
Skia and Android Paint drawing objects and their use or documentation

Does anyone know of good documentation for the Skia drawing library used by Android? The main Canvas object has hardly any state, so I'm thinking especially of the objects you can embed into the Paint object. I've worked out by trial and error how to use some ColorFilters and made a cool effect with ColorMatrixColorFilter. Now I hav...

building android platform partially

Hi, I want to modify the Skia graphics library in Android slightly. Is it possible to only rebuild the modified library without downloading and building the whole platform? The platform is massive and this is too much a bother.. Downloading and building the small number of projects Skia depends on seems ok to me, but the build script ...

Skia Decoder fails to decode remote Stream

I am trying to open a remote Stream of a JPEG image and convert it into a Bitmap object: BitmapFactory.decodeStream( new URL("") .openStream()); The decoder returns null and in the logs I get the following message: DEBUG/skia(xxxx): --- decoder->decode returned false Note: 1. the content l...

BitmapFactory.decodeStream always returns null and skia decoder shows decode returned false

test image here: I've tried several solutions found on the internet but there is no working solution. I'm using the following snippet code: Url imageUrl = new Url(""); Bitmap image = BitmapFact...