
Managing Wireless Network Connections with C# and the Compact Framework

The title kinda sums it up--I need to be able to pro grammatically connect to a known access point (the SSID and credentials will be loaded during device provisioning). I understand that both the Compact Framework SDK and the OpenNETCF SDK offer some helper methods, but I can't seem to find a good tutorial on how to use them. ...

Monitoring WLAN Radio Connection in Windows Mobile 6/C#

I am currently developing an app targeted for the HP IPAQ 210. Part of this app requires the WLAN radio to be enabled/powered on to connect to a pre-configured access point. I'm currently using the IPAQ SDK (via P/Invoke) to enable the WLAN radio, but I'm having trouble reliably determining when the radio has established a connection w...

OpenNetCF SDF vs .Net CF 3.5

Going through the documentation of the SDF, i found many classes like the BitmapEx class or the TextBox2 class. I could see their members, but i could not find any text that explained to me why i needed to use them instead of whats given in the .Net CF 3.5 So, what i am requesting is something [a document] or someone to explain how or w...

Converting OpenNetCF GetSignatureEx to Bitmap on Desktop

I have a SQLite database which is running on a handheld which is capturing signatures using OpenNetCF's Smart Device Framework 2.1 running under Windows Mobile 6.1. The signatures are captured from the Signature control using the GetSignatureEx method and stored in the database. What I want to do now is reconstitute the signatures on th...

OpenNetCF IPInterfaceProperties.DnsAddresses crashes

I am using OpenNetCF and I am getting a hard crash when try to access the DnsAddresses.Count property. Is anyone familiar with this problem or a workaround? Dim interfaces As NetworkInterface() = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces() For Each ni As NetworkInterface In interfaces Dim ipProps As IPInterfaceProperties = ni....

Smart Device Framework highlights?

Hi, I am thinking about introducing OpenNETCF's Smart Device Framework at my company, as I like the SafeHandle class. But I would like to know what else is good in it. Anyone found a good blogpost or something with the most useful classes and functions in OpenNETCF? ...

Animated Gif not displaying in webBrowser control

Hi all, I am trying to put an animated gif on my smart device. I am trying to do this using a webbrowser control. then on the form load i use the following code : String imgPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase.ToString()) + "\\PW.gif"; StringBuilder sb = new Strin...

How to Configure SQLCE connection on Smart Device Application using Emulator?

I created a simple test that opens a connection of sqlce located on my Desktop P.C. When i start Run the debug mode it throws me that it cant open the connection. I use Pocket P.C 2003 EMULATOR This is my Test Code on my Smart Device Application. Connection string private SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source=C:\\SDB...