
Are Traits good or bad?

This is an open-ended question, but I would like to solicit some opinions from the SO community on Traits; do you think Traits in Squeak/Pharo are a good thing, or should you stay away from them and use composition and delegation instead? I ask because while I know how to use them (thanks to the Pharo book), I am not really sure how acce...

How to actively change a label's string in visualworks smalltalk.

I am trying to dynamically change the value of a label in an ApplicationModel dynamically during the running of my program. I have tried: (self builder labelAt: #Label4) labelString: 'Dynamic text here'. But get a labelString not understood error. When I run: (self builder labelAt:#Label4) I get "UndefinedObject". Which obviously s...

Restrict querying for senders to a certain package

I know there's SOUL. But perhaps Pharo can do the following without any additional packages: How can I restrict searches for senders and implementers to a certain category? Like: I want to see all senders of compile: in OmniBrowser. More generally, how would you go and find the spot where compilation is invoked from OmniBrowser? (I roug...

SqueakSource add a resource file

I'm new to squeak/squeak source and i am writing a small game as a learning exercise. I have a few graphics that i am using for some of my sprites (mostly pngs) but i cannot figure out how to add them to my squeak source repository. Is there a way to do add these files to my project so my team doesn't have to keep emailing images to ea...

In Squeak, where do I find the code for the message handling algorithm?

When sending a message to an object in Squeak, the runtime invocation algorithm is something like curr <- the receiver's class Repeat while curr isn't nil Search for the selector in that class's methods; if it's there, invoke it and return curr <- curr's superclass Call doesNotUnderstand: on self Now, a very similar algorithm is us...

Best way to start with smalltalk in a windows environment (win 7)

I am a c# developer and most of my friends are much smarter than me, and they laugh at me and start to swear at me in smalltalk. I want to learn this so that I might better be insulted at their insults... and maybe learn a thing or two in the process. So, what is the best place to start with regard to smalltalk in a windows environment?...

Why is smalltalk not a functional programming language?

With the renewed interest in functional programming languages, I've seen some similitudes between Smalltalk and FPL, namely closures ( BlockClosures in Smalltalk ) Yet, Smalltalk is not a FPL? What would be needed to consider it as such? ...

Making an HTTP request in Pharo and getting the response headers

how can I make an HTTP request and get both the response content and the response headers? ...

What is a Smalltalk "image"?

What is a Smalltalk "image"? Is it like serializing a Smalltalk run-time? ...

string to integer in smalltalk

i want to convert the input value in "Prompter prompt: aStringPrompt" into a integer value, how can i do that? ...

Are there any commercial projects using Squeak Smalltalk that are not web based

Doing a Google search doesn't reveal much, the three of four links I found where dead. Maybe the stackoverflow community is in a better position to answer the question. Where are the none web based commercial Squeak Smalltalk projects? ...

Adding stuff to run on startup of Pharo Image

I'd like to add stuff to run at the beginning of a pharo image start-up. Nothing fancy just a call to a class method that is an entry point to my application. I can't find any guides to making smalltalk scripts at startup. Alternatively are there any method which you can add stuff to be done at image startup? ...

How is "self class" used? / How to query the Pharo image?

There are two main reasons for calling "self class": Either for doing user-space things such as invoking static methods, creating new objects or obtaining constants. Or for reflecting on one's self. I'd be curios to know how often each of them occurs. What's the best way to query the currently loaded Pharo code base? Are there built-in...

Smalltalk Variadic functions

Does Smalltalk(especially Squeak/Pharo) have some form of variadic functions? I was just reading about the power of designing your own control statments in smalltalk and while I'm a big fan of ifTrue: ifFalse: I was having a hard time coming up with a good way to implement arbitrary if,if else, if else,...,else statements thinking how u...

doesNotUnderstand for JavaScript?

Is there a way to simulate Smalltalk's doesNotUnderstand or Ruby's method_missing in Javascript? ...

Smalltalk blocks in Objective-c?

Does Objective-C support blocks "a la Smalltalk"? In Smalltalk, blocks are similar to "closures" or "lambda-expressions" or "nameless functions" found in other languages. ...

How to mark expected failures in SUnit?

How can I mark a unit test in SUnit (or phexample) as expected failures? ...

Constructing an Interpreter in Smalltalk

Hi guy, I need to build an interpreter in smalltalk language. It will interpret a simple language with few fixed instruction set, there are only 2 data types in it and it evaluates the expression in a postfix fashion. The language itself is interpreted line by line and interpreter will throw an error on encountering wrong instruction se...

How do I copy a stacktrace out of the debugger in Pharo?

How do I copy a stacktrace out of the debugger in Pharo? I know there's the Debug.log file somewhere near the image, but I'm far too lazy to navigate out of Pharo, to the file system, find the folder, and browse through a gigantic text file if there's a stack trace right in front of me. ...

Editor for an Interpreter in Smalltalk

How to put line numbers in a text editor widget in GUI present in Cincom Visual Works 7.7. This will used by the user to enter the sample instruction set line line by giving each line a number. ...