL for a single function call. It works by passing in a custom structure and returning a different custom structure. Up till now it's worked fine until I wanted one of the structs data members to be a vector < MyStruct > When I do a sizeof(vector< MyStruct >) in my program I get a si...

Is this a correct syntax (c code found on wikipedia)?

I just found this code on wikipedia. Link: The code: /* the following code illustrates the use of sizeof * with variables and expressions (no parentheses needed), * and with type names (parentheses needed) */ char c; printf("%zu,%zu", sizeof c, sizeof(int)); It states that: "The z prefix ...

Buffer size: N*sizeof(type) or sizeof(var)? C++

I am just starting with cpp and I've been following different examples to learn from them, and I see that buffer size is set in different ways, for example: char buffer[255]; StringCchPrintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), TEXT("%s"), X); VS char buffer[255]; StringCchPrintf(buffer, 255*sizeof(char), TEXT("%s"), X); Which one is the correc...

Why do structures need to be told how big they are?

I've noticed that in c/c++ a lot of Win32 API structs need to be told how big they are. i.e someStruct.pbFormat = sizeof(SomeStruct) Why is this the case? Is it just for legacy reasons? Also any idea what "pb" stands for too? EDIT: oops, yeah I meant "cbFormat" ...

Question about sizeof. I want to reverse bits in number.

What will be equivalent of this in Java? for (i = (sizeof(num)*8-1); i; i--) num is given number, not array. I want to reverse bits in integer. ...

Why is −1 > sizeof(int)?

Consider the following code: template<bool> class StaticAssert; template<> class StaticAssert<true> {}; StaticAssert< (-1 < sizeof(int)) > xyz1; // Compile error StaticAssert< (-1 > sizeof(int)) > xyz2; // OK Why is -1 > sizeof(int) true? Is it true that -1 is promoted to unsigned(-1) and then unsigned(-1) > sizeof(int). Is it true ...