
making a link toggle between SlideDown and SlideUp (scriptaculous)

Hi, The scriptaculous wiki has a demo ( that shows the SlideDown effect in use. However I need to have the same link to slide down if a certain DIV is hidden and SlideUp if that DIV is showing. How do I achieve this? Thanks. ...

jquery slideDown rather than slideAndPush

I have a div where I click on a link to slideDown. As expected it does what it promises however, I prefer it to slide open without pushing the other elements down as well. so like a layer on top of other layers. is this possible ? ...

jQuery - How to Use slideDown (or show) function on a table row?

I'm trying to add a row to a table and have that row slide into view, however the slidedown function seems to be adding a display:block style to the table row which messes up the layout. Any ideas how to work around this? Here's the code: $.get('/some_url',{'val1':id}, function(data){ var row = $('#detailed_edit_row'); ...

My Own jQuery Accordion

Hey Guys, i have created the following Menu Structure: <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Main Item1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Main Item2</a></li> <li><a href="#">Main Item3</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">SubItem for MainItem3</a></li> <li><a href="#">2ndSub for MainItem3</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Main Item4</a> ...

jQuery slideDown with easing

How can use the slideDown() function with easing? Maybe extend it somehow? I'm looking for something like this: jQuery.fn.slideDown = function(speed, easing, callback) { return ... }; So i can use it slide this $('.class').slideDown('400','easeInQuad'); or this $('.class').slideDown('400','easeInQuad',function(){ //callback...

div will slideDown but it won't slideUp

Hello All, I am attempting to show and hide a series of divs using toggle, slideUp and slideDown. I am able to get the div to slideDown but I can't get it to slideUp. I've used this script without incident before so I'm really confused as to why this isn't working. I have included my script and the div I'm attempting to show and hide. Q...

Trying to toggle multiple DIV's with Jquery

Hello All, I have been trying to get this function to work for awhile now. I have 11 different divs that are hidden by default. Each have a "trigger" button that is supposed to get them to pop open. I was able to do this with a much longer series of functions for each specific div (which ended up being about 175 lines of code!). I wante...

Horizontal SlideUp SlideDown with Scriptaculous

Hello ! You may know the scriptaculous SlideUp effect. Well, It slides up a div vertically as a closing effect. I would like to make it work horizontal. There is an option for this : scaleX:true, scaleY:false But it doesn't work fine : the div jumps down before closing... Does anyone know how to use the slideUp effect for horizontal s...

How to show more list using jquery

I pull out messages and display with PHP/MySQL. Now I want to show only 10 lists. And I want to add button. When I click this button it slides down smoothly and shows another 10, total 20 messages. And if I click the button it again slide down and shows total 30 messages. Could anyone teache me how to do it with jquery please? Thank...

jquery issue, disable on mouseenter queue

When you mouseenter .li_group class it does a slide down effect on 1 single <li> tag, everything goes smoothly, but during the delay if you take your mouse off and on .li_group it "queues" the effect and slides the li down, delay, slides it down again etc etc... I have tried every way i can think of, even stop(); but it still does it... ...

Cancel all queued jQuery slideUp and slideDown animations

I have an interface that makes heavy use of the jQuery slideUp and slideDown effect to expand items in a tri-state kind of way. onmouseover: function() { this.find('.details', this).slideDown(); }, onmouseout: function() { this.find('.details', this).slideUp(); } However, when the user quickly moves the mouse over these interface ...

jQuery Smooth Sliding DIV Height

I have a Div that is 400px in height with the ID "content", I then do a slideToggle on the Div, load some data into the Div of a varying height e.g. 200px, and then do another slideToggle. What I get is the slide expanding to 400px, then jump back to 200px. And the same in reverse, expanding to 200px, then jump to 400px. This is my code...

SlideDown then call custom function

Hi, Having difficulty understanding why my function is being called twice. I'm trying to detect when a radio button is called (intRev_yes), check if a div is empty, slide down another div and then call a custome function which dynamically creates a date field. if("intRev_yes"){ if($('div#mainField').is(':empty')){ $('.intR...

jQuery click event to make a div slide down and push next div out of viewport

I'm trying to figure out how to make jQuery slide #content2 down and replace #content1 with it while making it look like #content1 is actually being pushed down by #content2 removing it from view... Then the same button that was clicked to make #content2 replace #content1 would also need to do the reverse effect by replacing #content2 w...

How to jQuery slidedown once page has already been loaded

I am having a timing issue when attempting to slide down my more info div. My desired functionality is that the div slidesdown from the top once the page has already been rendered. My problem is if I use $(document).ready().. the animation does not visibly occur. Here is my code: $(document).ready(function() { $(".MoreInf...

slideDown() makes everything in wrapper shift

Hello everyone, I am currently creating a simple menu where there are several names of services and a user can click on one and jQuery will show it's corresponding paragraph describing it below it. My jQuery code is fine and does exactly what I want, however, I have one bug I have yet to iron out. Whenever I click one of these headings ...

Trying to get simple jquery animations on a site I created in Dreamweaver

Hey guys, another question. I'm trying to do some basic jQuery stuff for my final project. I'll be using it to modify my already existing site created in Dreamweaver a few months ago. However, no matter how I source the framework, it just won't take regardless of whether I host my own copy or link to someone else's like Google's. I'm...

Trying to create a JQuery menu with a submenu that slides up on hover, and slides down when mouse exits

Hi, I've found someone with a tutorial showing what I'm essentially after, however, the demo is for a submenu that slides down instead of having the the submenu slide up above the menu item. Here is the link to the tutorial: Here is the jQuery script it uses: $(document).ready(function()...

JQUERY Prepending an LI to an UL with Animation

Hello, I have a UL and I'm working to dynamically add a new LI to the top of the UL with some animation. I have the following so far which works ok: $("#container").prepend('<li id="newhere"><input type="checkbox" /><span class="listTitle">Im new here</span><ul></ul></li>').hide().slideDown("slow"); #container is the UL The proble...

JQUERY, div with a fixed height (with a scrollbar) how to animate until it grows to no longer need a scroll bar?

JQUERY, div with a fixed height (with a scrollbar) how to animate until it grows to no longer need a scroll bar? I have a div on a page with a CSS height:200px setting, which makes the DIV have a vertical scroll bar, which allows the user to scroll through a bunch of text. I would like to animate the DIV to expand in height until all c...